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"Ha-ha! That's my girl, Astrid!" Atlas cheers, as her friend jumps onto the platform.

Astrid smiles. "We sure showed them, didn't we girl!" She says, scratching Stormfly under the neck. "So. Guess who's competing for Ruffnut's attention?"

"Snotlout and Fishlegs." Atlas says quickly, not missing a beat.

Astrid pouts. "How'd you know?"

"It was hard not to notice the way they sent every sheep her way."

"Ugh, I know. Hey, as long as Snotlout's not coming on to me, I'm ok with it." Astrid smiles and winks, and turns and jumps onto Stormfly's back, taking off into the air. "Come on!"

Atlas groans and rolls her eyes, climbing onto Crimson's back. "She moves too fast for my taste, ay girl?" Crimson growls in agreement.

After flying for a few minutes:

"So. Are you going to clue me in on where we're going or will I continue to be left in the dark?"



"Ok, ok fine, you're so bossy! I'm trying to find Hiccup."

Atlas lets out a "WHAT?!" startling a poor Crimson, causing her to stop flying forward.

Astrid snickers at her best friend's overdramatics. "Come on, Atlas, he's not that bad. You of all people should know that, considering he's your brother."

Atlas sends Astrid one of her famous Atlas-glares. "You know that's not what I mean. I don't want to third-wheel with Hiccstrid again!"

"Oh come on, Atlas. You won't be third-wheeling!"

"Yeah, right." The red-head mutters under her breath.

"Pleaseeeeee." Astrid begs, giving her (extremely rare) puppy dog eyes.

Atlas rolls her eyes, knowing she is defeated. "Fine."

Astrid cheers, winning for the second time that day. "Come on!" She says, urging Stormfly forward.

Atlas has no choice but to follow.

- - - - - - -

After what seems like a million years to Atlas, they finally spot Hiccup and Toothless on a small sea stack, writing on his map.

"Afternoon, milady," Hiccup says, noticing the girls land. "And Atlas."

Atlas couldn't help but roll her eyes. They only just landed, and she was already third-wheeling! Talk about irritating.

"Where have you guys been?" Hiccup asks.

"Winning races."

"Watching Astrid win races." The girls respond at the same time. Hiccup laughs at them.

"But the real question is, where have you been?"

Atlas laughs, sitting down under a tree. "Wait till you hear this one."

Hiccup sends his sister a dirty look. "Traitor."

Atlas just smirks at him.

"I... have been avoiding my dad."

"Oh no. What happened now?"

"Oh you're gonna- you're gonna love this. I wake up, the sun is shining, terrible terrors are singing on the rooftop, I saunter down to breakfast, thinking all is right with the world-"

"Woah, woah, woah," Atlas interrupts. "You're telling the story wrong! First, you tripped over Toothless' spare fin attachment, and fell down the stairs, flat on your face." Atlas gets up, imitating Hiccup's hilarious fall.

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