Chapter Fifteen

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:At Koga's cabin:

Blue decided that she'd leave the cabin in the end and so she started to grab her things that she bought once she was packed she decided not to waste time, her grandparents would be back here at dark for sure.

So she looked around the cabin once more with a frown and her future past her by "I would've stayed here I would've lived here to help Alyssa or Koga maybe both of them but now I mustn't I don't want to get caught again" Blue thought.

Blue then took a deep breath and started to go out the door when she was met at the door by Cassie, Cassie frowned as she saw Blue was packed up for something "hey what's going on?" Cassie asked.

Blue started to tear up and Cassie froze "what? What's wrong?" Cassie asked as she gently pushed Blue backwards Cassie and Blue were in the living room when Blue couldn't hold it in anymore.

Blue started to cry "its-its my grandparents they found me-I ah I must leave so they don't find me here" Blue muttered and Cassie nodded "yeah they were here before but we said you weren't here" Cassie replied.

Blue's jaw dropped "if you guys did that then I don't know why they came back maybe they didn't believe it" Blue said and Cassie shrugged, "you don't have to leave here we'll protect you and help you" Cassie told her and she teared up more.

"You think you can? I sure hope they'll let me stay here I like it here" Blue commented and Cassie nodded "yes it is nice here isn't it?" Cassie had to admit as she looked around the place herself, Cassie then reached for Blue's bags.

Blue stepped back "it's alright I'll go put them away but please please! Help I don't want to leave here but if you can't I'll have no choice but to leave as I don't want to go back there, it was horible" Blue told her.

Cassie nodded "I understand we won't let you go anywhere you don't want to go" Cassie told her and went to sit on the couch, "well? Go put your stuff away I'll wait for ya here" she told her "oh? Why? Are we going somewhere?" she asked her.

:Kagome's house:

Alyssa bowed her head "thank you so much again for your help Kagome and please tell the good dr thanks again as well" Alyssa told her and Kagome nodded, "are you on your way now?" Kagome asked and Alyssa nodded.

"I should be on my way yes Koga's waiting for us back at the car so I hear from Tory" Alyssa told her and Kagome nodded, "oh yes of course well I was hoping to visit some more but maybe another time on better terms" Kagome said.

Alyssa nodded and started to get up out of the bed Tory was there in the next instents to help her Tory bowed her head towards Kagome then pulled Alyssa outta bed and help her hobble towards the door, "we'll be back to help you" Tory commented.

"Oh right I've forgotten already please come back in two days so we can discuse what's will happen" Kagome asked and Tory nodded, Alyssa stared around as she stopped in the middle of the room, "what's wrong? What happened to you?" Tory asked.

Kagome came over and stared into Aylssa's eyes "get her out of here and fast I think her body wants to turn and her human form is telling it not to as she's in a building" Kagome told her Tory nodded and started to run as with Alyssa dragging beside her.

Once outside Tory rushed towards the woods and sat her down "alright Alyssa go ahead your now out in the open you can wolf out if you need to" Tory told her and Alyssa nodded without a word, so Tory and Alyssa waited to see what will happen next.

Once they knew she wasn't going to turn Tory grabbed her and half dragged her towards the car "I'm sorry if this hurts Alyssa but we need to get back to Koga, Koga wants to see you" Tory said and Alyssa nodded.

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