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"What is the meaning of this." Askeladd said sternly pulling me by the arm into one of the now empty houses he had just raided.  He was careful to hide my appearance from his men, he took off his cloak and wrapped it around me, taking care to cover my neck. He looked at me with angry eyes. I looked up at him and felt myself unable to hold back my tears anymore. I had tried so hard to hold it together. I fell to my knees. They felt so weak from running. I covered my face with my hands. I wasn't able to say anything but my body heaved with sobs. Askeladd stood over me looking down before he kneeled to my level pulling me into a hug.
"Thorfinn did this to you didn't he?" He said sternly
I couldn't collect myself quick enough to respond.
"I'm going to cut his head off and place it on a pike." He said aggressively, quickly standing up to take action. I wiped my face and started to talk through tears.
"He didn't do this. He wouldn't."
"Who?" He asked
I looked up at him and said nothing. Silence filled the room. You could feel the air shift. He looked down at my tear stained face. My neck had bruises all over, my face bright red. I looked a mess. He paused as realization struck him. His eyes narrowed.
"It was Canute wasn't it." He said shakily.
I shook my head.
"I will handle this at once." He said
"Thank you." I whispered quietly.
"I'm sorry. I pushed you to be with him. This is my fault." He whispered back
"No it's not." I said wiping my face, I was finally calming down with his presence.
"Be with Thorfinn if you want. I don't care as long as you're happy. I will handle this."
"I don't even know who I want to be with. I can't even think like that right now." I stuttered out.
"Don't then. Stay here I'm going to handle this. Then we can talk more." He said closing the door behind him letting in the snowy air. I shivered.
It was cold in the house but there was a small fire in the living area that was keeping the house warm. I looked around the small house. It's walls were bare but it was clean. I opened one of the small cabinets in what looked to be a children's room and found a small mirror. I looked at myself in it and sighed. I looked like a wreck. My clothes were dripping wet and I could feel leaves sticking out of my hair from laying on the forest floor. I searched the room more until I found a small comb and fixed my hair, picking knots and leaves out until the comb ran smooth. I was starting to feel better.
It seemed Askeladd had already decided this was where I was staying because sitting on the bed in the small bedroom sat my belongings. I went through all of my clothing trying to find a shirt with a high neck line but not finding one. I gave up and peeled off my soaked clothing, putting on dry ones instead. Luckily I still had bandage wrapping in my pack. I held the small mirror up face as I wrapped my neck where my bruises were. Now at least if anyone asked I could just say I had fallen and scraped myself. While feeling better my stomach started to grumble. I remembered with how hectic the day had been I hadn't eaten all. I opened the door letting the bitter cold touch my skin. My teeth clattered and I held my arms close to my body. The thin shirt I had on wasn't warm enough for the Northern English weather. I had left my jacket while running away from Canute. "Damn him." I thought to myself while shivering.
While walking to get food I heard Ragnars voice in the distance. He sounded frantic. I walked towards the commotion carefully, trying to not let anyone see me listening in.
"I will not let you talk to his majesty with you being as erratic as you are! You'll frighten him."
"It wasn't a question. He needs to answer for what he has done. If you have a problem I will happily return you both to Thorkells care." Askeladd said pulling his sword out
"You wouldn't." Ragnar said looking to his side for his sword that wasn't there. He was unarmed.
"Oh I'm not as sure about that. I am a Viking Ragnar." Askeladd said back, stepping towards Ragnar
"Alright I'll let you talk to him. But I want to be in the room. His majesty is very distressed right now and hasn't stopped crying sin-"
"No. If he wishes to act like a man with my only
family then surely he can talk as a man as well without his babysitter present. He clearly didn't need you when he was shoving his tongue down my nieces throat, no?" He looked at him in the eye. Ragnar said nothing but walked towards the house where Canute was, almost reaching the door.
"Lord Ragnar. It's dinner time is it not? We've had a hard day. Go with the men behind you and refill yourself." He patted Ragnar on the shoulder and smiled at him. Ragnar turned around. Behind him were 3 men with drawn swords. He didn't have a choice and he knew it.
"Finally." Askeladd grumbled as Ragnar walked away. He walked in the house where Canute was sitting. I walked around tiptoeing and crouched under an open window. I had to know what was being said. I peeked in and held my hands over my mouth as to not be heard.
"So," he took a seat on the bed beside where Canute was sitting, "Tell my why you think you have any right to be touching my niece the way you did?" Askeladd said in a serious tone, staring daggers at Canute who was shivering.
