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As it had turned out, the first trap Atlas had found was not her Crimson, but one Barf, and one Belch. They were so pitiful and scared looking, so she took mercy on them and hopped in to comfort them.

A few minutes later, Ruffnut joined them, and Atlas had to suffer in agony, listening to her rant about how much she 'loved' Eret. She felt it was too dangerous to go out and look again for Crimson, as she had heard noises from outside the trap. That was the only reason she didn't try and escape Ruffnut. She could only hope someone had found Crimson.

- - - - - - -

After what felt like an hour of trying to block out Ruffnut, Atlas heard a loud clanging sound coming from outside, and several unlatching noises coming from beneath and to the side of the trap. Ruffnut stopped talking, and the two girls looked at each other. They had arrived.

- - - - - - -

The girls continued to hear banging noises, and it felt like they were moving a bit, so Atlas concluded they were bringing the traps onto land. She and Ruffnut were now sitting on Barf and Belch, waiting for whatever was to come. Atlas hoped Crimson and the other riders were okay. After a few seconds, (or was it years?) the girls heard a familiar voice.

"Ready the traps!"

Atlas looked over at Ruffnut. She was grinning.

"Release the gas, Barf!"

Gas started to flow from Barf's mouth, filling the entire trap and overflowing into the outside. Atlas gagged. Barf and Belch spread their wings.

"Light it up!" Atlas yelled.

Barf produced a spark, igniting the trap and blowing it open.

"Surprise!" Ruffnut yelled. "YEAH!"

They saw Snotlout on Hookfang, Astrid and Fishlegs on Meatlug, Eret on Stormfly, (Atlas rolled her eyes) and- YES! Tuffnut on Crimson! She cheered, relieved her dragon was okay.

"WHAT?!" Drago yelled.

This made Atlas grin even more, knowing they had angered the man.

"Ruff!" Atlas yelled. "We need to get closer to Tuffnut and Crimson!"

Ruffnut tapped a finger to her chin, pretending to think about it. "Hm. I don't know. You're a much more fun brother than Tuff is." But, she relented, and the girls steered Barf and Belch in Tuff's direction.

"Hey gu- WOAH!!" Tuffnut shrieked, trying to get a hold of Crimson as her body whirled around like a drill. "How do you- ugh! Ride this thing?!"

Atlas grinned, and jumped off of Belch and landed smoothly on Crimson. "Practice makes perfect. Later!" She yelled, as Tuffnut jumped back on his dragon.

"Yeah, bye! Nice knowing ya!"

Atlas rolled her eyes as the twins flew off. Then she sat down in the saddle and affectionately scratched her dragon. "I was so worried about you, girl! I promise, after we defeat this psychopath, you can have all the mackerel you want."

(A/N: Me: What is with you and mackerel, Atlas???)

Crimson growls back at her.

"Now, let's go kick some butt!"

Crimson roars, and they take off, getting closer to the ground so that they are in firing range.

Meanwhile, with Eret, he is still trying to get the hang of the flying thing.

"Woah, woah!"

Trust Must Be Earned | Eret Son of Eret (HTTYD)Where stories live. Discover now