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A/N: Hey! Just so you know, I'm not doing the entire scene of Hiccup and his mother, so if this doesn't make sense to you I strongly suggest you go and rewatch httyd 2 to understand.

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Hiccup runs through the long tunnel, trying to keep up with the woman who calls herself his mother.

"H-hold on. Wait just a minute!"

"This way!" Says the woman, easily running through the tunnel.

"Come back here!"


"You can't just say something like that, and run off. You're my mother?! I mean, what the... Do you- do you grasp how insane it sounds?"

"Come, quickly." She says, climbing up a slanted rock.

"I have questions!" Hiccup yells, trying and failing to make it up the slanted rock. "Where have you... ugh... been all this time?" Luckily, Toothless is there, and helps push him up the rock. "What-what have you been doing? But they- they said you were dead! Everyone thinks you were eaten by..." Hiccup trails off as he walks into an opening, and sees thousands upon thousands of dragons.

"Woah!" He says, walking around.

Hiccup gasps as he looks up and sees his mother and a type of dragon he's never seen before, hanging from the 'ceiling'.

"This is where you've been? For 20 years?"

The woman nods tentatively.

"You-you've been rescuing them!"

The woman nods again.


"You're not upset?" His mother asks, cocking her head.

"What? No. I-I don't know. I.... It's a bit much to get my head around, to be frank. It's not every day you find out your mother is some kind of crazy, feral, vigilante dragon lady."

"Ohh!" The woman chuckles. "Well... at least I'm not boring, right?" She says, as the dragon helps her down from the 'ceiling'.

"Well, I suppose there is that one... specific... thing." Hiccup responds, as a dragon comes up to nuzzle him.

"Do-do you like it?"

"I-I-I... I don't have the words!"

They watch as Toothless gets surrounded by dragons, all of them trying to sniff the 'new dragon'. As one dragon gets too close for his liking, Toothless growls, scaring them all away.

Hiccup and his mother laugh.

"And-and what of my little girl?" She asks. "My darling Atlas? How is she?"

"Y-yeah, she's doing good. She's even got her very own dragon, a Screaming Death, can you believe it?"

The woman smiles. "I can. She was such a fiery little thing, same as her hair. A Screaming Death would suit her."

"Yeah, and she's all grown up now. 22. Heh. You know, she actually reminds me a lot of you! Not the temper, obviously, she got that from dad. But she looks a lot like you. Similar colored hair, same teal eyes, same nose."

(A/N: Hey peeps, I decided to change Atlas' eye color to teal.)

"A-and is she married? Any prospects?"

Hiccup laughs. "Oh, gods no! Atlas always said she never wanted to marry. Something about 'a man outshining' her. B-but, between you and me, I think she's scared that if she opens her heart to a guy, something may happen to him. Like with you."

Valka smiles sadly. "I'm so sorry. I wish I could have been there. I wish I could watch my beautiful little girl grow up. B-but maybe I can see her again! Oh, how I would love that. To be reunited with both my children, at last." Valka says wistfully.

Hiccup grins. "Of course you can! Atlas misses you deeply, I know. We can be a family again!"

A/N: Sorry, shorter chapter this time. But I felt the need to include Atlas' in Hiccup and Valka's conversation. Also, don't you think it's weird that both Hiccup's parents have accents, but he doesn't? Idk. Maybe it's just me. Also, please let me know in comments if you would rather me include more of the mother-son scenes together. I think I will do one more of them together, in the chapter after the next. Love ya!



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