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Atlas could hear Snotlout and Tuffnut shrieking behind her as they all zipped by several mounds of snow and pillars of ice.

"I don't wanna die!" Fishlegs screamed. Atlas stifled a laugh.

"We can't fly these things!" Tuffnut yelled.

"Yeah, no kidding!" Fishlegs responded as he and his baby dragon crashed into a pile of snow.

Atlas unsteadily steered her green baby dragon towards Hiccup at the front of the group, passing an up-side down Eret, clinging onto his dragon for dear life. She snickered at that.

"But won't that Bewilderbeast just take control of these guys too?" Astrid asked, flying up to Hiccup.

"They're babies! They don't listen to anyone!" Hiccup said.

"Yeah, just like us!" Tuffnut called.

Atlas snorted. "You can say that again."

"This is... woah! Very dangerous!" Gobber yelled, crashing into the wall beside him several times. "Some might suggest this is poorly conceived!"

"Well, it's a good thing I never listen." Hiccup said.

"So... what is your... plan?" Gobber asked, being cut off several times because of the wall in-between.

"Get Toothless back and kick Drago's-" Hiccup was cut off as they were separated again.

Atlas grinned, and looked at her brother. "Sounds like my kind of plan, lil bro!"

"Well, I learned from the best. Andddddd- that thing." Hiccup said, narrowly missing hitting an ice wall.

Gobber, on the other hand, was not quite so lucky.

- - - - - - -

Atlas was lingering in the back, purposefully trying to distance herself a little from the group. She had shared a few laughs with them earlier, but now she just wanted time alone.

She had gained her mother and lost her father in less than an hour. And she still didn't know how she felt about her mother. She sighed.

As if she had read her mind, another baby dragon flew up next to her. It was her mother. She immediately averted her eyes.

There was silence for a few seconds, and then Valka spoke. "There wasn't a day that went by when I didn't think of you, Atlas. I was plagued with guilt, thinking of how you had to grow up without me. Without a mother. My reasoning was wrong. After years went by, I was afraid of what you all would say if I did come back. What you would think of me. And so, I stayed away. And I regret it so much. I missed Hiccup's first words, first steps, I missed the first time you held a sword, the first axe you made. I missed it all."

Valka paused for a second, trying to find the words. Atlas swallowed, trying to hold back tears.

"I know that sorry doesn't cover what I did. And I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness, my beautiful girl. But I beg of you now, as nothing more than the woman that gave birth to you, if you could please, find it in your heart to forgive me. I would do it all over again if I could, Atlas. If only to be with you."

There was silence.

Valka squeezed her eyes shut and turned away. "I underst-"

"I forgive you." Atlas whispered.

Valka's eyes flew open, hardly believing her ears.

"T-thank you. Oh, my darling Atlas, my beautiful baby girl, let me look at you."

She cupped Atlas' cheek and Atlas turned to look at her mother. She leaned into the touch.

"I am so proud of the woman you've become. Stoick did a wonderful job raising you. Please, tell me all about yourself. I want to know everything."

And so, when Hiccup glanced back to check on his sister, instead of seeing a sullen, frowning girl like he expected, he saw Valka and Atlas, flying side by side, laughing and joyful, as mother and daughter.

A/N: 3 chapters in two days? Nice. 😎 How'd you like this one? Next one is the battle. I'm excited. Wow, I can't believe we're almost done with the movie! So cool. Please remember to comment + vote!



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