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This is Berk.

The best kept secret this side of, well, anywhere. Granted, it may not look like much, but this wet heap of rock packs more than a few surprises. Life here is amazing. Just, not for the faint of heart. You see, where most folks enjoy hobbies like whittling, or needle-point, we Berkians prefer a little something we like to call: DRAGON RACING.

"Wooooo!" An over-sized blonde viking cheers, as he has now caught a sheep. Suddenly, a shortish looking boy with black hair comes out of nowhere and rams into Meatlug, causing her to become unbalanced and drop the sheep.

"Ho-ho! Oh, I'm sorry Fishlegs! Did you want that?"

"Ugh, Snotlout that was mineeee!" The boy's voice trails off as he and his dragon spiral away.

Not too far away, on a platform, standing alongside the chief, is a girl, with long, flowing red hair, and several braids braided into her hair in numerous places. This girl, whose name is Atlas, rolls her eyes at her friend's childish antics.

Meanwhile, back in the air, a green, two-headed dragon comes into the picture. The boy called Snotlout throws the sheep to the female rider.

"Here ya go, babe! Did I tell you that you look amazing today cause you do."

"Ugh. Come on Barf, it's starting to stink around here," she says, clearly rejecting Snotlout.

"Nope, still hates you," the male rider of the dragon says, passing by. "Let's blow this place, Belch!"

Then, the dragon releases a spark, which creates an explosion mid-air.

"Aaaaah!" Snotlout yells, whirling away.

"Ha ha!" A large man with a long beard yells, sitting on a large throne. "That's 9 for the twins, Astrid lags with 3, Fishlegs and Snotlout trail behind with none, and Hiccup.... is nowhere to be found." The man sighs, sitting back down on his throne.

The red-head next to him smirks, knowing exactly what her brother is doing.

"Scared him off with the big talk, didn't you Stoick?" Another large man with blonde hair asks next to him.

Back in the sky, a beautiful blonde riding a pretty blue dragon flips up-side down and smacks Snotlout on the head. "What're you doing, Snotlout? They're gonna win now!"

"She's my princess! Whatever she wants, she gets!"

"Ruffnut?" The blonde asks in obvious surprise. "Didn't she try to bury you alive?"

"Only for a few hours!"

Now dragons used to be a bit of a problem here. But that was 5 years ago. Now they've all moved in! And, really, why wouldn't they? We have custom stables, all-you-can-eat feeding stations, a full service dragon wash! Even top-of-the-line fire prevention if I do say so myself.

"It's time, Gobber."

The red-headed girl beside him tensed, ready to see what would happen. "Come on Astrid. You can still win this!" She whispers under her breath. However, Spitelout still hears, and shoots her a glare. She gives him a sweet smile, and turns her attention back to the game.

"Right-yo. Last lap!" Said the large blonde man missing a foot and a hand.

The horn blows.

Back in the sky:

"The black sheep! Come on, Stormfly, we can still win this thing." As Astrid passes by, a group of Hoffersons cheer loudly for the member of their clan.

"Come on, Barf!"

"Let's go!"

"Go, Meatlug!"

All the riders urge their dragons forward. Suddenly, Astrid sees the black sheep.

"Up, up up up up up!" She cries, urging Stormfly higher. She's on the verge of catching it when....


"Yes! Good job, Meatlug!" Fishlegs praises Meatlug. And you can tell she is very proud of herself.

"Here ya go, darling! Mine's worth 10!" He says, throwing it to Ruffnut.

"Yeah, the black sheep!"

"You guys are fighting for Ruffnut?!" Astrid asks, part baffled, part annoyed.

"I'm totally winning!" Ruffnut yells.

"We're winning together!" Fishlegs exclaims, popping up next to her.

"Ugh." Ruffnut rams into Fishlegs, causing him to spiral out of control, hitting Snotlout in the process.

"Woo! No one can stop me now!"

"Except for me. We're attached, genius." Tuffnut then tries to grab the sheep from his sister.


"Quit trying to steal all my glory!"

Behind them, Astrid is stealthily standing up on her dragon, waiting to strike. The red-head sees her, and immediately understands.

"Come on Astrid!" She screams.

"It's my glory!"

"You're always ruining everything!"

"No sheep, no glory!"

Astrid lands on Barf and Belch, and expertly grabs the black sheep, jumps off, and smoothly lands on Stormfly. "Gotcha!"

The crowd roars for her, and the chief jumps up. "Well played! Ha-ha! That's my future daughter-in-law."

The red-head grins at her father, knowing full well how true that statement is.

"And that's my future sister-in-law." She whispers.

As Astrid tries to drop the sheep in her basket, Fishlegs comes in and hits her, causing her to fumble.

"Uh, hehe, excuse me!" Snotlout comes in, getting ready to attack her with his weapon.


Astrid ducks just in time, causing Snotlout to hit Fishlegs full on in the face. The entire crowd winces in pain for him. The red-head, on the other hand, falls over laughing at the hilarious turn of events.

Stormfly barely manages to recuperate in time before hitting the water. Then, making a beautiful show of it, Astrid drops the black sheep in her net, winning with 13 points. The entire crowd cheers loudly for her, and she flies around, accepting the praise and clapping hands.

Berk is pretty much perfect. All of my hard work has paid off, and it's a good thing too. Because with Vikings on the backs of dragons, the world just got a whole lot bigger.

A/N: Aaaaaand there was chapter 1!! *crosses fingers* please please please tell me you liked it. I know it wasn't much different from the original scene in the movie, but I couldn't have my OC race with the other riders because... well... *coughs* uh... *whispers* Screaming Deaths don't have legs/arms/feet. Soooo uh yeah. Anyways. But! I promise you there will be much cooler stuff in the future. So be sure to come back, and please vote or make suggestions in the comments! I would also like to say thank you so so much to  Funnygirl_thatBelle for inspiring this story. Go check out her works!



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