Chapter 24 - Accidentally Married but Overjoyed (Last Chapter)

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Yibo sat smiling happily in the pavilion of the house's communal garden and watched Zhan and A-Yuan. The two of them were sitting in the sandpit of the small playground, building sandcastles and sand figures and having a lot of fun. Every now and then they looked over at Yibo, waved at him and then turned back to their game.

Yibo opened his laptop and started writing an e-mail to his uncle, with whom he has been in contact again for a year and has been writing to him regularly ever since.

>> Dear uncle, I'm writing to you again today. I have decided to write you a summary of my life. There's still a lot you don't know. And to be honest, I have no idea what else I could write to you today.

I live a life that I can describe without any doubt as perfect. A few former classmates I met at a recent reunion might disagree with me, because they believe that there is no such thing as a perfect life. But I would still insist that my life is perfect! Simply because it is perfect. I have the perfect husband. And I have a perfect son. I am very happy. Even after almost six years of being in a relationship, or rather marriage, with Zhan, I am still very much in love with him and he with me. I have my mini market and I love my work. Our families are doing very well. I have great friends who I see often. What am I actually writing here? My life is perfect and that's it!

Sometimes I think about writing a thank you letter to the registrar. After all, I have him to thank for the fact that I can now lead this life. If he hadn't been drunk back then when he registered my and Lara's marriage and made the mistake of registering my marriage to Zhan, I wouldn't be living this life today. However, I heard that the registrar no longer works there. So I wouldn't know where to send the letter.

Maybe I could ask the judge? After all, she has enough power and contacts to be able to find out where this registrar is and how I can contact him. But I think that would be going too far. And the judge probably wouldn't approve either. I don't even know why I still call her a judge. We've been good friends with her, her wife and her daughter ever since. We probably meet up once a month and do something together. Last month, for example, we went to an escape room. Unfortunately, we didn't manage to free ourselves in the prescribed time. But it was definitely fun.

My brother, with whom I've had a fantastic relationship since we started talking, looked after A-Yuan that evening. He lives with Meng Yao, his boyfriend, in the apartment above us in the house. The two of them recently decided that they wanted to get married in America. They can't officially register the marriage here, but I don't think that both of them mind. They want Zhan and I to be their witnesses because Zhan brought them together and I'm his little brother. A-Kuan said that he couldn't think of a better best man than me.

Seungyoun married his Wooseok a year ago. They were in Paris and did it spontaneously. Two Frenchmen they met in a restaurant the night before were their best men. Shortly after their marriage, they moved to Seoul because Youn was offered a well-paid job there and Wooseok wanted to live closer to his family anyway. However, they are still here in Beijing at least twice a month and always come to visit us.

We haven't heard from Lara since she left A-Yuan to us. She actually wanted to check in regularly to see how A-Yuan was doing. After all, she is his mother and we offered her the chance to keep in touch with him if she wanted to. She said she would get in touch, but nothing has come from her since then. She has even broken off contact with her parents. The last information they received was that Lara had moved abroad after finding a job there. But where exactly she moved to, in other words which country, they don't know.

Eva, who should have been Zhan's wife if the registrar hadn't been drunk, is living here in the street with her own little family for two years now. She is married and recently had her second child. She now has a son and a daughter. Her son is often with us and plays with A-Yuan. They are good friends and even go to the same class at pre-school.

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