
292 10 17

The next morning. 10:30 A.M.
I stretched my arms out before sitting up and getting out of bed. I looked to the left side of my bed and noticed Canute wasn't there. As my feet hit the floor I looked at myself in the mirror in front of me and sighed. My hair was looked insane. I walked over to my old vanity and pulled on the drawer. In it still sat my hairbrush. It was in the same position as the last time I had touched it. I reached for it and ran it through my (color) hair.
"That'll work." I said to myself as I walked over to the bedroom door and opened it. As I opened the door the smell of cooking meat (or your favorite breakfast food if you're vegan/vegetarian) hit my nose. The noise of sizzling eggs grew louder as I walked closer. Canute's eyes lit up as he saw me walk in.
"Good morning. I thought I'd let you sleep in since you haven't been able to. I hope I didn't wake you. I tried to be quiet." Canute said softly
"No don't worry about it, you didn't. What time is it?" I asked softly while wrapping my arms around his waist from the back and resting my head on his back. His long hair was tied back into a ponytail.
"It's around 10:30 the priest should be here in about an hour and a half. I've gotten most everything ready outside though with the help of some men. I woke up around 6. We still should eat and get ready though." He answered back while moving something around on a pan.
"Outside? What do you mean?"  I asked
"Well we're not just going to get married in an empty field. I want this to be special for the both of us." He said while smirking
"Can I go look?"  I asked, already knowing the answer.
"No it's a surprise." He said while laughing, I sighed and held him closer
"Well what're you making?" I asked
"There wasn't much variety of what we had left but I tried to use what I could. I had the men drop us off a bit of food yesterday, so we have eggs and bacon and I was able to find the stuff to make pancakes. I'm not sure what you like but I hope you at least like one of them." He said while motioning down to the pancakes he had cooking over the small fire.
"No that looks amazing I love pancakes." I said while smiling up at him. His blue eyes stared back at me.
"Well why don't you sit down at the table while I finish things up. We have a big day ahead of us." He said before turning around and bending down to kiss me on the forehead.
"That sounds good." I said walking out of the kitchen and towards the dining room table. I pulled out a chair and took a seat. I could still see Canute stumbling around in the kitchen. He was trying to flip a pancake and his face was red with concentration. I laughed to myself and rested my head on the table. I wished life with him could always be this simple and happy, though I knew marrying into royalty would come with stress. Canute made it all worth it though and there wasn't a doubt in my mind about it.
"Breakfast is ready beautiful." He said waking me from my daze as he stood over me handing me a plate stacked with food.
"Oh thank you." I said as took the plate from him and looked down. The food he prepared looked delicious.
"You looked like you were thinking about something before I bothered you. What we're you thinking about." He said as he took the seat in front of me and fixed his own plate.
"Oh it's nothing." I said looking down
"You know if you're regretting everything and want to go back you c-" Canute started to say in a shaky voice full of anxiety
"Hush. It's not that." I said said softly laughing 
"Then what is it?" He asked looking down at the table
"What will your father say when he finds out you married a peasant from Wales?" I asked softly
"Well.. to be fair there's not much he can do. And you won't be a peasant after today." Canute said nonchalantly, taking a sip of his drink
"I do not wish to speak ill of your father but I have heard your father is not the nicest person to deal with-"
"He will not care." He said sternly cutting me off
"How do you know?" I asked
"There is something you do not know and something I have never said out loud because it is too hurtful." He sighed before continuing
"My father does not care for me. He won't care that I marry you because he simply doesn't care at all about me. The reason he sent me out to battle was so that I could hopefully die and the only heir left would be my older brother, who he likes more. Ragnar tried his best to protect me of this truth but told me everything the night before he passed. The only one left in this world who loves me is you. You are all I have." He said with tears in his eyes.
"That's awful how could a father ever do that to his child." I asked in a shaky voice
"I do not know but I can promise you that that is a fate our children will never have to know. After I take control from my father I will make this nation righteous. There will be no more senseless killings of father and son. You are what gives me the strength to move forward and nothing else." He answered while looking into my eyes. I could tell he was serious.
"What are we going to to do when we get back to Gainsborough and meet him? What if he tries to hurt you?" I asked nervously
"He won't."
"How can you be sure?" I asked
"If he were to kill me suddenly there would be a revolt. There is currently an uprising between the people who want my brother to be king and the people who support me. It's widely known that the king supports my brother and not me. If I were to die unexpectedly there would be war. Not to mention he would have to kill you too because you know too much, which would start a war with Wales. He would be digging his own grave starting a two front war. You don't need to worry about that." He said looking at me.
"You've really put thought into this." I said looking back at him.
"No I didn't. None of this would have been able to work if it wasn't for Ragnars quick thinking. This is all him not me." He said sadly
"But that's all over now so stop over thinking and eat your breakfast I'm sure it's getting cold." Canute said with a sad smile on his face. I picked up my fork and started to eat.
"This is delicious. You need to cook more." I said trying to change the topic.
"I wouldn't mind to when it's just us." He said back
"Its a good think we're getting married then. I'll make you make breakfast all the time.
"Yeah it is." He said as he smiled back at me, a real one this time.
