Chapter 18 - Yibo's debate with his brother

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Chapter 18 - Yibo's debate with his brother

Just before lunch, Yibo woke up by himself. He felt refreshed after the few hours of sleep and ready to throw himself into the next adventure. He just didn't expect that the next adventure was already waiting for him. However, he got an idea when he left his room, went to the kitchen and saw his brother sitting next to Zhan.

Never knowing how to act towards his brother, Yibo took a seat on the vacant chair to Zhan's right and simply stared at the fruit basket on the table in front of him while remaining silent. He didn't dare look up to ask Zhan where their parents had actually gone, since he couldn't see or hear any of them.

"In case you are wondering where our parents are, they went to the hotel to look at their rooms and bring their luggage there." Said Zhan, guessing what Yibo wanted to know.

"Oh, okay. I see." Replied Yibo quietly without taking his eyes off the fruit basket.

"Tell me Yibo, why did you ignore your brother and not greet him?"

"I um, I don't know how to face him."


"Because we don't really know each other. And because I think he doesn't like me."

"Why don't you ask him what he thinks of you?"

"He's 17 years older than me! Why should I approach him when he obviously doesn't want that?" Yibo asked angrily.

"Are you angry now because I upset you with my questions? Or are you angry because you want to understand why your brother ignored you all your life?"

"The latter."

"Yibo, your brother is here now. Ask him why he was so rejecting toward you. Ask him all your questions."


"Trust me Yibo. He'll answer any question you have."

"And you think he'll really do that?"

"Yes. And so you two can talk in peace, I'm going to go out the front door and push away the fresh snow in front of our house."

"You're going to leave us alone?"

"You're not alone. I'll be outside the front door. Actually, the caretaker of the house should be pushing the snow away. But I guess he's not here. And I want to prevent anyone from falling and hurting themselves in front of our house. So don't worry, I'll be outside the door if anything happens." Said Zhan, got up from the chair, gave Yibo a kiss on the forehead and left the kitchen.

Yibo turned to his brother and said, "We don't need to talk. I'm going to my room until Zhan comes back in."

"No wait!" Haikuan replied, holding Yibo by the wrist. However, only lightly, so Yibo could have just left if he really wanted to.

"So? What do you have to tell me? Why did you first promise me over and over again to return to Beijing and be a brother to me, never keep it, and then eventually just avoid me? Why can't you stand me? What have I ever done to you?"

"Yibo, I will explain everything to you. But you should know first that I love you very much, even if I could never show it to you."

"Then explain it to me. Tell me why you never let me get close to you? Why you were never my big brother, but just a stranger who came to visit now and then!"

"I'll be completely honest with you."

"I hope so. So, go ahead. I'm listening."

"It all started with that day when our parents announced to me that Mom was pregnant. I was so happy for them and for me too. I knew that our parents always wanted to have a second child. And I wished for a sibling. But at the time, I had just turned 17 and wondered how I could still be a good big brother to you when I was moving out soon to go to college? Still, I was happy."

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