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(A/N: Hey guys, sorry, but I decided not to do this chapter with Hiccup and Valka. Instead I just decided to skip straight to meeting Drago. Don't worry, I will include the scene with Stoick, Hiccup, and Valka as a family.)

The riders fly through a small crevice in the ice, and when they reach the other side, Astrid signals for them to land, so as not to alert Drago and his men.

Stormfly drops Eret on the ground, and he gets up quickly, trying to escape. But he doesn't get far, as Stormfly lands on him, and starts to quickly get comfy and settle in.

"Okay, I got you here!" Eret says from underneath Stormfly. "Now get this thing off me."

"Never take a toy from a dragon," Astrid scoffs. "Don't you know anything?"

"Why does this keep happening to me?" Eret asks, as Stormfly starts shoveling snow up forward with her wings, creating a makeshift nest around Eret.

When Atlas walks by, Eret expects some sort of snarky remark from the red-head, but she doesn't say anything, as her mind is on other things.

All the young riders run up to the edge of the cliff, trying to get a glimpse of Drago's entourage.

They see a huge armada, with possibly a hundred boats. And right in the middle of them, are big bubbles coming from the water.

"What's down there?" Astrid asks.

Fishlegs, ever the dragon expert, gets up and removes several dragon cards from his pouch. "Large diameter bubbles, massive lungs, cold water deep dweller, I'm thinking class five leviathan, maybe six!" Fishlegs says, while shuffling through his cards.

Behind them, Stormfly growls and gets up, hearing something from behind her.

Several men in polar bear suits emerge, carrying long pipes that seem to hold knock-out darts. They shoot at the dragons, causing them to black out and fall onto the snow.


"Meatlug! What's wrong, girl?"


"Don't move!" The men instruct, pointing their darts and weapons at the dragon riders and Eret. Atlas has pulled out a few knives, but she knows they will be useless as they are pitifully outnumbered.

The men close in on the riders and tie their hands together. Some other men have moved over to the dragons and begun tying them up with rope, and lifting them onto long wooden stretchers, to make them easier to carry.

One of the men that has gotten a hold of Atlas ties the rope extra tight, pinching her hands and almost cutting off circulation. Atlas sharply inhales at the pain, glowering at the man.

At hearing Atlas' soft gasp of pain, Eret quickly turns around to catch a glimpse of the red-head, worry etching on his face.

He sees her glaring harshly at her captor, and smiles a little at how brave she is. That is, until one of the men, a so-called 'friend' of his, pushes him forward, and tells him to move it.

 - - - - - - -

On one of Drago's ships, Atlas and the others are half-dragged, half-pushed forward, coming close to the front of the ship, where they can see a large man with a black cloak and long, black dread-locks facing the ocean.

"Drago!" Eret calls out. "Get off me!" He says, pushing away the men surrounding him. "Ha ha! Always good to see you, my friend. Keeping warm up here?"

The armored dragons on either side of Drago bow their heads down, scaredly moving away from him as he walks by.

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