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"So do you actually know how to cook or are you all looks?" I joked pushing on his shoulder as we walked into the kitchen.
"No I actually know how to cook, Ragnar taught me when I was young. I just don't do it often." He said back blushing looking at me. He tied his hair into a ponytail and pulled out a knife to start chopping vegetables.
"Why not?" I asked looking at him cut a carrot.
"I cooked once for my father and he was so furious he threw my food on the floor. Something about how 'there is no place for royalty in the kitchen.' I stopped cooking after that." He said while getting out a pan.
"That's not true. I think it's nice that you can cook." I said back listening to my stomach growl.
"T-thanks." He said back hastily, his face growing red.  I looked at him and smiled .
"I'm going to fetch the rabbit from Thorfinn I'll be right back." Canute said after a moment putting his knife down.
"No let me grab it. You're in the middle of cooking." I said looking at him. There were vegetables all around him needed to be chopped for the soup.
"No really-" Canute said turning to look at me. His blue eyes looked into mine, they were full of concern. I knew the thought of me talking to Thorfinn alone made him nervous, but it was a thought he would have to get over.
"No it's okay. I need to grab something anyways." I turned to walk out of the kitchen sighing. I could feel Canutes gaze on my neck. He was watching my every move to see how close I would be to Thorfinn.
When I walked in the living room Thorfinn was nowhere to be seen, Ragnar was however.
"Where's the rabbit? Canute asked me to grab it."
"Oh I sent Thorfinn outside to clean it. I was going to but I've started having a pain in my hand. He should probably be outside-"
"Thanks." I replied cutting off Ragnar and walking towards the door. The icy cold breeze kissed my face. I pulled on my gloves and shivered looking around for Thorfinn in the dense wilderness.
"Thorfinn?" I called out trying to find him. I turned around hearing footsteps in the distance. Thorfinns dirty face looked at me. He held the hide of the rabbit in one hand and a blood stained knife in the other.
"What're you doing out here? Shouldn't you be inside with your husband?" He said to me in an annoyed voice. He looked at me and then back at the ground, continuing to clean the rabbit for dinner.
"I do believe you would know if I got married in the last 2 hours." I said groaning at his tone. He was so stubborn.
"Might as well be with what he did to your neck." He said grumbling in response, still looking at the rabbit.
"God why are you so thick headed? You never even let me try and explain!" I said loudly throwing my hands up in the air with frustration.
"What is there to explain?" He said looking up to me and then down to my neck. His blue eyes were full of anger, mine softened looking into his. I missed the days when I could laugh with him.
"Everything if you'd let me. I tried to earlier but-"
"Whatever." He said cutting me off bluntly, looking away from me. "Looks like princess is worried sick over us talking huh?" He said laughing to himself.
"What?" I asked confused, turning around to look back at the house.
Canute was staring bullets at Thorfinn from the kitchen window, the knife still in his hand. When he saw that I was looking at him his face grew red and he quickly turned back to cutting vegetables.
"Could we talk later? Or are you going to keep talking over me." I said in a whisper, as to not let Canute hear. I could feel his gaze on my back.
"Fine. Tonight after dinner when everyone's asleep. Meet me outside near the river." He said quietly, anger still in his voice. 
"Can't we where I'm staying?" I  whispered back as quietly as I could, trying not to let Canute hear.
"No I'm sure Askeladd has men guarding your place and Canute would definitely find out."
"Oh" I replied back. He was right.
"And I think this goes without saying  don't tell anything about this to Askeladd or Canute."
"Yeah I gathered that." I said back sarcastically.
"Good maybe your brain does work after all." He said standing up in front of me.
"Well that's rude." I said back sarcastically.
"Maybe I am." He said back, leaning down to pick up the skinned rabbit, it was still dripping blood.
He walked past me towards the house swinging the rabbit, splashing me with blood. I opened my mouth in shock looking down at my blood stained jacket.
