Run away

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"You told him what?" Canute stared back at me. His blue eyes were wide in shock.
"I told him I was going to marry you." I said looking down at his hand resting on my leg. I moved my hand over to his and interlocked it. His hands were as cold as ice.
Canute said nothing but looked at me and then down at our hands.
"I-is that okay? Do you still want to marry me?" I asked a bit confused, pulling my hand away, leaving his still propped on my leg.
"Are you serious? Is this a joke?" He said in a more stern tone while still looking down. He dared not to make eye contact with me.
"No?" I asked, now a bit concerned, "I'm being serious."
He moved his head up to look at me. The moonlight from the window illuminated his face. His blue eyes had begun to fill with tears.
"This can't be real." He said quickly in a whisper, moving his hand off of me.
"It is. I promise you." I said looking at him and softly smiling. I moved closer to him as I reached my palm up to wipe the tears that had started to fall.
"B-but you said you'd let me know in Gainsbury?" He asked through tears.
"There's no point wasting time when I already know it's you." I said softly still wiping tears from his face.
"A-are you s-sure?" He asked stuttering.
"I've never been so certain about anything in my life." I said rubbing his cheek. 
I moved my hand down from his face and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pulling myself closer into him. I moved in to kiss him but stopped for a moment taking everything in. His blue eyes were still wide in disbelief and his entire body was trembling.
"I love you." I whispered in his ear before pulling his lips onto mine for a second. He didn't kiss me back.
"Is something wrong?" I asked looking at him after pulling away and moving my arms off of him.
His face was blank. He looked at me and blinked a couple of times, saying nothing.
"Uh-" I started but was cut off by his lips colliding on mine. He reached his hand up to my face and pulled me in closer, wrapping the other around my lower back. We stayed like this for a moment before I pulled away while looking up into his eyes. His face was redder than I had ever seen.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to cut you off!" He said frantically, moving back away from me. I couldn't contain my laughter.
"You're so cute." I said while laughing. "Why are you apologizing?"
"Because I didn't mean to scare you!" He said looking down at the bed. He crossed his arms and avoided eye contact. 
"A-And of course I still want to marry you! I just really thought you were joking." He said quietly
"Why would I be?" I asked moving closer to him.
"I just thought marrying me would cause too much stress." He said still looking down. I moved my hand on top of his.
"Being with the person I love could never cause me that much stress. And no I don't know how to be a queen but we can figure that out together. I know we can."  I said while squeezing his hand and smiling softly at him.
"I love you so much (Y/N)" he said while pulling me into a hug so tight I thought my bones would break.
"You're all I could ever want. I promise I'll try and be everything you could ever want. I'd do anything for you." He said through happy tears. I wrapped my arms around his back and laughed though I was struggling to breathe.
"I can't wait to be your wife." I said looking up at him after he had released me.
"Why do we have to wait?" He said back. There was a sense of urgency in his voice.
"What do you mean? We're in the middle of a war and the English could find us at any second?" I said confused
"What if they don't find us?" He asked
"W-what're you suggesting?" I asked back
"It's late (Y/N). I bet all of Askeladds men are sleeping. Even the one he tasked to watch us are probably already fast asleep. There's going to be a huge battle tomorrow." He said while moving his hand on top of mine.
"What're you saying?" I asked
"We could run away." He said softly. His eyes sparkled as he said it.
"No there's no way. We wouldn't even get far-"
"Askeladd tied up all the horses in the north part of the forest. If we could sneak through there we could take one." He said cutting me off
"And head where? You're a prince people would realize who you were." I asked looking into his eyes
"Not if we headed south to Bath. There's not a soul there that knows who I am."  He said squeezing my hand.
"Even if we did do that where would we stay? How would we get around?"
"I'm a prince. I think I'm more than enough covered financially." He said patting his pocket. I could hear coins jingle.
"Oh... yeah."
"We can get married in Bath and then go wherever you want from there." He said smiling
"B-but I don't want to leave Askeladd." I said looking down at the ground. He was all I had left.
"I thought you would say something like that. So I have a plan." He said smiling
"And that is?" I asked
"We leave a letter tonight telling Askeladd where we're heading. We head south to Bath, but the long way. We head west from here and cut through into Wales, it shouldn't be a problem since you speak the language. Askeladd and his men are sure to follow us but they won't be expecting the route we take. They're sure to head south and avoid Wales entirely. They'll be waiting for us when we get to Bath and by then we'll have already been married. Then we can follow Askeladd and use his protection to go back to my fathers castle. He'll have had to accept us being together by then." He said breathlessly after talking for so long.
I paused for a moment taking in what he had just said. It was seemingly a flawless plan.
"Thought this through huh?" I asked looking at him a bit puzzled. I was really wondering how long he had had this plan concocted, but dared not to ask it.
"M-maybe." He said while looking away from me. His cheeks started to blush "You know you can tell me no if you don't want to-"
"Let's do it." I said softly.
"Really?" He asked
"Of course. I want to marry you and I want to do it in my home country." I said smiling realizing I'd be going back home, even just for a little bit.
"T-there is one thing I have to do before we leave. I want to say my final goodbye to Ragnar." He said looking down.
"Of course." I said patting his back. "I'm going to start writing the letter and packing. After I'm finished, why don't I go and sneak to where the horses are and you go ahead and say your final goodbyes. You can meet me there. If we leave within the next hour we should be in Wales by dawn."
"Y-yeah that sounds perfect." Canute said softly. He tried to smile but I knew behind it there was pain.  I stood up and moved in front of him.
"Well there's no time to waste is there? I better get started." I said
~ 40 minutes later~
I sat waiting for Canute in front of the horse I had chosen. He was young and would serve us well on our adventure. All the food and clothing I had packed was carefully strapped to the saddle. Everything was going perfect to plan but I couldn't stop thinking about the letter I had just written to Askeladd. I hoped he wouldn't be too mad at me.
"Hey." Canute said walking quietly behind me in a whisper. Hearing his voice removed any doubt I had.
"Are you ready?" I whispered, turning around.
"Yes." He said while sniffling. He climbed onto the back of the horse, looking into the distance.
"I'm so sorry about Ragnar." I said softly
"He was a great man. I hope to be the kind of king and husband he would be proud of." He said. His voice was weary. I could tell he had been crying but was trying his best to remain put together.
He leant his hand down  and pulled me onto the horse behind him.
"I know you will be." I said in his ear while wrapping my arms around him.
"Well I can't sit around crying can I? The sun will be rising in around five hours and I have the prettiest girl in the world to make my wife. Hold on tight alright?" He said while taking in a deep breath.
I listened and off we went.~

