Chapter Twenty Eight

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Tom nodded slowly "there goes my house then" Tom told Alyssa, Alyssa frowned "for this I am sorry but it's the way it is" Alyssa commented, at the same time Kagome jumped into the air ready to pounce onto Bella.

Bella sidestepped with a grin "did you think that'd really work on me? I've been fighting probably longer than you have, child" Bella told her, Kagome got angry at being called a child and she launched at Bella.

Bella wasn't ready for Kagome this time and fell to the ground while Kagome stayed on top "take that back! Take what you called me back" Kagome said through her teeth, Bella just smiled up at her "no way since it's true" Bella replied.

Alyssa and Tom sighed "this fight is going to take to long why don't we leave them to it?" Tom suggested and Alyssa had to agree "you might have a point but that doesn't mean we're going to give in" she told him, Tom nodded.

:A few hours later:

The house was in shreds and the living room was a mess. Tom sighed while shaking his head "I should've known this would happen since you've warned me my poor place" Tom commented Alyssa nodded "I do have to agree with you again" Alyssa replied.

Kagome and Bella were panting while trying to catch their breaths "your good at fighting after all" Bella commented and Kagome had to smile "told ya" she panted just then there was another crash.

Bella turned around quickly and saw Koga coming at her head strong ready to bash her but Bella moved away just in time and Koga had to skid to a stop, he then whipped around and rushed towards Bella again.

Tory and Blue came rushing behind and saw that Alyssa was alright.....for now so they took a breath and watched as Koga tried to get to Bella Tory shook her head, "it's Tom you want Koga not Bella" Tory said but noticed Tom was just standing there.

Blue went up to Tom and stared him down "who is the mastermind really here? You? Or her?" she asked him and Alyssa took a step forward "it's Bella I think she's the one with powers' ' Alyssa told her and Blue nodded.

After a few minutes Koga was tired out so he stopped trying to catch up with Bella and just kept her in his sights "let me ask you guys something ... .why do you want me so badly? Why do you want revenge?" Koga asked but they both just stared at him.

Finally Tom took a step forwards "cause we hated it in there cause I couldn't stand being locked up I get that we are bad and do bad things but we never deserved being locked up like that ... .it killed my beloved or so I heard" Tom explained.

Alyssa frowned "we did? Really? That can't be right we're not that curl it must've been super bad for us to have done that" Alyssa told him and Tom nodded, "we killed someone from Koga's clan. It was also revenge" Tom answered.

Koga looked over to Tom and nodded "yes I think I remember that day how can I forget it" Koga said and Tom's eyes widened "you remember? But we erased your memories along with Alyssa's or we put a spell on you both anyways" Tom said.

Koga nodded "I remember you tried to do that to me but it kind of didn't work on me but it certainly worked on Alyssa" Koga replied as he looked to Alyssa for the first time, "it's good to see your okay Alyssa" Koga said he then looked to Bella again.

"Ready to continue this fight?" she asked him but Tom shook his head "no more Bella no more we're outnumbered we must let them go" Tom told her but Bella crossed her arms, "I'm not giving them up not quite yet" told him.

Tom sighed and shook his head "must be your powers that are talking not the real you as you don't usually like to fight this bad" Tom explained, Alyssa took a step forward "why don't I take her on" Alyssa said.

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