"Thorfinn what the hell?!" I said loudly trying to wipe off what I could but it was no use. I looked up at Thorfinn who was smirking back at me. I took a step towards him, my face growing red with fury at the audacity he had to smile after a stunt like that.
"What the absolute fuck is your problem." I screamed
"I don't know maybe it's you." He said smirking still, moving a bit closer but I was too blinded with rage to notice. His demeanor making me even angrier by the second.
"Why do you think you have any right to do that?!" I said bawling my fists together.
He moved even closer, so close I could feel his breath on my face and his lips were only inches from mine.
"Canute got to leave his mark on you. So I think it's only fair that I got to leave mine." His smile grew even wider and he moved his face closer. I knew he was only doing this because Canute was watching. I put my hands up to push him off of me and moved my body away from his but before I got the chance a noise from inside the house interrupted us.
I turned my head to see Canute staring at us with wide crazy eyes from inside the house. His hand banging on the window and a knife still gripped tightly in the other shaking. His face was redder than I've ever seen a persons. He looked as if he had gone insane from jealousy.
I looked from Canute to Thorfinn and then back again. Thorfinn moved closer to me  and stood smirking at Canute, which only seemed to enrage him further. I stared for a moment in shock at what all was happening before moving away towards the house.
"Wait here's the rabbit." Thorfinn said tossing it to me in the snow.
"Yeah thanks." I said in a sarcastic tone bending down to pick it up. I turned around heading inside, scared of what the conversation with Canute would be like.
"See you tonight." Thorfinn whispered as I walked further away from him. I turned around and rolled my eyes at him in response. His face still holding a smile.
"What an asshole." I grumbled to myself walking inside, past Ragnar into the kitchen, placing the rabbit down on the cutting board and taking my blood stained jacket off.
Canute was already waiting for me. His face was red and he was still shaking. I looked at him for a moment, unable to think of anything to say. He was still clutching the knife and facing the window.
"What was the meaning of that?" He said finally, breaking the silence, not turning around.
"Canute you know I wouldn't let him kiss m-" I said in response trying to calm him down.
"All you were supposed to do was get the rabbit and leave. I even told you not to fucking talk to him but you did it anyways. Can you not follow simple damn instructions? Are you doing this to spite me?! And for what?! Because I'm in love with you?" He said through his teeth trying to control his rage but failing. He moved to face me and threw the knife on the floor.
"No I would never-" I said as calmly as possible.
"You are to marry me. I am sick of this back and forth bullshit." His voice was stern. He moved closer backing me into a wall. He moved his arms over me pinning me to it. I was trapped.
"You told me you would let me decide when I-" 
"That was before you made me look like a damn fool." He moved his face closer to mine, his eyes wide.
"No please-" my voice trembling.
"I AM YOUR KING AND YOU SHALL DO AS I SAY." He screamed at me moving closer.
His entire body was red. His once crystal blue eyes were bloodshot and hazy. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I cowered under him starting to shake, looking up at him with fear. Visions of being forced into a marriage again playing in my head. Tears starting to well up in my (eye color) eyes. His eyes looked into mine and he dropped his arms from on top of me taking a couple of deep breaths. His entire demeanor changing in a matter of seconds.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have screamed at you. I don't know what has gotten into me, this war seems to have poisoned my spirit" He said softly backing away from me.
"I-it's fine." I responded back
"The way Thorfinn acts around you makes me so-"
"I know."
"You need to choose (Y/N) I can't keep seeing him act like that towards you and holding my tongue."
"I will." I said bluntly.
"Could we talk after dinner?" He said looking at me.
"No. I'm tired." I said quickly, remembering my plans with Thorfinn that night.
"Oh." He said in a sad tone.
"I don't feel very hungry anymore. I think I'm going to go home and try and rest." I said walking past him and outside the kitchen.
"Wait!" Canute said following me down the hall, his cape was in his hand. I turned to look at him. 
"Take this please." He said handing me his cape.