~After Breakfast~ ( spice warning ahead)
I pushed my chair back in under the table as I stood up to walk towards my bedroom to get ready.
"Thank you for breakfast it was delicious." I said while I moved to look at him.
"Of course. I left your dress hanging up in the closet. I'm going to go change as well." He said while pulling me into a hug before I started to walk towards my bedroom.
As I reached the room I closed the door behind me and began to brush through my hair again. I had decided I would wear it down as any other style would take too much time. I slipped my sleep clothes off and I opened the door to the closet where my dress hung. It was still as shockingly beautiful to see as yesterday. The sleeves puffed out and just came to my elbow. It was (favorite color) and made of silk, which reached my ankles. The back of the dress was a corset style, which I realized as I started to put it on.
As I slipped the dress on I tried to tie the back in the mirror but couldn't.
"Canute if you're not busy could you come and help me?" I said as I opened the door and called out to him.
"Yeah I'll be there in a moment." He said as he called back from the other room. I sat down on the bed to wait on him. As he opened the door his eyes lit up.
"You look beautiful." He said and he walked closer to me.
"You do too." I said looking up at him and smiling. He was wearing a red cape with blue buttons that went up to his neck and his hair was down (ep 22 for reference) I stood up from the bed and stood in front of him.
"Do you like it?" I asked smiling up at him
"I- of course I do." Canute said stumbling over his words. His face was bright red.
"Why's your face so red?" I asked laughing and pulled myself closer to him. I could feel the heat radiating off of his face we were so close.
"I-it's nothing."
"No what is it?" I insisted while I smiled up at him.
"I-its j-just t-t-that-" he answered shyly. I looked up at him as he stumbled over his words, smirking slightly.
"That what?" I asked softly as I moved my face even closer to his. Our lips were centimeters apart.
Canute's mouth opened to say something but no words came out. I heard him take a deep breath before grabbing me by the waist hard and pulling me into him, his lips on mine. I opened my eyes from shock for a moment before closing them and kissing him back. He was kissing me hard and was pulling onto my waist even harder. He broke the kiss for a moment to breathe before softly pushing me onto the bed.
"Lay down." He commanded as he stood over me. I listened and looked up at him as he caught his breath before he positioned himself on top of me.
"I don't know if I can wait until later." He said in a whisper in my ear. His hair fell down over us. All I could see was him looking down at me, his face was bright red and I could feel his breath on my neck. My heart was pounding.
"I-" I started to say but was interrupted by him grabbing both of my wrists and pinning me down. I He held both of my wrists in one hand. I let out a small moan and my face turned bright red.
"W-what? Use your words." He said commandingly in my ear. He used his other hand to grab my chin and force me to look at him.
"I-I'm sorry- I didn't mean t-to." I stumbled out feeling my face get more red with every word I said
"Do it again." He said as he moved his lips on mine. He kissed me hard for a moment gripping my wrists harder before he bit my bottom lip. I gasped as he bit my lip.
He moved his face off of mine and looked at me for a moment, smiling as he caught his breath before moving his face on my neck. He started kissing all over my neck making me squirm under him. Each time I would move he would grip me harder.
"Why're you moving so much? Does it feel good?" He asked as I felt something hard push up against my dress.
"H-hush." Was all I could weakly muster out in return.
"Mhm I bet it does." He said in a whisper as he started to lightly bite my neck, but not hard enough to leave marks like last time. It took all I had to not let out a noise.
"Stop holding back. I want to hear it." He said as he moved his knee so it was rubbing against my underwear. I could feel myself becoming to become undone. I opened my legs a little so he could get a better position on me.
"D-do you want to do it now?" He asked in my ear. All the previous confidence he had vanished at the thought at actually going through with it.
"D-do you?" I asked quietly looking up at him. His grip on my wrist had weakened.
"P-please." He begged in my ear.
"Ye-"I started to say
"You're majesty! The priest has arrived! The ceremony can began when you wish!" A mans voice beaconed from behind the front door. Canutes eyes grew wide as he quickly got off of me and straightened his cape.
"Y-yes I'll be there in a moment allow us to finish getting ready." Canute said in a panic
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry." Canute said as he avoided looking at me.
"Don't worry it's okay." I said smiling softly up at him.
"Well what did you need my help with?  I'm sorry I became a bit side tracked." He asked
"Oh could you tie the back of my dress?" I asked as I moved to stand in front of the mirror attached to my vanity.
"O-of course." Canute said softly as he took both sides of ribbon and tied it into a bow. After he finished tying it he moved his hands to my waist and held me for a moment from behind before moving his face close to my ear.
"Tonight we'll finish this." He said in a whisper before he walked out of my room.

✨AN:/// I KNOW THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE WEDDING CHAPTER BUT I GOT TOO CARRIED AWAY WRITING SPICE AND IT BECAME TOO LONG. NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE OUT SOON AND IT WILL BE THE ACTUAL WEDDING CHAPTER.  Also the chapter after the wedding chapter will be entirely a spicy chapter for those who want to read it so those who don't won't miss out on plot if they choose not to.
PLEASE let me know what you think and as always thank you so much for all the comments and votes! They mean the world 💙💙
* also I know they didn't have pancakes in Viking time but it's all I could think of. Theoretically they had the ingredients to make bread so they could have made pancakes... just probably really bad ones.
**any typos or grammar issues will be corrected in the morning i only post at 1-4 am oops

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