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I sat there for a second on the ground. Processing what had just happened. He must been watching us the whole time. Why was he so mad anyways? He always treated me like shit. I picked myself up off the ground when I was sure Thorfinn had walked far off. Stumbling, I walked back to the tent, at least happy to have my cross back.
When I got back in Canute sat up and looked at me with wide eyes as I took my jacket off.
"Your face. What happened?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're bleeding, come here."
I reached up and touched my forehead where Thorfinn had thrown my cross at me. He was right. I was bleeding.
I moved to sit on his bed.  He was so close. He used his sleeve to wipe the blood off my head.
"Wait don't use your sleeve. It'll get dirty."
"The last thing I'm worried about is my sleeve. W-what happened?" Worry in his eyes
"Oh." I couldn't tell him what actually happened. "I fell, but I found what I was looking for." I said sighing
He looked at me closer.
"What actually happened?"
I never have been a good liar.
"Thorfinn pushed me. But it's fine don't worry and please don't tell anyone."
Silence filled the room. He soon broke it.
"Are you two dating?"
"What?!?" Shocked that he would even ask. "No of course not. I don't know what got into him."
"I saw him looking at us while we were watching the stars. I didn't want to say anything. I'm sorry."
"Well that's his problem." It was his problem. "Let's get some sleep. I'm tired and you need to heal your ankle."
"Goodnight Canute."
"Goodnight (Y/N) ... also d-do you think we could go on a walk together again tomorrow?"
I turned around to look at him and smiled
"Of course." I blew the light out and soon fell asleep.

"Wake up (Y/N)" it was Canute shaking me awake. His voice soft. "Askeladd said we're marching and told me to get you up."
"Ugh can't you command him to stand still for 5 more minutes, you're the prince aren't you?"
"Y-you know I can't."
"I know." I stood up stretching. Was he always this cute or was it the sleep deprivation?
"I'm going to change and then we can leave."
He stood there
"That means you leave unless you want to see me undress." I laughed
His face turned blood red and he burst through the tent.
I threw on clean clothes and tossed my hair up. I was ready.

"Askeladd" I said looking around for my horse "where's my horse?"
"You're not riding your horse today. I am."
"What why?"
"Because, you're in the carriage with Canute." He looked at me and smirked and then got close to my ear "I saw you two getting close last night. Good job at listening for once."
"Shut up do you know how pissed Thorfinn is at me now?"
"Who cares about that little shit when you have a Prince right in front of you? God you're as dense as your mother." He shook his head and walked off
"No I think I get it from you." I mumbled back

I turned and walked to the carriage. Canute was waiting for me.
"Do you know where we're headed towards today?" I looked over at Ragnar.
"We're headed North to Wales I believe."
"Wales? Are you sure? We can't walk through Wales it's too rugged?"
"How would you know that?" He looked at me
"She's Welsh." Canute chimed in softy. Ragnars mouth fell open, he had never heard Canute talk to anyone besides him the entire journey.
"Since when did you two become acquainted." He questioned
"Last night while you were sleeping." I said
"Oh." Ragnar grumbled back
The rest of the ride to Wales was full of Canute and I talking back and forth and laughing. Occasionally Ragnar would join in. They weren't as uptight as they seemed.