"I can't take that. You know I can't." I said looking at it. It was red. The color of royalty.
"I don't care about that. Your jacket is stained you can't possibly wear something that filthy anymore.Plus you'll freeze if you go outside like that. That's what I care about." I looked up at him and my demeanor softened. He was such a confusing person.
"Thank you I appreciate that." I said looking down at the ground.
"I wish you'd stay for dinner. I don't want you to go hungry."  He said looking at me concerned. He moved close, wrapping his cape around me. His hand lingering on my shoulders.
"Im okay Canute. I just need a moment." I said listening to my stomach growl. I was hungry.
"I understand." He said
"I'll be back I'm going to go on a walk okay. I'll come back and eat. Focus on making dinner." I said softly trying to comfort him.
"Alright please be safe." He said in a whisper tone.
"I will." I said looking back at him as I walked out the door and into the piercing cold again. Canute's cape wrapped around me keeping me warm. I walked past Thorfinn and said nothing. His eyes widened looking at me with Canutes cape on but said nothing.
I walked towards the forest going deeper and deeper, snow started to fall around me but I thankfully knew my way around by now.
"(Y/N)" I heard Askeladds voice calling out to me in the distance. Wondering why he would be out in the forest I turned and walked closer to him, seeing that it just wasn't him. A small group of about five of his men were with him. And they had their weapons drawn.
"Uncle what're you doing out here it's freezing?"
"We'll I thought I'd ask you that question as well." He paused for a moment before a small smirk grew on his face. I knew what he was about to say.
"Nice cape by the way. I was right you would fit right in being royal dressed like that."
"Hush Canute only gave me this because my last jacket was ruined."
"I'll have you know I traded two silver for that damn thing. What happened?" He asked annoyed
I looked at the ground and sighed.
"Thorfinn." I said grumbling
"Oh what was that I didn't hear you?" He said motioning his hand up to his ear smiling
"Shut up." I said looking at him and punching him in his shoulder.
"Still haven't picked one yet huh." He said still smiling
"No maybe I'll run away again with how they're both acting."
"You can't do that I need you here." He said with a sigh
"You just keep me around because I translate for you." I looked into his eyes giving a half smile
"That's not true. I also keep you around because you keep all the young men around you chasing their tails." He said laughing.
"Oh shut the hell up." I said laughing as I playfully pushed him. It felt nice to have a break from all the drama.
"So now answer my question why're you out here?" I said looking at him. Askeladd was a hard person to read but I had grown accustomed to being able to tell when he lied.
"Ear heard the English from a distance away. Thought I'd strike while the iron was hot. He said it was only a small group." He said not facing me. He was lying and I could tell. He had something planned.
"Oh alright." I said trying to hide my suspicion.
"Now why are you out here?" He turned to look at me.
"Thought I'd take a break from being fought over for a moment. I needed the fresh air." I said sighing thinking about all the drama taking place around me.
"Must be hard being pretty huh?" He said sarcastically
"Very." I shot back looking at him with a scowl.
"Well have you eaten yet? You probably should head back and eat if you haven't. The snows falling thick." He asked in a concerned voice. I knew he just wanted me to leave.
"No I haven't yet. I think I've cleared my head enough though, I'll head back now."
I wanted no part in whatever scheme he had planned. I turned around facing camp.
"Be safe." He called out as I started walking into the wilderness back home.
"I will." I shouted back
"Oh also (Y/N) if you see Ragnar on your way back will you tell him to find me?"

AN: I AM SO SORRY AGAIN THIS TOOK SO LONG THE HOLIDAYS KEPT ME BUSY. I hope you all had a merry Christmas if you choose to celebrate. I also hope the extra long chapter makes up for the month long break. I promise I'm not giving up on this story and really enjoy writing it. Please let me know what you think and as always thank you for the votes and comments 💙

Weak (Canute x Femreader x Thorfinn)Where stories live. Discover now