Anger. Confusion. Love?

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Days later, 1013 Eastern Bank England

"God it's cold" I said out loud putting on my heavy clothing, missing the summer weather. I searched my pack for my gloves. Not that it would help. I already couldn't feel my finger tips.
"What're you looking for shit face." Thorfinn said making me jump.
"God damn why do you always sneak up on me."
"Because it's fun. Now what are you looking for."
"My gloves if you must know, I can't find them anywhere." I sighed frustrated
"Here take mine, I don't need them anyways I'm not weak like you." He tossed them to me laughing
"Shut up"
"Shouldn't you be saying thank you?" He moved closer to me
"Yeah whatever, thank you." I brushed past him not letting him see the smile on my face.
Days had gone by since we were first introduced to Prince Canute and the cone headed man who I came to know as Ragnar. Canute hasn't spoken a word to anyone. I had tried on one of the many occasions Askeladd had forced us to be close together to get a word out of him but he always just stared and clung onto to Ragnar. I could feel him watching me though, especially when Thorfinn and I were together. He was quite cute, especially when I would catch him stealing looks at me.
"(Y/N) I need you for a favor, get your horse and ride with me." Askeladd commanded
"Yes uncle."
"Where are we going?"
"Just a little ways down by the river, I have a letter to deliver.
"Too scared to deliver it yourself?" I said chuckling
"I speak English you little shit but you just so happen speak it a bit better, plus you're Welsh. They'll favor your accent a bit more than my Danish one."
"Alright" I said still laughing
I got up and to my horse and we were off.

"I thought you said this would be just a little ways." I said 20 minutes into the journey.
"We're getting close, stop your complaining I know you want to go back to your little boyfriend already but I am your uncle you know. It won't kill you to have some family time."
"I'm not complaining because I'm spending time with you I'm complaining because of how cold it is. You know I love spending time with you. You're all I have and also Thorfinn is NOT my boyfriend." I replied back.
"I see how you two sneak off together"
"We're just going on walks together and for the 30th time today its not like that."
"Sure it's not, I'm through talking about him though. Tell me what you think of the Prince."
"He doesn't talk. How can I form an opinion of someone who won't communicate with me." I said sighing "he is pretty though isn't he."
"See I knew you would like him. He's much better than Thorfinn I'll give you that much."
"Not much to like when he won't talk ... I said I liked his face not his personality. Plus you forcing me in situations where I have to talk to him isn't helping. His retainer just speaks for him and he hides behind him like a scared puppy."
"That cone headed man likes to talk an awful lot doesn't he." He groaned and looked at the ground.
"Do you truly believe he will be the king? I mean look at him. He can't even talk for himself. He's hardly a man."
"Trust in me (Y/N) I have a plan for him."
"Well it better be a damn good one to turn him into a king let alone a man."
"It is. We're here now. Get off your horse."
Askeladd and I both jumped down. And walked to the shore. An old man sat fishing at the shore.
"Cold day to fish isn't it." Askeladd said to him in English.
He was right. His English wasn't as good as mine.
"I don't mind if I catch any. I ferry and that's my real job." The man replied "Your English is quite good by the way. Are you both Danes?"
"I'm Welsh." I said. Askeladd just stared not responding. "How much is fare?"
"Hmm 2 silvers for you and 1 for the Welsh girl."
"No it'll just be this letter that crosses."
"Oh I thought I had company for once. And to what person does this letter belong to?"
"Any person of importance. It is urgent. Say it is from Askeladd son of Lydia."
" I see and it will be done. Farewell son of Lydia and girl from Wales."
I looked back and waved as Askeladd was jumping onto his horse again.
"What was that about?"
"You'll understand in time, everything is going according to my plan."
"You're so confusing you know that?"
"How so?"
"Well for starters why wouldn't you tell him you're Danish?"
"Because I'm not Danish."
"You were born in Denmark were you not?" I cocked my head in confusion
" There are things surrounding our family that you will come to learn in time. Don't question me of them until I come to you first."
"Alright." I shrugged it off. He can be so secretive some times it's a pain in the ass.
"I want you to try and talk to the prince again today. Even if he doesn't say anything back. Wear him down. Do you understand me?"
"Why do you try and meddle with my private life? Can't you let me live?" I said frustration clear in my voice
"As your fath- uncle it is my job to make sure you are taken care of. Do it for me if you hate it so much."
The rest of the ride back was in silence.

When we arrived back Ragnar was hunting Askeladd down to talk.
"Askeladd! Why aren't we moving? Thorkells men are a days length away from us and we're resting? Look around you Thorkell has scouts out all around us."
Speak of the devil.
"Uncle" I screamed "there's scouts moving ahead. Do you want me to chase after them?" I grabbed the bow from my back and started to reach for an arrow.
"Don't it's a waste of your energy. Get to your horse it's time to move."
"Listen you lot" he said addressing the crowd " I know Thorkell is on our asses hot but I have requested reinforcement. We have to stay on the run until they arrive. Remember what we are fighting for. Now march."
I sighed. It seemed like all we did now was March.
"(Y/N)" Thorfinn called out.
"Let me up. You look exhausted"
"I am"
"I'll lead then." I was too tired to object
"Here" he turned back to look at me. "Here's my cloak if you're going to try and rest at least be warm."
"Aw how nice of you. You really aren't so vicious are you?" Smiling to myself, I knew this would get a reaction out of him.
"Shut up swine blood. I haven't forgotten who you're related to and if you're going to make such of a big deal about it I'll take my cloak back."
I wrapped my hands around his lower waist hard pulling him close and let my head fall into his shoulder until my mouth was less than an inch away from his ear
"No thanks" I whispered in his ear. I closed my eyes and gave into sleep with a smile of satisfaction on my face.

That night
"This is where we rest men. Get your beauty sleep, for tomorrow we go further." I sighed. Thankfully due to Thorfinn I was able to get a bit of rest while moving.
"Uncle, where am I sleeping tonight?" I asked  walking up to him stretching and then yawning, Thorfinn right behind me.
"You and prince Canute will be in that tent tonight." He pointed "Your bed has already been set up. Better hurry over. As for you, Thorfinn, anywhere you can find."
My mouth open in shock.
"You can't be serious."
"(Y/N) we will discuss this later."
"No what is wrong with you I don't eve-"
"(Y/N) Go. Now." He was serious.
I looked back at him trying to stop the tears that were welling in my eyes from coming out. I ran off, Thorfinn following.
"Why would he put you in a room with the Prince? I thought you said he was protective of you ?" He stammered. Clearly a bit taken aback and uncomfortable.
I took in a deep breath "He wants me to marry him." I said shakily. Thorfinn turned to look at me a mix of confusion and jealousy obvious in his face. At this point I couldn't stop the tears from overflowing.
"That's bullshit." He said turning away from me  "enjoy your night with the princess I'm going on a walk."
"Wait. Please let me go with you." I turned to look at him and grabbed his hand. I longed to go with him.
"You heard what Askeladd said, plus you have a Prince to court don't you?" He looked back at me. His face was full of anger but he still hadn't let go of my hand.
"Why are you even angry? You hate me don't you? Why do you care?" I said tears in my voice. He let go of my hand.
"Yeah I guess I do" he said softy and disappeared into the night.
What have I done.

Weak (Canute x Femreader x Thorfinn)Where stories live. Discover now