Once we reached Wales I couldn't stop smiling. I was home. Ragnar couldn't either but for a different reason.
Askeladds letter had reached a small welsh kingdom, one me and my father lived under. They had agreed to provide shelter but at a price.
"Well done Askeladd right now Thorkell must be gritting his teeth on the other side of the river, now we can just ride the waves to Gainsborough."
"No from here we travel by land to Gainsborough."
"Uncle what?" I said out loud. "Why the hell would we travel by land?"
"The people of these lands hate us Norsemen have you gone crazy?"
"He's right you know." I said looking at Askeladd.
"Hush (Y/N) you have no place in this conversation. Go stand with the Prince."
"Whatever" I grumbled under my breath and went to stand with Canute.
"Look." He pointed at the sky. There was a bird flying by.
"Yeah it's a falcon."
"Ragnar. That bird is flying low. Capture it for me." He said out loud.
"I can't your majesty I am in the middle of a important conversation right now."
"No this conversation is done." Askeladd said and walked towards Canute and I
"If you're still so worried about his majesty I will appoint (Y/N) to be his personal caregiver. She's medically trained and I believe they're already acquainted quite well." He said looking at me smirking.
Canute looked at me and turned red. I guess we really were stuck together now.
"THORFINN" Askeladd screamed.
"And this boy will be his majesty's personal guard."
"Like hell I will." Thorfinn spat back. Looking at Canute and I and glaring.
"You will. Don't you remember our deal?" Askeladd said
Thorfinn said nothing
"Great so it's a deal! Plus they're all around the same age so I'm sure they'll get along great." He looked at me and smiled
"Thorfinn now introduce yourself."
He glared and said nothing. Canute moved to hide behind Ragnar.
"I didn't tell you to scare him off." Askeladd said
"Now move Lord Gratianus is coming."
"You must be Askeladd." He said coming up the hill.
"And you must be Prince Canute." He said pointing at Thorfinn.
"No that's one of my men, that's the prince right there." He gestured at Canute. He stared at him for a second. Canute sat looking at the ground twirling his hair.
"His gaze is weak. Are you sure he is fit to be king."
"How dare you sir his majesty is-" Ragnar spoke up
"There is only one reason why us Welshmen would interfere with Danish politics. You promise me when you become king you will not interfere with Welsh politics."
"His majesty is-" Ragnar spoke again
"No I will accept no answer except if it is not from the Prince."
I looked at Canute. All the hope I had for him ever being a King faded. He didn't have a care in the world.
" I see, we can talk about this later. Let's depart."
I climbed back into the carriage. Thorfinn sat right in front of me. Canute beside me and Ragnar behind us.
No one said a word besides Ragnar grumbling to himself about how Askeladd was an idiot.
Down the road a little bit I looked at Thorfinn. He was pulling his blade out.
"What's wrong Thorfinn?" Ragnar said alarmed
"We're being attacked." He whispered
Just as he said that arrows shot through the sky. One flew inches over my head.
"Get down!!" Thorfinn screamed as he jumped on top of me, knocking me to the floor. He put his shield over the both of us. I closed my eyes, preparing to be shot. After a moment of hearing nothing I opened my eyes. My heart started to pound. Thorfinn was on top of me his body was pressed against me and his arms were pinning me down. Our faces were so close I could feel his breath on my neck. We made eye contact and his breathing became slowed
"Uh you can get up now." Canute said annoyed. Ragnar had guarded him from the attack. 
"Yeah right." I said softly in a whisper pushing Thorfinn off me still looking straight at him. My face blood red. I looked at Thorfinn and his face was possibly even redder than mine.
"Thanks." I said looking at him
"Yeah don't mention it."
In front of the path stood a blond man with a bowl cut screaming at Askeladd in Welsh. The man was a leader of a neighboring army. Still men with arrows were pointed at all of us. It seems like the only thing shot however, was my horse.
"What're they saying?" Ragnar asked me
"They want to take Canute as ransom." I said listening in. Ragnar sighed "and now Askeladd is arguing with him, I think he's about to ask Canute to address him."
"Oh god." Ragnar said out loud "when will this ever end?"
Askeladd walked over to where Canute was and grinned.
"Listen you lot his majesty Canute is about to speak to you all. My niece is Welsh and she will translate directly."
He turned to Canute "Now your majesty, give them a piece of your mind. (Y/N) will translate for you. Anything will work." He looked at him and smiled again.
Canute looked at me and then back again at Askeladd, he then hid behind Ragnar whispering something in his ear.
"His majesty does not wish to spea-" Ragnar started, Askeladd cut him off
"Stop this, this is his duty. He is in charge of us 100 odd people. I am risking mine and my nieces life for him. He needs to take some initiative."
"SILENCE. You know not what his majesty has been through. He has seen brother and brother, father and child fight to the death right in front of him. He is a kind hearted soul who has deadened his very breath in order to survive."
"Well what does he have to say? Stop your Norse speak." The welsh man said tapping his foot looking at his army, ready to shoot us all at any second.
"His majesty has fallen ill recently. Let me meet with you and we can discuss." Askeladd said looking back at Canute and snarling.
As Askeladd walked off into the distance I looked up at Thorfinn who was behind me.
"Thank you." I said quietly.
"Don't mention it. I'm .. uh sorry for last night." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"It's alright. I think you made it even with today."
"Yeah, let's talk later tonight." He looked at me and smirked saying it loud enough for Canute to hear.
He walked closer to Canute who was bent over  and stared at him.
"You're pathetic. Are you really the same age as (Y/N) and I? How are you ever going to be a king?"
"Silence. Let's walk." Ragnar said. Canute said nothing still just looking at the ground.
Time passed and Thorfinn and I sat talking together. Occasionally Canute would glance over and look at me with a sad expression.
"Men." Askeladd said walking the hill "we have came to an agreement. We will be pretending to be prisoners as we cross these lands peacefully. Drop your weapons."

AN: new chapter out soon so sorry for the wait 💙

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