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Atlas was awoken by the sound of roaring, and Crimson growling underneath her. She yawned and sat up, looking fondly at Berk.

"This is Berk," Hiccup said to the new arrivals. "Your new home away from home. A stunning, one-stop, all-expense-paid dream destination. So, settle in, and let your worries melt away."

Atlas cringed as a Gronckle landed on a house, which then fell over because of the weight.

"The service here soars, the cuisine is fiery, and the locals are as colorful as you get. Any run-of-the-mill paradise boasts beaches and sunshines. Well not us. We've got something no one else can touch. We, my friend, have dragons. Lots and lots of dragons!"

All of the townspeople got out of the way as the newcomers landed.

"Gang, meet our latest Berkians!" Hiccup said.

"Welcome to paradise, mate."

"Our home is your home."

"Oh, well aren't you a beauty!"

"Ah, you're welcome, you're welcome!" Snotlout said. "I took on, like, a hundred trappers. A-a thousand trappers!"

"All with burning undies." Ruffnut said, snickering.

Atlas laughed out loud.

Snotlout glared at the two girls.

"My full, thick beard almost caught on fire." Tuffnut said.

Atlas rolled her eyes. "Tuffnut?"


"Just... just stop."

Atlas watched Snotlout walk up to her mother.

"So, uh, Atlas and Hiccup's mom. Any notes on my bone-crushing assault, or was it pretty much perfect?"

"Oh, it was... indescribable," Valka said. "And please, call me Valka. It has been a year."

Snotlout grinned as he walked away. "First name basis." He whispered.

Atlas' jaw dropped. Wait. Did Snotlout... have the hots for her mom?! NO WAY. She bent over, laughing.

"I think the real hero of the day was Toothless," Hiccup said, walking over to Toothless. "Isn't that right, bud? What would we do without you, O King of dragons? What would we do?"

"Well, we could train a lot harder for one," Astrid said. "That was pretty sloppy."

Atlas nodded. "She's right. I mean, we got all the dragons out of there, but come on guys. We've done so much better against the Hunters and the Flyers."

Valka stood up, chuckling nervously. "The uh, the girls have a point. Perhaps you all rely a little bit too much on your dragons, and not enough on one another."

"See, this is exactly what I was saying!" Snotlout yelled, running into Astrid. "Just listen up, guys."

Atlas rolled her eyes. What a muttonhead.

Atlas looked over at Fishlegs, who was grinning excitedly at Fishmeat.

"Fishmeat!" He yelled. "You found a new friend!"

Fishmeat ran up to the enormous Crimson Goregutter, and bounced off of one of his legs. The Goregutter looked flattered, and then he started jumping up and down as he began playing with Fishmeat. His tail went flying as he knocked over several barrels and Vikings. As he ran backwards, he bumped into a large dragon perch, which fell over. Then it went crashing into a hut, which went crashing into another hut, and so on. It was like a game of dominoes.

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