
687 40 3

November 1013

"Uncle you can't be serious." I said getting up shaking "you know what they say about Thorkell. They say he kills anything that remotely gets in his way and has an army of 500 men."
"All of that is true and to add on to it he's a 7 foot tall homicidal maniac. But even so" he looked at me dead in the eyes "we will win."
"How do you know?"
"Because the gods are on our side. Now get to your horse Thorfinns waiting for you."
I sighed standing up and stretching while putting my jacket on. Walking towards Thorfinn I pulled my cross out of my pocket. It was small and made of wood. It was the last thing my father gave me. Never in my life have I ever felt the urge to pray but after hearing all the rumors about Thorkell were true. I felt the urge
"Hey why're you walking so slow." Thorfinn called out "we have places to be"
"Alright I'm coming shut up." I shoved the cross back down in my pocket. As I walked a bit closer I saw that he was already on my horse.
"Get down, I lead" I said
"In your dreams now get up here." He scowled at me
"That's my horse I tamed it. What you afraid of being seen holding onto me? I have to say I thought you looked quite manly yesterday holding on to m-"
"SHUT UP AND GET ON IDIOT." he screamed. There's that short man temper again.
"Alright give me a hand." He let his hand down and I hoisted myself up.
"Hold on tight. I'm not going to go quite as slow as you did." I held my tongue. There is something about him that infuriated me so. I grabbed onto his lower waist tight and let my head fall into his shoulder. He let out a gasp.
"What don't have anything to say now?" I said right into his ear. His face growing even more red.
"Shut up and hold on." He said sternly and we took off into the forest. 

While riding I couldn't get the thought of Thorkell out of my mind. How can a man be 7 feet tall? How could we possibly win? Is this certain death? My thoughts were racing.
"What's on your mind, I can feel you breathing heavy ?" Thorfinn asked
"How could we possibly win against Thorkell? He has a 500 man army and you know we have far less than that."
"He may be tall and out number us but his men don't have half the tact we do. Plus if it makes you feel any better I've cut two of his fingers off."
"You cut two of his fingers off?"
"Yeah and he gave me two broken ribs and a sprained ankle in return."
"You know that really doesn't make me feel any better."

Time passed and eventually I could hear fighting in the distance. Askeladds voice boomed through the forest. "THIS IS THE SPOT MEN. JUST AS WE TALKED OF."
Thorfinn and I got off my horse. I walked towards Askeladd. I saw men heaving barrels of charcoal all through the forest. 
"Uncle do you hear that? There's a battle going on over there shouldn't we run?"
"You don't catch on quick do you? You're just as dense as your mother. We're smoking them out."
"You mean lighting the forest on fire?!" I said shocked
"Precisely. Thorkell can't fight when we have fire on our side." He said looking back at me, determination in his eyes.
"Feel the wind (Y/N)"
"Good wind, it's blowing strong." I said shaking from the cold
"The gods are on our side. Just as I said." He laughed as he walked away from me, slewing commands.

"Light it up!" Askeladd commanded. All of the charcoal had been dispersed around where Thorkell and his men were. I looked down as I watched the once beautiful forest around me be engulfed in flames.
"Stand back (Y/N) don't want your pretty hair burnt off do you?" He said chuckling
"Shush." I said still watching intently at the battle going on below us.
I looked over at Thorfinn who was looking back at me. "It's a bit warm now isn't it." I said taking my jacket off.
"Almost like it's fire." He said back under his breath
"Oh will you shut up you're such a smart ass." I said  with a scowl on my face He opened his mouth to say something but Askellad cut him off
"Children stop flirting, Thorfinn stand up I have a job for you." I looked up at uncle "you too (Y/N) go and grab me a bucket of water." I stood up happy to be out of that situation. I walked for a couple of feet thinking until I got to where Bjorn was and grabbed a bucket of water. I walked back to where Thorfinn and Askeladd were trying not to show how heavy it was . Thorfinn was already drenched.

"Throw that on him." Askeladd commanded "happily" I said with a smile, making Thorfinn dripping wet. He shot me a look.
"What I just followed the command?" I said laughing
"I'll get you back for that." He said and then turned his attention to Askeladd who ordered him to get on a horse. "Go rescue the prince. I pointed him out to you in the distance. His helmet has feathers on it and he has a red cape. Bring him back safely." Thorfinn nodded in response. He took one last look back at me. We made eye contact and he then took off.
"Uncle are you sure it's safe to send him out there. He's one person and there's hundreds out there. Not to mention he could burn to death."
"Relax your little boyfriend will be back safely he's too head strong to die to something like a fire. Besides look there. He's already off his horse and drawn his blades." God what a dumbass I thought to myself. Bjorn joined in the conversation as well
"You know she does have a point Askeladd. What if this fire kills everyone."
"Something like a fire won't kill Thorkell, he's a monster of a man. It might kill some of his troops though and that's enough to give us a headwind. Besides the plan wasn't to kill Thorkell anyways. We win if we capture Prince Canute."

Time passed by and I began to worry. "What's wrong with me?" I thought "why of all people am I worrying about him? Why do I care if he dies or not?"
"Worried about your lover huh? You never listen." Uncles voice was right behind me
"Shut up old man. It's not like that."
"Sure it's not. I knew you our conversation last night would go through one ear and out the other. But let me let you in on a secret. Prince Canute is about your age too. If you're going to fall in love with any Viking it better be him. You're too pretty to go running off with Thorfinn and noble life would suit you well. I hear he's quiet so you can do all the talking for the both of you."
"Is this what this is all about? You want me to marry into nobility?"
"Not entirely, but it has crossed my mind. Think about it. I can just picture a crown on your head. You'd just have to wipe all the dirt off your face first." He said leaning down wiping my face with his sleeve. "I can wipe my own damn face!" I said 
"Clearly not. Go to the back and put on clean clothes I can hear Thorfinn coming now and you need to make a good impression on him." He smirked
"Whatever, I don't need you playing match maker, besides how can you tell that Thorfinns coming"
"That's what you're worried about huh? Not having feelings my ass. I can hear his horse in the trees. Now go."
I grumbled in response and headed to the back to change and wash my face. The cold water woke me up a bit and I slipped on clean clothing. I let my hair down. It felt nice to have on a shirt that didn't smell of smoke. I walked back to the area where Askeladd was and Thorfinn was already almost to him.
Thorfinn looked straight at me and blushed. Did I really look that different? Askeladd dropped to his knee and kneeled, he pulled at my pants leg to do the same. In front of us was the man I assume to be the prince in a decorative helmet and a cone headed bald man right in front of him. "He must be his guard I thought." Then the cone headed man started to speak.
"You must be Askeladd, I must admit that stunt back there was impressive but wiped out all of my battalion. There will be consequences to that. However as the current situation holds, I have no choice but to put faith in you to ensure his majesty's safety." He was stern you could tell by looking in his eyes he was serious about the Prince.
" I Askeladd son of Olaf, vow to protect his majesty Prince Canute as do all of my men." He said looking up at the man
"In accordance with your majesty, as I am now his vowed protector, I ask that I might look at his royal face."
Canute reached up and pulled his mask off.
He had long blond hair and blue eyes that didn't seem to hold a thought behind them.
He was beautiful but the face of a king? That he certainly didn't have.
Before anyone could say anything Bjorn said out loud what everyone was thinking,

"Prince? Are you sure they don't mean princess?"

Weak (Canute x Femreader x Thorfinn)Where stories live. Discover now