Chapter 10 - Housewarming party

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Chapter 10 - Housewarming party

Two days have passed since they bought their new appartment. Two days in which they worked a lot, cleaned the old appartment and already sold the first furniture. That Saturday morning, many people came to the old appartment and by noon, all the furniture and the kitchen were sold. In the end, Zhan and Yibo only needed to sweep and mop everything once more. And at the end they cleared out the basement room. Now the old appartment is ready to be handed over.

In the late afternoon, Zhan and Yibo came home. They had shopped on the way and prepare some delicious snacks together for the evening. In addition to their parents, a few friends would be coming to the housewarming party at their new appartment. However, they did not reveal to any of the invited guests why they should come to a different address. They would not reveal this to them until they were all there.

When the first guests arrived, in this case Yibo's parents, their excitement rose. Yibo's parents entered the appartment and looked around in amazement. Having never seen Zhan's old apartment, but knowing that he only had a 2 room apartment, they were naturally curious to know who owned this nice big apartment. But they still had to be patient.

Zhan's parents arrived at the appartment next. They greeted Zhan and Yibo with a heartfelt hug. Zhan's mom literally cuddled Yibo. "Oh my dear pretty son-in-law, I'm so happy to see you again." She said and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

Yibo's parents noticed this, of course. Curious, Yibo's mom asked, "It looks like you like our son?"

"Like him? No, we love him. He's such a wonderful young man. Smart, humble, hardworking and absolutely sweet." Said Zhan's mom.

"So it doesn't bother you guys that they are married and have to live as a married couple? And you wouldn't mind if they stayed married either?" Yibo's dad wanted to know. Yibo immediately began to feel uncomfortable again.

Zhan's dad put an arm around Yibo's shoulder and smiled at Yibo. "Yibo is welcome to stay. Whether as our son's friend, or as our son-in-law. We accept what they want. But I think we should stay out of it completely. And I don't want them to feel pressured either. They shouldn't have to do anything they don't want to do. Because the most important thing is that they're happy."

"That's true. Our sons are grown smart men who can make their own decisions about their lives." Added Zhan's mom.

"I think I know what you're getting at, and I think it's time we explain something about that. It's true, we've always pressured Yibo about getting married. But we never meant any harm. You see, our Yibo is a latecomer. He is 17 years younger than his brother. After my husband and I tried for a long time to have one more baby and it didn't work out, we gave up on it. And suddenly, 10 years later, I was pregnant with Yibo. I was already 42 years old and it was a risky pregnancy. The pregnancy was very hard for me. The doctors said that there was an 80% possibility that he would be born handicapped. But we really wanted to have this baby. And when Yibo was born, we couldn't believe our luck because he was healthy through and through. He was our little miracle. The years went by quickly and he grew into a fine, smart young man. And my husband and I had just one wish for him. All we wished was that one day he would have a marriage as happy as ours. We wanted at least one of our sons to get married. Because our oldest son outed himself at the age of 16. At that time, marriages of same-sex couples were not possible. And when it was possible, he was making a career in the company and didn't have a partner. I don't know either. We were afraid we would not live long enough to see our sons get married. I am already 68 years old and my husband is 70 years old. No one knows how long we will live." Said Yibo's mom with an apologetic look to Yibo.

"I now understand the reason why you guys pushed Yibo into marriage like that. But marriage also involves love. And you can't and shouldn't force either. Everyone has his own pace. So give Yibo the time he needs. Besides, you are still very fit for your age and you are healthy. Just remember what is really important. And that is that your son is happy." Said Zhan's dad.

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