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"Yeah of course." I yelled back as I kept walking through the woods. Askeladd had something up his sleeve he was planning, and I could tell it was something I wanted no part of.
I kept walking further through the woods towards the house humming to myself. Talking to Askeladd gave me some relief. I missed talking to people who weren't fighting over me.
As I walked close to the house I smelled rabbit cooking in the distance. "I guess Canute listened to what I was saying for once." I said out loud under my breath. I was sure dinner was done by now and it was getting impossible to ignore my growling stomach. Finally seeing the house, I sighed walking near the back door and taking my gloves off. I walked up the steps and placed my hand on the handle, starting to push it forward before I heard the voice of one of Askeladds men from the front arguing with Ragnar. I pushed the door open a crack and listened in.
"The English have found us. There's started to be a battle in the west, Askeladds commanding his forces now. He instructed me to tell you that we're moving soon." Askeladds man said in a stern tone
"No this can't be." Ragnar said with a gasp
"Listen I understand your confusion but this is Askeladds orders. The English have found us we have got to move once they've been disposed of."
"Move?? We've been here 10 days. How did they find us?" Ragnar said throwing his hands in the air
"You think I know? Pack your things, we're moving west." Askeladds man said in an annoyed voice
"WEST?! We're moving further into enemy territory? This can't be I've told him no! Why would we go west and not into Wales. Bring me Askeladd at once!"
"No can do. He's commanding the forces at the front if you want to see him you'll have to follow me."
"We'll I'll do just that." Ragnar said stumbling out the door fuming. You could practically see the steam coming off his head he was so angry.
I covered my mouth with my hands as to not let out a noise. I knew this couldn't be good. There was no battle going on, I had just talked with Askeladd.
Trying to calm myself down I closed the door and sat down on the porch below a window before realizing what the situation was now.
Thorfinn and Canute were alone now. A bad situation had became even worse.
I peaked through the window, careful not to be seen by either of them. You could cut the tension with a knife as they sat across from each other. Thorfinn was staring bullets at Canute as Canute stared down at his soup trying to ignore the situation. Next to Canute sat an empty seat. I assumed it was left for me.
"So," Canute said while wiping his palms on his pants, "I suppose we should talk about the situation at hand."
"I have nothing to say to you." Thorfinn said
"I am trying my best to be civil but you are pushing my hand." Canute said in a frustrated tone.
Thorfinn said nothing but continued to scowl.
"Well since you're being so uncooperative I'll go ahead and let you know."  Canute said sighing and putting his spoon down. "I am marrying (Y/N) when we get to Gainsborough. Askeladd has already given me his blessing. I would like to ask you to please leave (Y/N) alone. There are plenty of other women out there but that is my wife."
"Over my dead body she'll be your wife." Thorfinn said looking up. His face was blood red with anger.
"Don't make me do this." Canute said
"Well since you want to tell me your nonsense plan I'll go ahead and tell you mine." Thorfinn said with a smirk
"And that is?" Canute questioned
"After I kill Askeladd (Y/N) and I will be running away together back to my home town  in Iceland. No matter if you order her to marry you she will be coming with me." Thorfinn said with a smile. Canute stared at him for a moment with eyes wide in disbelief before bursting out into laughter.
"What's so funny." Thorfinn asked
"Are you really so dense that you think (Y/N) will want to be with you after you kill her only family? I knew Vikings were dumb but I didn't think they were that incompetent."  Canute said through laughter
"She won't need him. I'll provide for her."
"Provide for her with what now? Killing people and theft? Come on now Thorfinn I am begging you to  be rational for once in your life. You know I am the better choice. I can provide a life for her you could never give her and Askeladd is practically her father. She would never forgive you." Canute said trying to rationalize.
"What do you know about what I could give her? I could give her more than you ever could!" Thorfinn said bundling his hands into fists
"Oh I know everything about you could give her. A life of poverty and always being hungry." Canute said standing up and pushing his chair in with frustration
"That's not-" Thorfinn started but Canute cut him off
"I am going to be a king. You are forever going to be a servant. You need to realize your place in the world. Do you really think any woman would pick being a poor viking woman over being a queen?" Canute said looking down at Thorfinn
"Do you really think a status matters to (Y/N)?" Thorfinn asked
"No. That's not why she's going to marry me." Canute said smiling again
"Then why would she pick you?" Thorfinn asked
"Because I am simply better than you. I will be a better husband, father and king to her than you ever could be and it's obvious. I don't go around slinging violent threats to her family. I have never said a negative word against her. I love her with everything in me. She is everything I have ever wanted. She is the reason my heart beats and I will make sure she knows that with every breath she ever takes. That's why she'll pick me." Canute said breathing deeply.
My face grew a blush hearing him talk about me like that.
Thorfinn looked at the ground below him saying nothing, reflecting on all the times he had been mean.
"Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go find my wife. Her dinners getting cold and she needs to eat." Canute said sternly
"She's not your-"
Canute walked over to Thorfinn, towering over him as he sat on the floor. There was a spark of determination in Canutes eyes that I hadn't seen before.
