Chapter 13 - Someone asks Zhan for help

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Chapter 13 - Someone asks Zhan for help

Zhan and his employees handled the lunch rush as usual, and now they had some time to rest and relax during their one-hour lunch break. But for Zhan, the break was over after just ten minutes. Because someone came to the restaurant, knocked on the door and asked to talk to Zhan.

When Zhan looked to see who wanted to talk to him, he immediately recognized the man It was Yibo's brother Wang Haikuan. "Please, follow me." Said Zhan after a short greeting and went with him to his office. They sat down and after Sonya brought them a coffee, Zhan asked, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"First of all, thank you for taking time out of your break to talk to me. It is, as you can probably guess, about Yibo." Haikuan replied.

"That's what I thought. Now, were you going to explain why you weren't at our housewarming party for our new appartment on Saturday and want me to explain it to Yibo?"

"No, not really. I wasn't there because I was in Chicago due to problems at the company."

"I see. So what is it about then?"

"I wanted to ask for your help. I'm moving back to Beijing in two months and I'd like to start a serious relationship with my little brother. But after promising him so many times to come back and be his big brother, I'm sure he doesn't believe me now. Rightly so, of course. But I have tried again and again to approach him. But without success. He doesn't talk to me. He never calls me or answers the phone when I call him. He ignores my messages. I wasn't even invited to his wedding."

"Mhhh, why did you always promise him that you would come back and be a big brother to him finally and then not keep it?"

"I submitted many requests to my CEO to transfer me to Beijing. But all the requests were rejected. I was told over and over again that they needed me in the Chicago company because of the business relationships with China and Taiwan. I really wanted to come back. But not as an unemployed man."

"I see. And is that how you explained it to Yibo?"

"He was too young then to understand. And as he got older, he didn't listen to me at all and just kept saying, 'Yes, yes.' You and his promises. You and your promises are as reliable as a pig can fly." Since then I have not dared to promise him anything. All I ever said was that I would soon keep my responsibility as a brother."

"That's just like a promise. You know Haikuan, Yibo is 26 years old now. So you didn't have time to be his brother for 26 years? Why, if things didn't work out with the move, didn't you call him all the time? Why no video chats? Why didn't you have him over during the vacations? It's hard for me to understand. And I wonder if Yibo was really important to you? Please be honest with me, okay? What we talk about here stays between us."

"You want me to be honest? Okay, I'm being honest. When my parents told me that mom was pregnant, I was really excited to have a little sibling. But then as the pregnancy progressed, I saw how bad my mom was. She was in a lot of pain all the time. She suffered from heartburn so bad that she hardly ate and became thinner and weaker. Then it was said that the baby might be born handicapped. And that was only the first 5 months of pregnancy. Then it went on. She could hardly move because of pain and was almost only crying in bed. But she wasn't crying because of the pain, she was crying because she was afraid for her unborn baby because her doctor advised her to end the pregnancy. She wanted this baby so much that she would rather have died than lose the baby. I was 17 years old and I had never been so scared in my life as I was during that time. I feared every day that my mother would die! I began to hate the baby for making my mom suffer so much. I hated it because my mom loved the baby so much that she was willing to die just so he could live."

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