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Toothless was able to track the dragon trappers using some rope they tied Stormfly up with. He wasn't as good as Stormfly when it came to tracking, especially if she had had chicken, but he got the job done.

When the two siblings were able to glimpse the boat in the distance, Atlas called out: "Please tell me your plan involves kicking some dragon trapper butt!"

"Ha ha.... no. We are going to show that Eret guy how amazing dragons are, and get him to show us the way to Drago."

"Ugh. I hate it when you play peacemaker." Atlas says, rolling her eyes. Hiccup chuckles.

As they get closer, they hear shouts from the men on board, alerting them that they have been spotted.

"Remember, no shooting. Just dodging. Oh, and, let me do the talking." Hiccup tells his sister, cringing at what could happen if Atlas was the negotiator.

"Yeah, yeah, I know- aghhhhh!" Atlas shrieks, narrowly missing a net, which, she can tell, comes from Eret. "Why that little-" she begins, getting ready to tell Crimson to fire.

"Atlas!" Hiccup yells. "What did I just say?!"

Atlas pouts, dodging several other nets. Then, she and Hiccup land on the boat. Atlas draws one of her long, thin swords that are strapped to her back. She is prepared to defend herself, despite what 'the peacemaker' says.

"And here I was, worried we might show up empty-handed." Eret says, pointing his dagger at them.

"Nope!" Hiccup says cheerfully. Too cheerful. Atlas narrows her eyes. "It's your lucky day. We give up!"

Atlas gasps. What the heck was he doing?

"That's one Night Fury, one Screaming Death, and two of the finest dragon riders west of Luk Tuk." Hiccup says, throwing a net over his sister, grabbing her sword, and handing it to Eret. "That ought to make the boss happy, right?"

Atlas glares at her brother. If his plan is to humiliate his sister, then, congratulations! Step one complete.

"Excuse us!" Hiccup says, pushing through men and shoving Atlas forward. Atlas pulls the net off herself and hops into the metal cage, following along with her brother's plan. She scoffs. If you could call it that. "Toothless, stay. Uh, the dragons don't really care for tight spaces, so they'll just hang out with you. They won't be any trouble."

All the men point their weapons at Toothless, causing him to jump and growl at them.

"Unless you do that. You know, wooden boat, big ocean, h-how is your swimming?"

"Not good." One of the trappers admits.

Hiccup then holds out his fire sword to one of the trappers. "Oops, almost forgot. Can't have armed prisoners!"

"Hiccup," Atlas whispers. "This has got to be by far your best worst plan."

"Thanks," he whispers back. "You sound like Snotlout."

Then he turns his attention back to the trappers. "Just what every dragon trapper needs! One end coats the blade in Monstrous Nightmare saliva. The other end sprays Hideous Zippleback gas. All it takes is a spark, and..."

Hiccup quickly ducks his head into the cage as one of the men presses a button on the sword. A big explosion follows. "Oh yeah, there ya go! Once they see you as one of their own, even the testiest dragons can be trained. Right, bud?" Hiccup asks, as Toothless plays with a spark in the air.

"Give me that!" Eret says, snatching Hiccup's sword and flinging it into the ocean. Crimson, always happy to play fetch, goes after it. "What game are you playing?"

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