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As Atlas was resting her head against the ice, something blue seemed to get brighter and brighter underneath her eyelids.

She opened her eyes and saw that the ice in front of her was glowing a bright blue. She and her mother took a few steps back, visibly confused.

Right in front of their eyes, the ice exploded into small pieces. And behind the smoke, emerged a furious Toothless, glowing a dark blue. He roared loudly up at the alpha, uncovering Hiccup underneath his wing. He looked back at Hiccup, checking to see if he was okay. Hiccup smiled at him.

Toothless turned his attention back to the alpha, growled loudly as he jumped onto a tall icicle so he was closer to the same height of the alpha.

He roared loudly again, and the alpha roared back.

"He's challenging the alpha!" Hiccup said in amazement.

"To protect you!" Valka said.

Atlas laughed. Dragona truly were amazing creatures.

Toothless shot a blast at the alpha.

The alpha went to fire back, but Toothless gave another shot before he could. And another. And another.

The alpha's tusk broke the icicle Toothless was standing on, and he jumped to another one.

He shot another blast.

The alpha roared, and he finally released his hold on the other dragons.

Toothless shot three more blasts, and then he landed on the ground next to Hiccup.

He roared again at the alpha.

All the dragons regained control of their minds, and flew over to the side of Toothless.

"No, no, no, no!" Drago yelled, climbing onto the alpha by his tusk. "Fight back! Fight! Fight! What's the matter with you?!"

All the Berkians gathered together and walked forward, taking a defensive position, ready to fight if needed.

Hiccup climbed on Toothless, and they flew up to an icicle.

"Now do you get it? This is what it is to earn a dragon's loyalty," Hiccup said, gesturing to the dragons. "Let this end, now."

"NEVER!" Drago yelled. "COME ON!"

The alpha roared.

Toothless growled at his fellow dragons, telling them to get ready.

He roared, and shot a blast.

All the other dragons around him began hitting the alpha with their fire.

Toothless shot one final blast, which cut off most of the alpha's left tusk.

Finally done, the alpha growled and sunk into the sea, taking Drago with him.

"The alpha protects them all." Hiccup said, petting Toothless.

All of Berk began to cheer.

They had won at last.

A/N: OMG SOMEONE HELP ME I HAVE AN ADDICTION. No but seriously, I am getting these out way too fast for my own good. I'm working more on writing than my grades! *cries* But wow, THERE ARE ONLY TWO MORE CHAPTERS UNTIL PART TWO!!! I'm so excited. Part two will take place during HTTYD 3, where things get a little more romantic between Eret and Atlas. Hehe. 



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