"Soon she will be." Canute said while walking to the door. He took one last look at Thorfinns defeated face and pushed on the handle. Realizing what was happening I ran down the steps as quick and as quietly as I could and took off towards the woods. I knew he'd look for me there and it wouldn't look as suspicious.
I sat down on a tree stump and waited for him, thinking. A life with Canute would mean many things. I would always be protected, housed, fed, and loved but it would also mean taking on the burden of being a queen. I would rule a country alongside Canute. Forever being looked at, forever in his shadow.
A life with Thorfinn would be the exact opposite. There would be no burden of responsibility but life would be hard. He was a Viking. He would go on long voyages and I would sit at home not knowing where he was. Where he was sleeping. If he was even still alive. And there still was the whole Askeladd situation. What if he did take Askeladds life?
So lost in thought I didn't notice Canute walking right in front of me.
"Thinking hard huh?" Canute said standing in front of me.
"Well I was." I said looking up at him smiling "but now you're here."
"My apologies." He said taking a seat right next to me. His long hair touching my back. He turned to look at me and smiled.
"It's fine I'm glad you're here." I said looking into his blue eyes
"Really? That's a shock." He said
"Why would it be?" I asked
"Well... what happened earlier." He turned his face to the ground. His face blushing.
"I told you it's fine. I just needed time to clear my head. Plus I got this cool cape from it so it was a win win in my case." I said looking at him smiling he looked at me and laughed.
"It does look cute on you. Stick around me and you can wear a different color of those every day of the week." He said smiling. I looked away from him for a moment. I knew what he meant by that.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"
"You're fine." I turned to him and gave him a weak smile.
"Hey well your dinners getting cold. I'll light a fire to warm it up for you but how about we go inside? You must be starving and being out in the cold this much will make you sick."
"Yeah I'd like that a lot." I said standing up. He was right, not eating for this long was making me weak. Walking next to him I couldn't help but look at him. He was so tall. My heart skipped a beat when he looked at me. When we walked into the house he held the door open for me as I collapsed into the first chair I saw. Thorfinn was nowhere in sight.
"Tired huh?" He asked looking at me and smiling
"You have no idea." I said back looking at him. These past couple of days had been exhausting, mentally and physically and not eating didn't help.
"We'll I'd better go get your dinner ready then. You need to eat." He said walking into the kitchen as he tied his hair up. I started to doze off on the dining table until Canute lightly shook me awake.
"Hey your foods ready. At least eat a little first before taking a nap." He said in a soft voice placing a bowl of soup in front of me.
"Thank you." I said looking up at him.
His hand was resting on my shoulder. I reached up and intertwined our fingers for a moment before turning to the soup. I must've ate it in 10 seconds I was so hungry.
"Please promise me you'll cook more. This is delicious." I said looking at him, feeling a lot better having had ate. He looked at me and laughed.
"Maybe only for you."
"Well thank you that makes me feel special." I said laughing back
"You are special." I looked at him and blushed.
"We'll there's something I'd like to talk to you about." I said looking down at the table.
"And that is?" He looked at me puzzled
"I'll give you my answer in 2 weeks when we get to Gainsborough. You were right earlier. It's unfair to not give you an answer." I said looking down
"(Y/N) I didn't mean that." He said with a sad voice
"No it's unfair to Thorfinn as well. I'll let you know in Gainsborough and then we can get married if you still would like to." I said definitively
"Why would I not want to marry you?" He asked
"Because I'm making you wait."
"I would rather you be sure you love me before you become my wife." He said looking at me with eyes full of love.
"How are you sure you love me?" I asked shakily
"You are all I think about. Being with you is all look forward to, it's the first thing I think of when I wake up. I love everything about you. The way you do your hair, the way you smile. Your voice brings me a peace I've never known before you came into my life. There is not a doubt that exists in my mind that you are not the one for me. You are my happiness and if you choose to become my wife I promise I will do nothing but adore you with every breath I take."
I looked at him with wide eyes at what he had just said. I had never been talked about like that.
"Canute I don't even know what to say." I said
"Then don't." He said moving close to me. He rest his hand on mine and moved his face close.
"I love you (Y/N)" he said while kissing my forehead.
"I know you do." I said looking up at him.
"Why don't you go lay down in the living room. I'll sit in there with you while you sleep. There's a small battle going on in the west I'll make sure your safe." Canute said softly cupping my face.
"Yes please." I whispered back. He stood up and walked in the living room with me. I laid down on the couch as he sat on the other end from me.
The last thing I remembered was him wrapping me up in a blanket before I quickly fell asleep.
When I woke up it was no longer light outside and I heard a familiar voice from outside a door calling out between knocks.
"Canute I need you to answer. There's been an accident." Askeladds voice rang out.

AN: rip Ragnar :( I hope you all are enjoying and happy new year! Let me know what you think and thank you for the votes 💙 also I'm so sorry for any typos it's 3am and I'm too tired to reread oops
(Also I know Vikings didn't have couches but like... it's for the plot)

Weak (Canute x Femreader x Thorfinn)Where stories live. Discover now