Chapter 17 - The first time

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Chapter 17 - The first time

The night ended abruptly just before 8 o'clock in the morning when the front doorbell rang and there was a knock. Yibo and Zhan, who were still cuddled together on the sofa, were so startled by the ringing and knocking that they almost fell off the sofa. Zhan just barely managed to grab Yibo to keep him from falling.

Yibo clung to Zhan. "My goodness, that almost went wrong." Said Yibo with his heart pounding violently in shock.

"We should go see who's ringing the bell and knocking so early in the morning." Replied Zhan, without letting go of Yibo.

"Well, I would go and see. But then you'd have to let go of me first."

"Yeah okay. But first, something important."

"Like what?"

"Well this." Said Zhan, grabbing Yibo's face with both hands and kissing him. "Thank you for last night. It was beautiful."

Yibo's face was bright red and he smiled shyly. "Yeah, it was great. Every second of it."

"Then I can hope it wasn't just a one-time thing?"

Yibo nodded. "I also wish it wasn't a one-time thing. But now we should go to the door and see who's bothering us." Said Yibo, gave Zhan a kiss and got up from the sofa. He helped Zhan stand up and they walked to the apartment door together.

Zhan opened the apartment door and was stunned to see with Yibo who was visiting them so early in the morning. It was their parents, standing there with their hands full and wide smiles. "What are you doing here?" Zhan asked in amazement.

"Yeah, what are you guys doing here? Mom, Dad, we were supposed to come to your house today." Said Yibo.

"We've been in contact with each other since your housewarming party and decided to surprise you today. We all want to celebrate Christmas together with you." Explained Yibo's mom.

Zhan's mom agreed. "That's true. We all want to spend Christmas together. So we would be happy if you agree and let us into your appartment."

"Um yeah sure, come on in." Said Zhan and stepped aside. Yibo stood next to Zhan and Zhan automatically put his arm around Yibo's waist. This did not go unnoticed by their parents. And neither did the rings they were wearing stay hidden.

When their parents were in the appartment and had put down their bags, they hugged Zhan and Yibo in greeting. And it was Yibo's dad who first asked, "Do your rings mean that things have gotten more serious between you? If so, that would be the best Christmas present for us."

Yibo looked at Zhan questioningly, when Zhan nodded at him, Yibo said, "We're just getting closer."

"What Yibo means to say is that our marriage is no longer just on paper for us. However, it would be nice if you don't ask us about it for now. Because we are still at the very beginning and have to find out for ourselves where the road will lead us. So please wait patiently until we tell you more on our own." Asked Zhan.

"We'll give you all the time you need. Don't worry about anything. We won't interfere." Said Zhan's mom and kissed Zhan on the cheek. "I'm happy for you both." She whispered to him.

"So I'd say we parents prepare breakfast for all of us and you two go wash yourselves and get dressed." Suggested Zhan's dad. The other parents agreed. Zhan and Yibo got a change of clothes and went to the bathroom together to wash themselves.

When Zhan and Yibo were in the bathroom, Yibo took off his top and stood right in front of Zhan to see his reaction. And when Zhan just grabbed him, pulled him into his arms and kissed him, Yibo had to try hard not to laugh out loud because he was so happy at that moment. Because Zhan did exactly what Yibo had secretly wished for. After all, for Yibo, this was proof that Zhan was really attracted to him.

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