lil mini one-shot

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Just a mini one-shot I thought I'd share. I should hopefully update sometime this weekend. Get ready for a little bit of Atlas + Eret in the next chapter!!!


Hi, my name is Onyx. Onyx Winsler. It's an unusual name, I know. I guess you could say it really fits my unusual life. Back when I went to high school, people used to make fun of me for two things: being an orphan and loving How To Train Your Dragon. It may seem weird to you, but it's actually true. I was (still am) obsessed with that TV series. I may have been 16, but I watched it all the time. Until one day, I fell asleep a normal girl, watching my favorite show, and I woke up on my 17th birthday, in a completely new reality.

Please, follow along as I tell my story to you.


I half open my eyes and squint. Why is it so dark in here? My curtains are supposed to be shut! Unless one of the nannies came in and cleaned.... But why would they do that at night?

"Oh, Thor. Guys, she's waking up!" I hear a voice say from what sounds like at the bottom of a well. Still, the voice sounds familiar. Who is in my room? I try to sit up but am instantly laid back down.

"Hey, it's okay. You shouldn't try and sit up yet. You got some pretty bad bruises."

What. In. The. World. Is. Happening. Why does my chest hurt so much? Why can't I see anything? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE IN MY ROOM?

"Who are you?" I try to slur out.

"My name's Hiccup. Snotlout and Fishlegs found you on the beach, unconscious, and around here somewhere is Tuffnut, and Astrid and Ruffnut put the bandages on you. Don't worry, they're both, uh, female."

Wait, but those names....... Am I dreaming? Or are some of the little boys playing a prank on me for my birthday?

"Here," I hear the voice say again, "let me take the blindfold off you."

This time I manage to sit up straight. "BLINDFOLD?" I shriek. Okay, this is scary. Was I kidnapped?

"No, uh it's not what you think! You seemed really sick and needed some rest, so we put on a blindfold to block out the lights. Here, let me-"

I feel a tugging around the back of my head, and then the cloth slips away from my eyes. I blink a few times, adjusting to the light, then I take a look at the people around me.

What I see almost makes my heart stop. I gape at the people in the room. They are all staring at me with a mixture of curiosity and concern. And there is another small noticeable quality: ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ARE HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON CHARACTERS. Well, minus Tuffnut. But still. What the whattttt? This has to be a dream. Yeah, that's right. Any second now I am going to hear my alarm go off, and wake up. Anyyyyyy second now. I blink. Nothing's happening. So, I quickly move my arm and pinch myself.

"Ow!!!" I cry out. Okay, that stung.

"Woah!" says the boy who I know as Hiccup. "What'd you do that for?"

"This is clearly a dream," I say, panicking. "I pinched myself to wake myself up." With that, I pinch myself several times more in the same spot.

"Hey, stop!" says the dream-Hiccup, grabbing my arms. "Don't hurt yourself!"

"Um, I don't mean to burst your bubble," says another boy who I know as Fishlegs. "But this isn't a dream."

"B-b-but how is that possible?!" I shriek. "I mean, you guys are TV characters! I mean, it's not like I don't love you guys, I do, to death, but I live in my world, and you guys live in the TV! Well, not exactly, but you know what I mean! I mean, I can't just change worlds! Right? I'm not crazy, right? Is that possible?" (I've been told I babble when I'm nervous.)

"Uh, guys, I think she's crazy," says a boy who I know as Snotlout. "We should just dump her off at Berserker island. She'd fit right in there."

"Oh, shut up, Snotlout," says a blonde hair blue eyed beauty who's kept quiet all this time. "Look, my name is Astrid, and maybe-"

"I know who you are."

A pause. "You do?"

"Yeah. You guys are my favorite TV show."

"What's a td show?" Astrid asks.

I smile. "TV show. Well, if this isn't a dream then that means somehow, I traveled between worlds. So, back in my world, a TV show is something that you watch, and you guys are my favorite show. I fell asleep watching you guys last night, and I don't know how, but maybe that had to do with me coming here...?"

They all stare at me again.

Then suddenly, a blonde boy with dreadlocks pops up from nowhere, holding a chicken.


- - - - - -

"AGHHHHH!" I scream loudly, clutching onto Tuffnut for dear life.

"Tuffnut! If I die, I will haunt you forever!"

Tuffnut just laughs.

"Don't worry Onyx, almost done!"

After a few more minutes of flying, and screaming at the twins to slow down, I finally get the hang of it, and I spread my arms out, feeling the wind on my face.

Then, we land, right outside the clubhouse.

I dizzily get off, grinning the entire time.

"That. Was. Awesome." I say. "I always wanted to know what it was like to fly on the back of a dragon."

Ruffnut grins at me. "Well, now you know," Then her smile becomes devious. "Hey Onyx, you seem like a pretty fun-loving girl. Wanna help us prank-"

"Ooookay!" Hiccup says, as we walk into the clubhouse. "I think I will stop you right there. You two, are not, under any circumstances, to try to rope Onyx into any of your pranks. I don't want her corrupted by you."

The twins grumble and walk away. I laugh.

"So, Onyx. It seems like you're fitting in pretty well at the Edge!" Hiccup says, as we sit down at the table.

I nod my head. "It's amazing here. I spent a lot of my life loving to watch you guys from the screen, and now it's so cool to actually get a hands-on experience," Then I deflate. "It's too bad this isn't my real home. I mean, this is the only place I've ever actually felt accepted."

Hiccup looks at me sadly. "I know how you feel. Before I met Toothless, I wasn't accepted at all. I was practically an outcast."

I nod along.

"But that's actually what I came here to talk about. With Heather gone, our team has been left a little... lacking. And here you are, like a breath of fresh air. Everyone loves you. Even Snotlout, and he doesn't like very many people! You seem to be good with the dragons, and you're smart, almost as smart as Fishlegs. And, I can tell you really do have this-this longing to belong somewhere. I dunno... I guess what I'm asking you is if you would maybe like to... stay on the Edge, permanently?"

I gasp. "Wait, really?"

Hiccup nods. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn, and everyone is there, including the dragons.

"We would love to have you, Onyx." Astrid says. "Besides, I could use another girl here besides Ruffnut."


I laugh, and my eyes start to well up. "Thank you, so much. I would be honored to be a dragon rider."

Credits to: MultiFandomAccount0

This is based on their little one-shot from their httyd/rtte one-shots, and I just thought I'd take it into my own hands and tweak it a bit. Mostly my own work, the idea came from them. Lemme know if you guys want a part 2! Or, you know, I may just make one anyways.



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