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PANTING heavily while laying down on the floor after practicing the break dance for the fifth time. your group has been nominated for awards and were asked to be performers for the award show. your group will be performing two songs. the first one, Play To Win with a break dance and the second song is Four of a Kind which many fans love. "i need to talk to you in private, (y/n)" your manager looks at you. you walked over to her and she took you out of the studio. "what is it, unnie?" you asked. "as you know, your group will be performing for an award show. they know you and jungwon from ENHYPEN are friends. they asked if you two could do a collaboration. their manager already asked jungwon and he didn't mind but he said whatever you decide will be fine. "i don't mind doing a collaboration with jungwon" you said and she smiles.

"great. i will let his manager know so we can arrange a time when the two of you can practice. you can go back inside" she said as she pulls out her phone and steps away to make a call. you walked back inside and saw your members eating some snacks. "what did unnie ask you?" izumi asked. "apparently the award show asked if jungwon and i can do a collaboration" you said. your members came running over to you. "omg! what did you say?" autumn asked. "you gonna say yes?" minseo asked. "i did. unnie is taking to his manger right now" you said. "yay! i bet our fans will love this collab" autumn smiles. "i hope they do" you replied. "let's talk about it later. we have only thirty minutes left before we have to go back to dancing. those snacks won't eat themselves" minseo said and the three of you agreed.


getting out of the car, you were attacked by people. you looked down and tried to rush inside the building but the crowd surrounded you. you smiled and wave, trying to make your way yet you froze when you saw a familiar black hoodie. you were gonna confront the person but your manager started pushing you to head inside. once in the building, you start to explain to your manager that your sasaeng is out there. "unnie, my sasaeng is out there. i saw them!" you said. "are you sure? there's a lot of people out there" she said and you nod. "i know what i saw. they're out there!" you said. "(y/n)?" you turn around to see jungwon with his manager. "what's wrong?" he rushed over once he saw your face expression.

"what happened?" the idol placed his hands on your shoulder. "i saw my sasaeng outside. i can't forget their hoodie" you said. "did you hear? her sasaeng is outside. go find them and take them to the police so they can get charge" jungwon looks at your bodyguard. "she will be safe here with me" jungwon grabs your hand and drags you away. he leads you to his studio where the choreographer is waiting. the two of you agreed to do a cover of SPOTS by zico & jennie. jungwon would be doing jennie's part while you do zico. you guys have already recorded the track and are focusing on the choreograph for the song. "hello" you bow at his choreographer. "hello. it's a pleasure of working with you" they smiled. "likewise" you smiled.

after 2 hours of practicing the choreography, the two of you finally took a break. "you guys are fast learners" the choreographer said. you smiled and laid on the floor. "t-thank you" you pant. "take a forty-five minute break. you guys deserve it" they said. jungwon lays beside you and stares up at the ceiling. "you think your manager caught them?" jungwon asked. "im not sure" you replied. "are you hungry? we have time to grab something to eat" he asked. "yes please" you smiled. the two of you got up from the floor and walked out of the dance studio. walking into the cafeteria, you saw many employees. "what should i eat? we can't eat too much or else we'll feel sick after dancing" jungwon said and you nodded. as the two of you were deciding what to eat, jin saw you and walked over. "hi jungwon and (y/n)! what are you guys doing here?" he asked.

"oh, hello jin hyung" jungwon smiles. "hi jin oppa. jungwon and i were asked to do a collab for an award show" you said. "really" jin asked and you nodded. "won't fans get jealous?" he asked. "we already spoke about our friendship" jungwon said but jin gave you a look which you knew what he meant. "it's okay. he knows that i'm dating jungkook" you said in a low tone. "i see. does jungkook know about this?" jin asked which confused jungwon. "he does. he called me yesterday and i told him" you said. "alright. im not sure if you know this but jungkook is the jealous type" jin said. "i know. that's why i have been careful" you smiled. "oh! before i forget, i wanted to ask you about your sasaeng. i have been talking to the company and they said-" but immediately jungwon stepped in.

"the company isn't gonna help. we have tried telling them but they aren't much help" you said. "really!?!" his eyes widened. "sadly. she just saw her sasaeng outside and they couldn't find them" jungwon said. "oh god...are you seeing someone for the trauma?" jin asked. "i am, oppa" you said. "i wonder how jungkook feels knowing his girlfriend has a crazy fan" he said which made you freeze. "y-yeah...he's very worried" you said. "well i have to get going.let me know if you need anything" he smiles and waves. once he was gone, you sigh. "are you okay?" jungwon asked. "i wasn't expecting jin oppa to ask me about the sasaeng" you said. he pulls out his phone and looks at the list again. "shall we go over the list again?" he asked and you nodded. suddenly you got a text from an unknown number.

Saturday 4:33 PM

you looked so pretty today. i'm quite upset that you didn't want to see me. i'm sure you didn't mean it. i will forgive you if you stop talking to jungwon. he is trying to separate us. you belong to me

i will do anything just to have you

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