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Hi! I'll be turning this book into just a Canute x Reader like it was originally. I'm sorry if that upsets people but I think that's just the best choice. Thank you all for your votes and comments I appreciate it I needed some input!
Also to all the Thorfinn lovers don't be upset because.... I will be writing 2 new books!!!!! One a new Canute x Reader and one a Thorfinn x reader. (Maybe even a hild eventually??) I hope you'll stick around for it! I'm kinda contemplating deleting this book and just restarting but I also want to finish it before I decide to trash it or not. I just don't think this is my best work. (I also might edit and rewrite/revise this story after it's finished)
Regardless, new chapters should be out soon!
Thank you all for the comments and votes 💙

Weak (Canute x Femreader x Thorfinn)Where stories live. Discover now