"P-put your sword away then I-I will talk."
"You're nervous aren't you? Didn't seem to be feeling much of that when you were sucking on my nieces  neck huh?"
"P-put it away Askeladd. That's an order."
"Oh you want to be regal now? Fine. I will put down my weapon. I wasn't going to hurt you anyways." Askeladd tossed his sword on the ground in front of Canute.
"Now since we are both even in arms. Let's talk as men. Since you clearly are one now." He said sarcastically
"What happened? Explain." Askeladd said looking at Canutes face as he shook. Canute kept his gaze steady on the floor.
"I-I saw her and Thorfinn together when I was trying to tell her about the storm coming.... l-like you said."
"And he was holding her." He took in a deep breath before continuing, wiping tears from his face. "and she looked so happy with him I just couldn't -"
"You couldn't what?"
"I ran off and she followed after me." He paused again. "I couldn't handle my emotions. I'm sorry for what I did. I will apologize at once. I have to return her jacket as well."
"Not handling your emotions doesn't have anything to do with what she has on her neck now does it? And you will not be talking to her."
"She will never marry you for as long as I'm alive. I'd rather her go run off with Thorfinn than be with the likes of you. The deal is off."
"No." He muttered out still shaking.
"What did you just say?" Askeladd moved his face closer in a threatening manner, Canute met his gaze.
"I said no. I am your king am I not? Therefore you should be honored I've chosen to marry into your bloodline."
Askeladd stood up, his eyes sharpened.
"No you will not. You might be of royal blood but I will not sacrifice my family's honor to bow before you, you insolent little brat." He was furious
"I am going to marry her whether you like it or not." Canute said with a blank face holding his composure.
"No. You are not! I am her father now and that is my answer. Why do you wish to anyways?" He screamed
"Because I love her and that is the truth. I promise she will forever taken care of. Today was a mistake on my behalf and I will apologize to her immediately." He said calmly.
Askeladd didn't say anything for a moment, lost in thought. He was scheming of something, I could tell by the look in his eyes and his lips that started to pull to a smirk.
"You are right. I apologize for my aggression. But I am not going to force my niece to marry you and you making her will drive her away. She is a woman of her own will. If you want to marry her do it on your own accord and not by cowardly force. I withdrawal our deal." He said while picking up his sword from the ground and walking to the door.
"And I want her jacket I'll return it to her." Askeladd moved his hand to reach for it on the bed but Canute beat him to it, holding it in his arm.
"No. It was my mistake and I am owning up to it. I will return it to her and apologize, as I have said. You are right, if I wish to marry her I will have to make her fall in love with me as well. She is a strong willed woman, winning her over will be no easy task. I hope through my actions you can see my love for her and I could win your blessing as well."
"We shall see who she chooses, I am not going to meddle anymore in her romantic affairs. I will tell you this, royal or not if I see her in that state ever again, you will be a deadman. Is that understood?" Askeladd picked his sword up from the floor and began to walk towards the door.
"Yes. I have to go fix what I have caused now. Where is she?" Canute asked
Before I could hear Askeladds answer I started quietly walking back to the house. Opening the door slowly so no one could hear the creak as I slipped back in. No one had caught me. I let out a deep breath in relief as I laid on the bed. It was soft compared to the wooden cart I had became accustomed to sleeping on.
I started to fall asleep, still hungry but not caring anymore. I was safe and warm. Before I could fully drift off there was a knock at the door. I already knew who it was. I laid in bed for a moment not moving. He knocked again louder.
"(Y/N) I'm sorry can I please talk to you. I was wrong." It was Canute, I could hear him talking through the door. I rolled over. Just hearing his voice made my heart race.
"(Y/N) please just give me a chance to explain at least. I have something for you."
I stood up shaking. It took me a moment to collect myself while he pounded on the door harder. My thoughts were all over the place. As I started to turn the handle I contemplated turning around and ignoring him. But I didn't.
"Yeah what's there to talk about?" I said trying to hide my anxiousness. I couldn't look him in the eyes but I could tell he was nervous.
"Can I come in?" He asked looking to the side
"No." I said promptly
"I won't touch you I promise it's just cold outside."
I looked up at him. His cheeks were pink and he wouldn't meet my gaze. I gave in again.
"Okay. But you're sitting on the floor."

AN: god it's so hard to try and write Vinland saga characters biblically accurate. I hope you all are enjoying it though and let the battle for (Y/N)s heart begin 🤪🫢

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