Chapter 15 - The Alpaca Drama

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Chapter 15 - The Alpaca Drama

It was the day before Christmas Eve. The day before Yibo would close his mini market for three days, for Christmas Eve and the Christmas holidays. Just as Zhan's restaurant would also be closed. It was a day that could not have been more chaotic. A day that Yibo and Zhan would probably never forget.

In the morning, when Yibo entered his mini market and his new temporary help had gone through the night's earnings with him, Yibo took care of fresh coffee as usual, prepared fresh buns and checked the shelves to see which goods he had to reorder. And as every morning, many residents of the neighborhood came to his store to buy a fresh coffee and a sandwich from him on their way to work.

When the first rush of customers had passed, Yibo swept and mopped the floor of his mini market. He taped the large piece of paper with information about the day's specials to his store window. Sprinkled salt and sand in front of his store so his customers wouldn't slip in the slippery conditions and began dusting when his door opened and suddenly an alpaca stood in front of him.

Confused, Yibo stared at the animal. He looked around in all directions for the owner. But there was no one to be seen. Carefully he approached the alpaca and slowly stroked its light brown fur, trying to get at the red collar it wore around its neck. He hoped to find a name, address or phone number on it. But it was just a red soft collar.

Yibo had no idea what to do. He would be able to deal with problematic customers. But with an alpaca? Rather not. In his distress, he did what he had always done lately when he was at a loss. He called Zhan! "Hi Yibo, what's up?" Asked Zhan as he answered the call.

"I have a really weird problem Zhan." Replied Yibo without taking his eyes off the alpaca.

"What kind of strange problem?"

"There's an alpaca here in my store!"

"Please what is standing there?"

"A real, living alpaca!"

"You're kidding, right?"

"No, not at all. Please come over here and help me."

"I have to work Yibo..."

"Zhan! I'm really serious about this. I don't care how you do it. But please come here! I need you here now."

"Alright. I'll call Yu Bin and then I'll come."

"Yes. And please hurry."

"I will." Replied Zhan, ending the conversation.

Yibo didn't move an inch until Zhan finally entered the store after 10 minutes that seemed like an eternity to Yibo. Zhan stopped abruptly when he saw the alpaca. "See? I told you it wasn't a joke!" Said Yibo, trying to look angry.

"If this is an attempt to look angry, then you have failed. You just look cute right now."

"Hahaha. Do something please!"

"What do you want me to do? I don't know anything about alpacas."

"Neither do I. Did you maybe see someone outside who might own the animal?"

"No, I didn't see anyone. I mean, the street was empty of people."

"Oh that's just great. Now what?"

"Do we call 911? Or the zoo?"

"I'll call 911." Said Yibo. He dialed 911, explained his problem on the phone, and was told that they couldn't help him unless he was in danger of death or injury. He then called the zoo, but they couldn't help Yibo either. Their alpacas were all complete. "And now? Shall we put the animal on a leash and go outside to find the owner?" Yibo wanted to know from Zhan.

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