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TWO months has passed since the sasaeng was caught. even though they were caught, you still felt unsafe. jungkook has stopped acting so affectionate towards you and now treats you like your members. he is no longer your vocal teacher since he has been busy. beside that, you and jungwon grew closer. your group and the producers are all working on the title track for A.C.E's first album. you still can't believe that you're now a trainee. a year ago you were a college student just making song covers for fun and now you will be debuting as an idol. currently you and jungwon are at the cafeteria, eating lunch. "so i heard you guys won an award. congrats" you smiled. "it's all thanks to your engene" he said with a smile. "now i heard your group will be debuting in a few months. how does it feel? are you excited?" he asked. "im more scared than excited" you replied, making jungwon chuckle. "makes sense. but im sure everything will turn out great for you guys" he said. "i hope so too. the members have been working so hard" you said. you suddenly got a message from izumi. "speaking of my members that them. i gotta go. it was nice having lunch with you, jungwon" you got up. "see you around" you smiled and waved before heading out the cafeteria.

you looked back at her text to see that she and the others are at the basement waiting which surprised you. 'did the teacher change location for today and i didn't receive the text?' you asked yourself. you walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the basement floor. once stepping out, you felt a bad aura. just to be safe, you stood by the elevator and pulled out your phone to call izumi to make sure you are in the right location. your eyes widened when you heard her ringtone coming from a room with lights on. you walked towards the room and opened the door to see jungkook with izumi's phone. "why do you have izumi's phone?" you asked. "she let me borrow it. i was going to give it back but she left the room. here" he hands you back the phone. "thank you oppa" you said. you waited for him to leave the room yet instead he shuts the door. "why did you close the door?" you asked. "i want to ask you something in private" jungkook said as he walks towards you.

"why are you playing hard to get? you already have my attention" he asked which made you confused. "excuse me?" you asked. "isn't this what you wanted? me to go crazy for you? i already am so stop talking to other guys when im the one you only need" jungkook said. "you have it all wrong, oppa. i don't have any feelings for anyone. not you, not jungwon or any other guy" you said which made the idol mad. he pins you roughly against the wall which made you hit your head. "stop lying! i know you have feelings for me! your fans said i am your bias! so just accept me already" he said. "no i don't so let go of me" you said as you tried to fight back. you were not going down with a fight. you started kicking him as hard as you could. tears started rolling down your cheeks as you start to think what could happen if you don't stop fighting. you were not going to let him get what he wants. you managed to get him to weaken his grip which gave you the chance to run away from him and head to the door. your heart started beating fast but then your heart dropped when you realized the door wasn't opening.

you started banging on the door and shouted for help yet your hands were grabbed. "no one is gonna hear, my love. they are all on the top floor" he whispers into your ear. jungkook uses his belt to tie your hands behind your back. you tried to fight off yet it was no use. the idol pushes you down onto the table. "j-jungkook, please let me go. i promise i won't tell anyone about this" you begged him yet he shakes his head. "it's too late now. i can't let you go" he said. "why are you doing this?" you cried out. "because i love you, (y/n). i have been in love with you ever since i laid eyes on you. i knew it was a sign that you belong to me" jungkook wipes your tears. "you're insane" you shouted at his face. "you made me into this" he replied. jungkook's hands starts pulling down your sweats and panties. "don't do this jungkook" you beg yet he shook his head as he shoves a piece of cloth into your mouth. "i have no choice. i have to claim you as mine before anyone else tries to steal you away from me" he said as he positions himself. "you're mine...every inch of your body is fucking mine..." jungkook said as he unzip his pants to reveal his dick.

you screamed into the cloth when he shoved himself inside of you. you kept on screaming while jungkook moans, feeling your insides clench around him. more tears started to roll down your cheeks. how could this happen? you been careful. "it's just as how i imagined~so tight" he groans into your ear as he moved his hips. "you're so fucking lucky that my heart only wants you. so many people will die to be in your place. you should be thankful for what i have done for you and your group. not many idols take time to train trainees" jungkook said while thrusting into you. "im whole the reason why HYBE wants your group. i convince them to have you join them. the least you can do is show me gratitude" he said. you closed your eyes, not wanting to see his face. it hurts so much. you never thought this would be your first. you imagine having your first with the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with. not with your sasaeng. you know you can't report him or even tell HYBE. he's too precious to them. his group is the reason why the company grew and why South Korea has been gaining more money and attention. if you do, everyone will hate you for harming his reputation which in the end, will harm your families and friends. you don't even have enough evidence to prove to everyone what he is. you have no other choice but to keep this to yourself and pretend it never happened to keep them all safe. even if it hurts you a lot.


with one more thrust, the idol release his cum inside of you. jungkook pants heavily as he stares down at you to see you unconscious. you passed out half way because of the pain. the idol smiles and leans down to give you a kiss on the head. jungkook knew what he did was wrong yet he didn't care. jungwon was going to steal you away from him. you and him are now connected. jungkook removes the cloth out of your mouth and grabs a small towel to clean up the mess. he puts your panties and sweats back on you and untied your hands. "im sorry my love but you left me no choice" jungkook kissed your wrists. he unlocks the door first before lifting you up and carrying you out of the room. what jungkook didn't notice was that someone saw him carrying you out.

and that person being kang taehyun.

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