BONUS (this is just a little extra exert I wanted to write because I thought it would be funny lol)
"Bjorn.. where are the children? I sent you to wake princess and my niece up an hour ago. Thorkell is hot on our ass we'll be dead if we wait much longer." I said huffing while looking around, taking inventory of which of my men were awake.
"I tried sir but they locked the door." Bjorn answered me while pulling his helmet on.
I stared at him for a moment, in awe of his ignorance.
"Then you force the damn door open!  You're a 6 foot tall Viking not a puny Englishman who takes knocking for an answer!" I said in a yell.
"Then you go do it!" Bjorn said yelling back at me.
"By Oden I will! I've fought with you through brutal wars and you cant wake a couple of teenagers up?" I said rubbing my head. A headache was beginning.
"I TRIED BUT THEY DIDN'T ANSWER." Bjorn said screaming at me.
I turned and said nothing, walking towards the cabin I had left (Y/N) and Canute in.
Walking up the porch I turned the handle and sighed. Bjorn was right about one thing. It was locked.
"(Y/N) you and Canute can have cuddle time when there's not an impending war right behind us. I need you to come out now." I said screaming through the door. I waited a moment for an answer but got no response.
"Don't make me bust this door down!" I screamed again and waited. No response.
"Alright you're making me do this. At least have a shirt on when I walk in!" I moved to the left and kicked in the window that was beside the door, walking inside.
I walked down the hallway into the bedroom. It was empty. On the middle of the bed there was a small folded up piece of paper. I picked it up and carefully unfolded it.
"Dear Uncle,
Canute and I have left to be married. We took one of your horses and are heading south to Bath where we will be wed. Please do not worry, as we are safe. Meet us there and we can head north together.
Also please don't be mad at me, at least I left a letter.
Love you!
I looked at the letter again in shock, having to read it twice over.
"I fucking hate children."

AUTHORS NOTE: I love writing this story so much, this is so much fun. The Askeladd POV won't be a regular thing, I just thought the story needed a bit of comedic relief.
As some of you have noticed, I recently posted the cover for my second Canute book. (the Thorfinn book is coming soon I promise. I'm working on it after this is published) A chapter hasn't been released yet but if you want to preadd there you go 💙💙💙 I hope you all are enjoying. Let me know what you think! And thank you as always for all the likes and comments!!!

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