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Still that night

"Come on. Let's go." Canute said grabbing my arm pulling me away from looking at Thorfinn. He was on his knees holding his head struggling to get up. He was grumbling something but it was unintelligible.
"We can't leave him like this, he's drunk. What if he freezes to death?"
He looked at me dead in eyes "Then it serves him right."
"I can-"
"We'll tell Askeladd when we get back to get someone fetch him. You don't need to be around him any longer." He put his hand on my back guiding me away. My heart ached.
"Yeah" I said looking back at Thorfinn who was looking at me with one eye, still laying in the snow. He would have a black eye for sure. I wouldn't have guessed Canute was capable of something like that. He wasn't the same stuttering mess he was before.

When we got back I told Askeladd what had happened to Thorfinn (leaving out the kissing part.) He nodded and told me he would take care of it. He already knew. I was sure of it.

Stepping into Canute and I's tent I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen to Thorfinn. I sat down on my bed while Canute tied his hair up.
"What?" He asked reading my face. "You're not getting ready for bed."
"I-I can't leave him out there Canute." My voice shook
"Askeladd will take care of it. I watched you talk to him."
"Askeladd would rather Thorfinn be dead. He will do nothing. I have to go."
"No you don't. You're not responsible for other people's poor habits." He said definitively and started to stand up
"I know I'm not. But that doesn't mean I want someone to freeze to death." I looked into his eyes. He was angry.
"Do you love him or something? Do you realize what he did to you and what he said about you back there?"
"I do and no I don't love him. I appreciate what you did for me but I'm sorry but I'm going to get him to safety and I'll be back and then we can talk."
I walked out of the tent and took one look back at him. Anger had left his eyes, replaced with sadness and jealousy.
I looked out at Askeladds tent while sliding my gloves on. His light was out. I knew he would do nothing. He was probably fast asleep.
I trudged through the snow until I finally got to where Thorfinn was. He was still laying in the snow, but he wasn't alone. I blew out my lantern quickly as to not draw attention.  Standing over him was Askleladd, his sword in hand. I knew he had kept it.
I covered my mouth with my hand trying to stop myself from screaming out.
"Tell me why you think you can touch my niece like that you miserable idiot?" Askeladd said stern
He leaned down and picked Thorfinns head up by his hair. His eye was black from where Canute had punched him earlier.
"Canute doesn't deserve her." He stammered out getting to his knees. The cold was sobering him up.
"And you think you do? Getting drunk to handle the fact that you're not even a real man? Canute might look like a woman but he's twice the man you are. I'll tell you what though watching him beat the shit out of you made me laugh. And you have the nerve to call yourself a Viking."  He laughed under his breath
"You were watching?"
"I am always watching." His gaze was stern "from the moment you met her I saw how you looked at her and I knew you would be an issue. All your little walks with her. I knew. I knew every word you said." He bent down close to Thorfinns face
"Why?" Was all he could muster out
"She's much too good for the likes of you and you know that. That's why you drank isn't it? You'll never marry into any blood of mine. Get that thought out of your head now. " Thorfinn looked up at him teary eyed.
"And if I ever find out you touched a hair on my niece's head again" he grabbed the hilt of his sword tight and ran the blade lightly across Thorfinns neck, just enough to draw blood
"I will kill you. And I mean it. I saw when you put your hand on her shoulder the other day while she slept. I should've put you down then. I am giving you a chance now. But this is the last one you receive. Do you understand."
Thorfinn said nothing but nodded sadly the light in his eyes leaving.
"Good. Collect yourself. We March at dawn."
Thorfinn stumbled to stand up but finally regained his balance, holding his shoulder.
"Oh." Askeladd said turning around to look at him another time "I think this goes without saying but if you tell (Y/N) we had this conversation or anything of it I will cut your tongue out. Good night." He walked off through the woods to camp. I hid behind trees. He didn't notice me.
"Thorfinn." I whispered walking towards him. Careful not to make too much sound. He turned his face towards me.
"Why-why are you here?" He asked confused "you'll freeze go back to bed with your princess." He scoffed at the last part
"I didn't want you to get hurt."
"I'm okay. You need to go away." He stammered close to me
"Come here I'll walk you to a place where you can sleep."
"No you can't." He was still stumbling to walk
"Please. Just let me lead you back. I need to know you're safe before I can go to sleep."
"Why?" He looked at me
"Because I want you to be safe. You may not believe this but I do care about you, now come on I need to be in bed before people notice."
His face was flushed and not because of the alcohol this time.

I led Thorfinn to a spot near the fire Askeladd had lit earlier. He would stay warm there and I wouldn't have to worry about him getting sick or freezing. I tossed a blanket at him and looked at him. His cheeks were pink from drinking, there was still snow in his hair.
"Here I've got to go now."' Looking at my tent
"(Y/N)" he looked at me grabbing my sleeve after he laid down
"I l-"
"Stop talking. You're drunk. Go sleep it off."
"Goodnight." I turned around and walked into where Canute and I were supposed to be sleeping already.
"Hey." I whispered seeing he was turned around when I walked in. I took my hair down and started changing into sleep clothes.
"Canute." I said quietly again walking over to where he was sleeping. He was sleeping quietly. His blanket half off of him and his hair in his face. I bent down and moved it softly out of his face and pulled his blanket up to his chest. I smiled looking down at him. His skin was so soft, his hair too. His eyes fluttered. My face turned red in embarrassment.
"(Y/N)" he said sleepily
"I'm sorry. I just got back and wanted to tell you goodnight." I said flustered
He reached his hand up and pushed a sprig of hair out of my face too tucking it behind my ear. He opened his eyes all the way to look up at me.
"Goodnight (Y/N) Sleep well."  He said in a rasp voice.
"You too." I said in a whisper. I got into bed and soon fell asleep.

(AN: so sorry for the length of this chapter. Work has been kicking my ass but wanted to put something out soon so this is why it's so short! Longer chapter should be out tomorrow though so enjoy this snippet for now <3 thanks so much for the votes

Weak (Canute x Femreader x Thorfinn)Where stories live. Discover now