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A/N: Again, if you don't understand, I highly suggest rewatching httyd 2. Singing will be in italics.

"Mom, you'd never even recognize it," Hiccup says, talking of Berk. "Where we used to make weapons, we now build saddles, wings slings, we-we even fix dragon teeth!"

Hiccup grabs a few fish from a basket, and Toothless stealthily tries to eat a few, but Hiccup closes the lid before he can get some.

"You-you wouldn't even believe how much everything's changed!"

"Aye, your son's changed Berk for the better. I think we did well with this one, Val. And with Atlas. That girl can ride a dragon almost as well as she can make a sword. And her fighting skills! Ha ha!"

Stoick puts his (rather large) hands on Valka's shoulders, causing her to tilt the plate she's holding and drop the fish.


Toothless tries to eat the fish, but Cloudjumper gets there first, gobbling them up. Toothless looks up at him sadly, and Cloudjumper tilts his head. Then, he retches, throwing the fish back up. Toothless happily slurps them up.

"I'm.... a little out of practice." Valka admits.

"Well, you know, I didn't marry you for your cooking!"

"I hope not," Gobber says from the background. "Her meatballs could kill more beasts than a battle axe. I've still got a few knocking around in here."

"And once you move back in, with all your dragons, oh, Drago won't even stand a chance. Everything will be o-kay!" Hiccup says.

"Heh, slow down, son. It's a lot to take in." Stoick says, looking at where Valka sadly stands.

"Oh, gotcha."

Stoick begins whistling a tune, which startles Valka.

"Oh, I love this one." Gobber says.

Stoick walks closer to Valka, still whistling. "Remember our song, Val?"

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with ne'er a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life, if you will marry me-e. No scorching sun, nor freezing cold, will stop-"

"Will stop me on my jour...ney." Gobber interrupts, but immediately quiets at the looks Hiccup and Stoick give him.


Stoick continues. "If you will promise me your heart. And love..." Stoick stops singing, and sighs sadly, noticing Valka's sad expression.

"And love me for eternity,"  Valka begins to sing. "My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me, but I've no need of mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me."

Stoick and Valka put their arms up, and begin dancing the traditional dance.

"But I would bring you rings of gold, and even sing you poetry-"

"Oh, would you?"

"And I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me."

"I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry, I only want your hand to hold!"

"I only want you near me."

"To love and kiss, to sweetly hold," They both sing together.

"Hey!" Gobber yells.

"For the dancing and the dreaming! Through all my sorrows,"

"Come on Hiccup!" Gobber says, picking Hiccup up and spinning him around.

"And your lights, I'll keep your laugh inside me."

"I'll swim and sail the savage seas, with ne'er a fear of drowning, and gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me!" They finish, and Stoick picks up Valka and spins her around.

"Meeeeeeeee! I'm still goingggggg!"

Toothless puts his arms over his face, trying to block out the horrible singing.


"I'm done."

"I thought I'd have to die before we'd have that dance again." Stoick says.

"No need for drastic measures."

"For you, my dear, anything," Stoick gets down on one knee. "Will you come home, Val? Will you be my wife once again?"

Toothless walks by and pushes Valka into Stoick.

"We can be a family! What do you say?"

"Well... yes!"

They all smile at each other.

Gobber pops up behind them. "Great! Let Atlas do the cooking."

"As if!" Hiccup says. "She hates to cook."

They all chuckle.

"Thank Odin you didn't listen to me, son," Stoick says. "We never would have found each other."

 A/N: Soooo, I am not completely satisfied with this chapter. I dunno. Oh, well. Sorry. Anyways, shorter chapter this time, 635 words. Next is the battle! Hope you enjoy it. Mwah.



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