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West London, 1013

"We rest here men" Askeladd boomed. A sigh of collective relief was sighed amongst the many men.
"About time my horse is about to fall asleep." I groaned
Thorfinn and I jumped down and headed towards Askeladd.
"Uncle, where are we resting tonight?" I asked yawning
"There" he pointed towards the stables. "There's mounds of hay in the stables and it's empty, you two can sleep there until morning." "Alright" I replied grabbing blankets and tossing them to Thorfinn, a bit taken aback that he would let me sleep in a place without him, let alone with another man. He's usually so protective it's annoying.
"(Y/N) I need to talk to you for a moment alone."
"Oh okay." I said waiting for Thorfinn to take his leave. Once he did Askeladd turned and looked at me stern.
"I saw you and Thorfinn on your horse today."
I rolled my eyes already knowing what this conversation what entail "He was hurt uncle I couldn't leave him to walk he would surely die."
"I don't care that you helped someone, I care that it's him. You need to be careful around him that boy is violent and I've seen the way he looks at you. I've gotten it into the rest of my men's thick skulls that you're not to be messed with but that boy won't listen to any instructions and even if I did tell him he'd probably pursue you harder just to spite me." He said looking me right in the eyes
"What do you mean the way he looks at me? He calls me a swine half the time. I promise you have nothing to worry about and if anything happens I can handle my own, you know that" I replied.
"What men say with their lips and what men say with their eyes is often different (Y/N). Now go rest." He pulled me into a hug.
I headed down to the stables and could see my breath in the air. Curse England for being this cold. Not that my home country was much warmer, but at least it was home.

I opened the stable doors as they creaked. The only light being the moon and my small lantern. "Thorfinn" I called out. No response. "Thorfinn?" I said a little louder.
"I'm here stop your whining." He said rubbing his temple walking in from the back.
"Oh I'm sorry, where'd you come from?"
"Grabbing food, heres an apple if you're hungry." He said tossing it to me
I remembered Askeladd and I's conversation. A blush washed over my face.
"Thank you"
"Thank you for earlier." He grumbled out almost so quietly I couldn't hear it. "Your blankets are right there" he said a bit louder pointing to the hay stack beside his. There were many haystacks in this stable but he put mine right beside his. I quickly dismissed it with the thought that it probably safer for us to sleep closer together than far apart.

Getting ready for bed I took off a layer of clothes and took my hair down from its ponytail (if you have longish hair). I felt Thorfinns gaze on me the entire time. I guess he does have a staring problem.
"Goodnight" I said laying down after blowing my light out.
"Night" I hear him mutter out.
I turn over trying to sleep over the sounds of drunk vikings but couldn't.
"Damn idiots" I mutter out
"I know " Thorfinn said, I turned over and he was looking at the stars.
"I thought you were asleep, you especially should because of your injuries"
"Shush swine blood. I don't ask you for medical advice."
"You should. I was training to be a doctor back in Wales."
"You're Welsh?" He said shocked
"You don't listen a lot do you huh? I was born and raised there until my father died." I replied with a yawn
"So why'd you come here."
"My dad was a farmer and owned a lot of land, once he died last year I was going to be married off to a man in his 50s who wanted my fathers land. My dad had refused the marriage at least twenty times but when he passed it was going to be forced on me so I ran. Askeladd found me near Bath when I was starving to death and took me in and because of my medical training and how many languages I can speak he decided to keep me on the battle field. Plus I much prefer traveling and seeing new things being stuck in the house."
"But don't you have any family left you could go to."
"My mother died giving birth to me and my father was 20 years older than her. All of his relatives died long ago. Askeladd is my moms only full brother and I'm sure the other half siblings don't know that I even exist. Askeladd is all I have."
"Oh" he said now understanding my cold looks towards him in the past.
"Yeah but it's alright I'm safe now and that's really all that matters to me. Where are you from?"
"Wow you're from far away. Don't people still believe in Norse gods there." I said looking up at the stars
"You don't?"
"I was raised Christian. My uncle likes to make fun of me for it but my dad was devote. I don't know what I believe in yet but I'm certain that in the end it doesn't matter anyways. People use whatever they believe in as an excuse to do terrible things, so what's so great about believing in a god."
I turned over to look at him but found him already staring back at me.
"Oh sorry did that upset you." I said blushing again
"No I've just never heard anyone talk about it like that."
"Oh well I'm sorry for keeping you up. It must be late now."
I rolled over determined to actually fall asleep this time and suppress whatever type of feeling this was that was causing my heart to beat this fast. I eventually gave into sleep.

Later that night I woke up to Thorfinn rustling around and breathing heavy. I looked up to see him holding his head in his hands.
"Are you okay?" I said a bit concerned and groggy I started to get up before he motioned for me to lay down again.
"Yeah just a dream." He said quickly trying to change the subject. "Go back to sleep I'm going on a walk." He tossed his blanket over me leaving me even more warm than before. In the distance I could hear him and Askeladd talking and I couldn't help but eavesdrop. 
"You're certainly up early Thorfinn (Y/N)'s snoring get too much for you?" Askeladd said laughing
"Don't talk to me like I'm one of you. You may think you're smart manipulating me and I'll let you keep thinking that way but in the end it'll be me who slits your throat."
"Very scary" Askeladd said "you especially looked terrifying holding onto my nieces waist today like a little girl."
"Shut up that woman is as evil as you are." Thorfinn spit back
"You're wrong on that one and you know it. She's kind and not as near as sly. She couldn't hurt a human if she tried. Plus she lacks my sense of direction." A smirk appeared on his face
"She still shares your blood. She's as good as evil."
"You don't really think that though do you? You're not that hard to read. I see the way you look at her."
Thorfinn was unable to say anything comprehensible back just muttered a quiet "fuck you"
"You touch her and I'll chop your fingers off. She's fit for a man with a better lifestyle and you know that by taking one glance at her. Someone far away from Viking business. Look but don't you dare touch. Got that?"
"Okay" Thorfinn muttered back.
"Walk with me Thorfinn" Askeladd said. I watched as they walked off into the distance with my hands covering my mouth. Slowly walking back to the stables before falling asleep again.

"Wake up (Y/N)" Askeladd boomed
"Shut up I hardly slept." I said covering my ears
"Well get your ass in gear , we're marching." He said moving my blanket and shaking me
"Uncle Bath is only a seven hour march away you can let me sleep another hour"
"We're not going to Bath (Y/N)" he said decisively
"What? Where are we going then?"
"West, we're saving Prince Canute of Denmark and going to war against Thorkell, get to your horse."

A/N part 2 yay! I hope you all are okay with the conversation with religion in this part. I was hesitant to include as I don't want to offend anyone but if you read or watch Vinland saga you know there is a running theme about Pagan/Norse beliefs and Christianity and I felt it would be a disservice to not include it. Also it is is 3am as of publishing this chapter so if there's any grammar errors I'll more than likely go back and correct them <3 thanks again part 3 soon

Weak (Canute x Femreader x Thorfinn)Where stories live. Discover now