Chapter 12 - What Yibo found out about Zhan...

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Chapter 12 - What Yibo found out about Zhan...

After the relaxing Sunday, Monday came and that meant for Yibo and Zhan to go back to work. They ate the breakfast Zhan prepared in the morning and then left together in Yibo's car to go to work. This time, Yibo dropped Zhan off at his restaurant and then drove to his mini market.

For Yibo, the morning began quite stressful. Because the ordered goods arrived and at the same time customers were already waiting to buy fresh coffee and buns for the way to work. And that morning, of all mornings, Yibo was alone, as one of his two employees called in sick.

Desperate, he thought about what to do. Unable to think of anything else, he called Zhan and lamented, "I'm about to go crazy here. I don't know what to do first. My ordered goods are being brought to me right now and my customers are waiting too. Amy called in sick. She's in the hospital."

"I'll be right with you." Replied Zhan and ended the call. Not even two minutes later, Zhan and two of his employees came running into the mini market. Zhan sent his employees behind the counter and said, "Okay girls, you cover the buns and make the coffee quickly." Then he turned to Yibo, "Go and check your goods." And finally, he said to the customers, "Please get in line, it will start right away. You will all be served. And as an apology, you'll get your coffee for free today." With that, the situation was settled and quickly everyone calmed down.

Zhan helped Yibo to receive the goods and everything went faster. Fifteen minutes later, calm returned. The customers left the mini market satisfied, Yibo had his goods and could start unpacking them and Zhan could go back to his restaurant with his two employees. "Thank you very much for your help." Yibo thanked the two young women several times. They just smiled and waved off while saying they were happy to help.

Before Zhan left he said to Yibo, "Contact me anytime if you need help. I'll send Lili over again later with your lunch. If you need her help, keep her with you. I'll clear it with her."

"I don't know how to thank you Zhan. You just saved me, and if Lili could give me a hand at lunchtime, that would be very helpful. Many of my customers come here at lunchtime to buy a coffee and a snack."

"Don't worry, Lili will help you. She's very competent. As long as Amy isn't here, you might want to hire another temp."

"Amy said she'll call me as soon as she knows how long she has to stay in the hospital and roughly when she can come back to work."

"Okay, let me know when she calls. I have a list of good temps."

"All right. Thanks."

"No problem. I'll be going now. See you later."

"Yeah, see you later." Yibo called after Zhan, who was already walking out the door. After the stress, Yibo first had a coffee and then started unpacking the goods and putting them on the shelves. As soon as he finished, Amy called him to tell him that she had fallen Sunday night while walking with her boyfriend and broke her wrist trying to cushion her fall. Since it was an open fracture, she had to have surgery and will now be out for at least 6 weeks.

Yibo called Zhan after the phone call with Amy and informed him. Zhan told him he would give the list of temps to Lili when she brings his lunch. Yibo was relieved because he didn't have time to call agencies and interview temps or have to train them first.

In a quiet moment when there were no customers in the store, Yibo thought about how much he already owes Zhan and how well he's been doing since Zhan came to his side. And he thought to himself that he doesn't always want to just take, but also give. Therefore, he thought about what he could do for Zhan to thank him.

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