Ch. 27-Purple

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Thalia’s POV

  “Let me in,” Caleb says while banging on the door. I open my eyes quickly and panic. Oh shoot.

  “Hold on I’m not dressed!” I lie. I really shouldn’t be this good at lying on the spot. What’s really going on is that I was experimenting with magic and now the room is complete chaos. Books are everywhere, plants are climbing the walls, the air is swirling around me, and to be honest I’m not sure how any of this happened.

   One minute I was thinking about how I was going to kill Caleb. I had the idea of giving him food poisoning, but that would mean mess for me to clean. The next minute vines were wrapped around my wrists and legs while holding me to the wall. I shrieked when a thorn stuck me, but that was the slap to the face I needed. 

  “Stop growing,” I groan as the vines do the opposite of what I say. This room is going to turn into a jungle. The weirdest things about all these plants are that they don’t belong together!

    There is a small apple tree near the bathroom, roses growing near the window, a cactus near the front door, and a grape vine on the wall. Everything is all wrong here! It’s like a nightmare and Caleb is just making everything worse by banging on the door. My plants do not like the vibrations.

  “Is everything alright?” Caleb asks. I think my scream made him come up here.

  “Yeah everything’s….dandy,” I say while trying to fight off a few weeds. Why won’t they just die? I’m about to give up all hope until I remember the Professor’s words. Earth doesn’t die. It’s reborn. I hold out my hand and close my eyes. This should work.

  “Thalia I’m about to come in there! Open the door,” Caleb demands. Oh no he’s really angry. I have to hurry. I take a deep breath and think of one beautiful flower. It has five petals and it’s a rich shade of purple. The flower is in full bloom and has a sweet, almost like fresh caramel smell.

  “Two!” I faintly hear Caleb exclaim before I open my eyes. The door is kicked down and I gasp. Oh crap.

  “Caleb let me-,” I begin to say until I look around. The room looks….like a room. What happened to all the plants?

  “What are you holding,” Caleb asks while looking into my hand. I look down and see the flower I imagined. I can’t believe this actually worked! I bring it to my nose and it smells just like I thought. The purple shade is exactly how I imagined it, but I don’t know what kind of flower this is. I feel like all the years of my mom teaching me about plants have gone down the drain.

  “La fleur de Caleb,” I reply. While I was in here by myself, I noticed that Caleb had French books lines up against the wall. I think I signed up to take that class with him.

  “Just because I agreed to take you shopping in the French Quarter does not mean that you have to learn French. Why were you screaming?” Caleb asks. No time like the present to think fast on my feet. I do that oh so well.

  “I….was surprised that I could do this. It was pretty exciting,” I say smoothly. Caleb has an eyebrow raised and I know that his inner wolf doesn’t believe me. What can I really do? If he didn’t have an inner wolf, Caleb would believe that lie like butter goes on toast.

  “Is Zeke still here?” I ask.

   Caleb shakes his head no before saying, “He just left. The game was terrible. Our team was losing by a land slide so what was the point of watching it anymore?” I just nod and walk past Caleb. I should put this in water and see how long it will last.

   When I look back I notice that Caleb is following me. Why? Does he wants something? That can’t be. He’s the one who pushed me off of him when we were about to have sex. Maybe Caleb wants to apologize. Maybe he wants to make it up to me. Maybe I should stop thinking like an idiot and be emotionless to Caleb. It’s what he deserves.

Promises from a Forswearer. The Hemerwig Series.Where stories live. Discover now