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Content warning!! 18+ (spice)

I looked at Thorfinn. He was smirking at me. I could still hear Canute running back in the distance.
"I've got to go after him." I said looking up at Thorfinn who's eyes returned to their usual look of anger after hearing what I had said.
"No you don't." He said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. He looked at me with jealousy.
"You don't have to go."
"Thorfinn. I've got to go make sure he keeps quiet about what he saw, if he tells Askeladd you will be dead and you know it."
"We could run away now."
I turned to look back at him before moving my hand from his.

I started running as fast as I could towards the direction Canute took off in. The snow was falling fast around me but it didn't matter. I could hear him not too far away. He turned around and looked at me when I was finally caught up to him.
His face was red. Tears were streaming down his face and he was holding his head in his hands sitting down in the snow.
"W-why?" Was all he could muster out. I walked closer careful not to touch him. Tears were in his voice.
"What do you mean?" I said calmly looking at him
"W-why is it not m-me? He said in a sad tone. I looked at him. He looked pathetic. He must have seen the look in my eyes because his tone quickly shifted to anger
"Why are you picking some low down rat, a savage, A Viking over me? I don't understand it! The damn man attacked you while drunk and you still run into his arms? Are you fucking mental?" He was angry now and had lost his usual stutter
"I'm not picking any one. Don't say that." I said not raising my voice, I was trying hard to not lose my cool.
"Sure it fucking isn't! You were two seconds away from taking your clothes off." He threw his arms in the air. I had never heard him use that sort of language before.
"I wouldn't!"
"Then why were you kissing him like that?!" He got close to me in anger.
"I don't know Canute. Why were you okay with children and families dying in your name?" I said quietly but could feel anger rising in my chest.
"Is that what this is?! You trying to get back at me for Askeladds raid? I tried to stop him. I made Ragnar talk with him and try and reason. Maybe you should've asked me that before running off with Thorfinn." He screamed
"You can't even talk for your damn self. Aren't you supposed to be a King? You sit there and do nothing as children die? And you let it happen in your name. Tell me why the hell I would ever want to talk to you? Let alone ever call you a king? You might have the blood but you sure as hell will never wear a crown when you act like that." I said screaming even louder
He looked at me and his face dropped. His chest heaved. So much for not losing my cool.
I looked at him his face was red. He was heaving breaths. His knees gave out after screaming so loud that he fell to the ground trying to collect himself.
"Why would you do that." I said in a whisper tone, every ounce of anger leaving my body seeing him in this state.
"Because I want to be with you thickheaded idiot." His eyes softened as he looked up at me before hardening again "And how dare you tell me I don't have it in me to be a king."
"You don't act like it." I said looking at him. He stood up. A new look was in his eyes.

"Alright. You want me to act as a king would I will."
He moved closer to me causing me to stumble and fall over trying to scoot backwards. He grabbed my arm pulled me close to his face, catching me. He used the other hand to hold tight the back of my face. He looked as if he had gone insane.
"You will listen to me and what I have to say and respond with nothing more than a "Yes your majesty" as I am a over you in every possible way. You are a lowly peasant compared to me do you understand? I am your king." He demanded
I looked at him with wide eyes. Not saying a word in fear.
"I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND." He screamed into my face. I started to shake. I nodded my head quickly.
"You will marry me. You will be my wife. You will have my kids and you will be happy with me for the rest of your days. You will never talk to another man again. Do you understand?"
I nodded my head. Surly he didn't mean this.
"Kiss me." He said aggressively
"What Canute I-"
"You are going to listen to me or there will be consequences do you understand?" He said madness in his eyes.
"Y-yes." I stuttered out
"Then do it." He commanded
I moved my face closer to his. His lips tasted sweet. But his kiss was anything but. He put his hand on the back of my head to make sure I couldn't move. He bit the bottom of my lip hard, almost drawing blood. I opened my mouth up to gasp in pain and while I did he slipped his tongue in. It didn't stop there. His kisses became more rough and extreme. He grabbed my lower back hard and moved the fabric away from it so he could touch my skin. I moved my hand from my side to his back giving in.
Suddenly he grabbed me by hair and pushed my face into his neck.
"Keep going I didn't tell you to stop did I?" He said
I kissed his neck lightly moving down towards his collar bone and back up again slowly.
"Harder." He demanded pulling my hair and then pushed me deeper into his neck. I kissed harder sucking and biting on his neck. It would leave marks but I don't think he minded. He let out little moans every time I would bite down. I could see him biting his lip trying hard to not to make a sound. I went down further, pulling his cape down I started leaving marks on his chest before he couldn't take it anymore.
"Lay on the ground. Now. Take your jacket off." He said sternly
"C-" he pushed me. I fell catching myself with my hands. I sat down on the snow covered grass looking up at him. I took my jacket off.
"I said lay not sit didn't I?" He said grabbing my face kneeling down to me. I looked up at him with wide eyes. I couldn't think about anything but him right now.
"Follow my instructions now." He said smiling still kneeling above me, he could tell I had given in. I laid down on the grass as he took his cape off laying it under my head.
"Spread your legs." I listened
"You follow instructions so well." He said in my ear as he positioned himself over me between my legs. It gave me chills. He let his body fall onto mine his arms above my head. His long blond hair touching my face. He looked at me for a second before kissing me again. This time his kisses were softer and lingered for much longer. I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his back. I could feel his smirk on my lips as I did. He moved his lips to my neck quickly causing me to gasp. His lips felt so nice on my neck. I gripped onto his back hard and he let out a groan. As his kisses turned to bites I couldn't stop myself from moaning.
"Louder." He said into my neck biting down hard. He was leaving marks and he was proud of it.
"Canute you can't leave marks on me." I said quietly through moans as he bit and sucked my skin. He moved his face from inside my neck to look at me.
"Says who?" He said grabbing my neck with his hand smiling. "I am the king over everyone you know. If anyone says anything I will cut their heads off. It does not matter. I want everyone to see we are together." He was smiling an insane smile
"What about my uncle?" I said in a whisper
"He knows I am the true king. He should be honored I chose someone in his bloodline."
I said nothing but looked up at him. He went in to kiss me again and moved his hand to my shirt pulling it up and pushing his hand under, touching the skin above my stomach. I opened my eyes and gasped. He kept going pushing himself against me back and forth. His kisses grew rougher, so much that I couldn't keep up. He moved his hand closer to my chest feeling my bra and starting to go under before I moved away. He picked his head up and looked down on me.
"I want you to have sex with me." He said breathlessly. His face was red saying it and he couldn't look me in the eyes.  "Prove to me that you're loyal to me and only me and I'll give you all I have. I want to make you mine."
"I'm your king aren't I?" He said, the craziness returning in his voice. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.
"ANSWER" he screamed against my face.
"Yes." I stuttered out looking up at him.
"Then don't think, just listen to what I say and obey. Give yourself to me." his hand reaching for my pants. He started to slide a hand under.
I shoved his body off of me and ran. Looking back once to see him holding his face where I had hit him. He hadn't moved.
I ran all the way back to where Ragnar was supposed to be. There was Bjorn. I breathed a sigh of relief. Someone was there to provide safety and it was a sign that the raid was over.
I must have looked insane. My hair disheveled, marks all over my neck, and no jacket in blizzard weather.
"Uh (Y/N) are you okay?" He asked looking at me with wide eyes.
"Get me Askeladd. Now."

An:  mildly spicy chapter down. Let me know what you think🫢

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