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I stood at Canutes door way trying to collect my breath after running through the snow. After a moment I threw the door open and walked inside, not caring if I scared Canute. Ragnar was sat at a table near the entrance looking at me with wide eyes.
"(Y/N) w-why're you here? Are you okay your neck-" He asked confused, looking at my neck then back up to my face again. I reached up to my neck and felt where fabric should be. In a rage I forgot to wrap it up before leaving. I must've looked insane.
"I need to speak to Canute. Is he here? It's urgent." I said panting cutting him off. My face red from the cold.
"Of course he's in his room I'll go-"
"I'm right here." Canute said walking out from the back of the house. He looked at me and smirked looking at my neck.
"Ragnar, would you mind if (Y/N) and I speak alone please, there's a matter I wish to discuss." Canute said looking at Ragnar and crossing his arms.
"Y-yes my prince." He said standing up and pushing his chair back. "I'll go chop us some firewood for dinner tonight."
"Great. And If you could could you catch something different to eat that would be great, I'm growing tired of fish." Canute looked at Ragnar until he had made his way out of the house and then stared at me still smirking. He moved close and took his hair down from its ponytail, letting it fall down his shoulders.
"So what'd you want to talk about? Your neck still looks pretty." He said smiling propping himself on the table. I reached my hand up to touch my neck again, rubbing it.
"I talked to Thorfinn today." I said looking straight at him, his smirk turned to a frown quickly.
"And what did he say?" He asked bluntly
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about actually." I said sighing.
"Oh is it?" He said leaning in towards me, his long hair brushing the table.
"Yes." I took a deep breath, "did you tell him we slept together?" I stared into his eyes not letting him escape my gaze. His blue eyes widened realizing what I asked, looking away from me.
"Did he tell you that?" He said taking a seat at the table, looking up at me questioning.
"Yes he did."  I pushed a chair out and took a seat as well, looking across from him. "And did you tell him we did?" I questioned further
He paused a moment propping his hands under his chin. His face was emotionless. He sighed looking at me, annoyed before admitting the truth.
"Yes I did." He said coldly.
I looked at him with wide eyes. I was shocked he could be so scummy. He definitely wasn't the same person I first met. Something had changed in him.
"W-why?" I asked confused
"Because we will. It doesn't matter if we haven't yet. I told you I would make you my wife and do anything it takes to make you mine. I meant it." His gaze was sharp
"Are you even listening to yourself? Lyings supposed to be a sin isn't it?" I asked, my voice full of surprise.
"What I said wasn't a lie. Maybe about when it happened, but it will. The sooner you accept that we were made for each other the easier this will be." He looked away towards the door and then back at me again, his long blonde hair shined in the candle light. There was something present in his eyes I hadn't seen before. It scared me a little.
"I've told you before I don't know yet Canute. You lying about this doesn't make it easy for me you know?"
"You don't have to think then. You know we work well together. And you know what you felt when we kissed. I know it wasn't just me." He moved his seat closer to me and placed his hand on top of mine. I started to pull away but he held my hand in place. It was warm. I moved my face to look at his. His eyes now full of adoration, it made me even angrier. I threw his hand off my mine.
"I can't agree to marry you without thinking through everything and it's unfair that you won't accept that! How could I marry a man that would expect that of me?! And how could I marry a man that would lie?" I said throwing my hands up in frustration.
"I'm allowing you to think things through, even if it hurts me! If I wanted to I could order you to marry me right now. I'm the second in line for the thrown. There wouldn't be a thing Askeladd or you could do to prevent it." He said determined
I paused for a moment. He was right.
"You wouldn't do that." I said calming down
"No I wouldn't. I love you and I don't want to force you into a marriage if I don't have to. But why would you not want to marry me?" He sad sadly. He looked at me with soft eyes and all of my anger melted away.
"Marrying you means a lot of things. I don't know if I want to marry into royalty, the stress of having a price on my life is a lot. It's not you. I came here with Askeladd to escape a marriage not to be a bride." I said quietly
"But I love you." He said even quieter
"I know you do." I whispered looking down at the ground, not having the heart to face him.
"So be mine. I'll take care of you for the rest of my life. You'll never be without anything ever again. We can be together. You're the only person for me." He moved closer to me whispering so close I could feel his words on my skin.
"I-" I started to speak but the words wouldn't come out.
Visions of a life with Canute started to play out in my head. Visions of wearing fancy dresses and sleeping in warm comfortable beds in palaces I could only dream of belonging in. Waking up to him right next to me daily being surrounded by his warmth. Him kissing me to wake me up every morning and how he would be so gentle as a husband and eventually a father. His arms wrapped around me while we walked around a castle and talked of our day smiling together. Always feeling his warmth and presence with me. This could be my life.
My heart started to race thinking of an answer looking up at Canute. He was so beautiful. He slowly moved his face close to mine, giving me time to back away but I didn't. He put his lips on mine and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer to me. His face was so warm on mine. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.
"Get on my lap." He whispered breaking the kiss for a moment before continuing again. I listened and crawled into his lap. His hand wrapped around my body instantly moving me into him. I could get used to this. He pulled his lips off of mine and rest his forehead on mine. His hands still holding me on top of him.
"I want this forever." He whisper quietly. I said nothing, enjoying his closeness. I reached a hand up and stroked his cheek.
"Me too."
I was falling in love.
Or at least I was until there was a knock on the door. I jumped off of Canutes lap as quick as I could, collecting myself. My face grew red realizing how bad that would've been if Ragnar had walked in. Through the door I could hear Ragnar talking.
"Uh- your majesty is it alright if I come in? I've caught dinner." Ragnar said loudly.
"Y-yes come in Ragnar." Canute said looking towards the door and fixing his clothing, his face red too. Ragnar opened the door and had a rabbit in his hand. His eyes widened seeing that I was still there. Mine widened too seeing who was standing behind him.
"O-oh you're still here (Y/N) good to see you, I brought Thorfinn with me. He caught a rabbit and said we could cook it for dinner if we gave him some." Ragnar said looking at me awkwardly, feeling the tension in the room. I dared not to look at Thorfinn.
"Oh that's great Ragnar. I'll make some rabbit soup. (Y/N) will help me in the kitchen. You two stay in the living room." Canute said smiling standing up, he realized this would be another opportunity to make Thorfinn jealous and he was going to take advantage of every opportunity he could to do that. Canute leant me a hand up and motioned towards the kitchen. I followed closely, happy to be out of the same room as Thorfinn.
"You're bold for that you know." I whispered in Canutes ear as we walked into the kitchen.
"I told you I'd make you mine by any means." He whispered back into my ear and then kissed my cheek.
This was sure to be an awkward dinner.

AN: I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO PUBLISH!! Im also sorry this is a shorter chapter, I just really wanted to publish something asap. I promise next chapter will come out quicker and be longer.
Also important....
I've decided I'm going to let the readers vote if you want a spicy chapter or not in this book (will be in the future) ((All characters are aged up.)) so comment if that's something you want, I'm down to write it.
As always thank you so much for the views and votes it's so appreciated!!! <3333

Weak (Canute x Femreader x Thorfinn)Where stories live. Discover now