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"H-here's your j-jacket." Canute said anxiously. It had been folded carefully, I took it from his hands as he took a seat on the floor. He looked hardly royal looking up at me with tears in his eyes.
"You know you can drop the stutter now. Your tongues been down my throat, I thought we would've moved past that." I grabbed it out of his hand and looked down at him.
"Y-yeah." He stuttered
"So what did you want to say?" I asked as I moved back to sit on the bed, taking my hair down.
"I-I'm sorry (Y/N) ... I didn't mean to-"
"Oh just shut up no you're not. I know you're just here because you're afraid Askeladd would beat you if you didn't." I said combing my hair.
"No I'm serious (Y/N) it was wrong of me to act like that and demand you to do things. That's not how royalty should act. The last thing I would want you to think is that I would use my status against you."
"Yes and?" I said looking down at him.
"But I did mean the things I said." He said closing his eyes and pausing "I-I would like to marry you if you would agree. I know it's a lot but I would take care of you always and we could be happy together if you would allow it. I promise you are the only woman I would ever have eyes for." He blurted out
"You- you're asking me to marry you after all that happened earlier?" I said my face forming a look of frustration. He had a lot of nerve.
"L-listen please don't say no yet! I know what I did was wrong but please at least allow me the chance to try and make up for it before you brush me off! I couldn't live with myself if I wasn't given a chance. If you say no I'll just fight for you harder."
I paused not saying anything. Realization striking me.
"Are- are you just wanting to marry me because I'm Welsh?" I said quietly
The puzzle pieces had clicked in my head. My dad, while not of noble descent, was of great status as a farmer and well respected and known by everyone in Wales for his accomplishments. The Danish Vikings were notorious for raiding the Welsh, which caused the Welsh to distrust and hate the Norse. A Danish king marrying a Welsh peasant woman would certainly bring about mutual benefits and peace between the two countries. "That's what Askeladds plan was. That's why he pushed a marriage to Canute onto me." I said in my head. I was furious. Canute said nothing but looked up at me, an expression of hurt on his face.
My face contorted into a frown as I continued
talking, "Because if it is that is the most cowardly shit-"
"I wish to marry you because I am in love with you. I could care less what is in your blood." He screamed. He looked up at me with a blush on his face. His blue  eyes looked at me full of love. I knew he was telling the truth
I stared. I didn't know what to say but I felt my cheeks grow pink and my mouth fall open with shock.
"I-I don't know what to say." I said watching him stand up.
"Then say nothing. I'll give you time to think but I hope you know I'm willing to fight to be yours. You will be mine."
He walked towards me and stood over me as I sat on the bed. He took his hand and put it against my face and rubbed it. I looked up at him and his eyes met mine. His gaze was full of adoration.
"I'm looking forward to being your husband."
I still wasn't able to say anything. I was too tired and in shock. He moved his face closer to mine before it was interrupted with a knock.
"Canute. Ragnar asked me to fetch you. He said you were in here. It's late." It was Thorfinns voice that was calling out through the thin wooden door. His voice was raspy. I wondered how much he knew about what had happened about Canute and I today.
"Alright I'll be right there." He turned around and called out and then turned his attention to me again.
"It's getting late isn't it? You look so tired." He said quietly so Thorfinn wouldn't hear, not moving his hand from my face. He was smiling looking at me. I looked up at him and smiled back. I was sure Thorfinn had his ear to the door trying to listen in.
"Yeah it is." I said back in a whisper
"Get some sleep." He said rubbing my face again.
"You too." I replied back rubbing my eyes, I was exhausted.
He moved closer to my ear and whispered "Goodnight beautiful. Stay warm for me." He kissed my ear lightly before turning around and walking towards my door and out of it. I braced for the cold entering in as he opened the door, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders . I looked out to see Thorfinn standing there in doorway, Canute pushed past him and walked down the steps.
When Thorfinn saw me his eyes grew wide. He was looking at my neck in bandages. He put his lantern down and started to walk towards me.
"(Y/N) what happened? Your neck-" he said pointing
Canute turned around in the distance, hearing Thorfinn talk to me and walk into my house.
"Come on Thorfinn. It is late. Let her rest." He commanded, walking inside again. Thorfinns eyes looked at me with concern.
"We can talk tomorrow. I'm fine but I'm really tired right now." I said back trying to calm his mind. Knowing it didn't help.
Canute was standing behind him pulling him outside by the arm.
"A-alright." He replied back nervously, before he could say anything else Canute was shutting the door.
I laid down on the bed, wrapping myself up in the warm blanket, letting out a loud sigh before falling asleep.

Weak (Canute x Femreader x Thorfinn)Where stories live. Discover now