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WALKING out of the van, you were attacked by fans and paparazzi shoving their cameras all over your faces. the four of you all lined up beside each other and stared at the crowd. you began to smile and wave at the cameras along with your members. you could hear your fans screaming your names. to be honest, you were not expecting to have many korean fans since most of your fans are international yet you are very thankful that they like your music. after a few pictures, you and your members all bowed before heading into the building.

"you look so adorable, (y/n) noona!" you heard a male voice shout. your members started laughing as you were getting all shy, getting the attention of the cameras. "thank you!" you shouted back. you covered your face as it was getting red. once inside the building, a staff of program showed you the way to the dressing room. once inside, you all took a seat while the dress stylists start to organize the clothes for the four of you. you pulled out your phone and saw that you had a message from jungwon.

Friday 7:39 AM

best of luck!

you guys are totally going to win

do you even know who we're going up against with?

don't say that

many engenes love the album

i especially like crazy eight and palace


plus your group has been the talk since you guys debuted

many ppl thought you looked cute on weekly idol

and the fact that how you four became a group was unique and that you four worked on the album

is that why you said you like crazy eight and palace?

bc i wrote the lyrics?

can't i be a little bit bias since you're my friend?

i have to go get changed

talk to you later!

good luck tho you won't need it!

you put your phone away and look up to see autumn with a camera. "what are you doing?" you asked. "vlogging. this video will be used for the behind the scenes" she explained. "tell me dear leader how are you feeling now that we have finally arrived?" autumn asked. "well i am very nervous to perform but with the love of our cards, i won't be nervous at all" you smiled brightly at the camera. "next up minseo" she turns the camera. you started laughing since minseo was in the middle of eating breakfast. "ah! don't you know it's rude to film someone eating" minseo started to scold her. "let's skip minseo for now and go straight to izumi" she turns around to face izumi who was sitting beside you. "how do you feel?" autumn asked. "i feel like we're gonna ace the performance!" she smiles. "yeah we are!" autumn said. "now turn off the camera. we're going to get changed so we can practice" you said and autumn pouts as she turns off the camera.

[outfits ⬇️]

after getting dressed and practicing in your outfits, you guys headed back to the dressing room to wait until they open the doors for the fans

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after getting dressed and practicing in your outfits, you guys headed back to the dressing room to wait until they open the doors for the fans. you and your members decided to play uno for fun. "pick up two, izumi" autumn said as she places down a red 2+ card. "no. minseo has to pick up four" izumi throws a yellow 2+ card down. "(y/n) has to pick up eight" minseo throws a 4+ card. "wait a minute! you can't throw a 4+ when it's a 2+. it's doesn't count!" you argued yet they all laughed and shook their heads. "it counts. doesn't our leader not know how to play uno?" izumi smirks.

"when i play uno with my cousins, we don't play like this. cards, who's right on how uno should be played?" you looked at the camera. "we won't make fun of you if you don't know how to play" autumn said. "i do but clearly not you guys" you mumbled as you picked up 8 cards. "what was that?" minseo raised her eyebrow. "oh nothing" you faked a smiled. the door of the dressing room opened to reveal your hair and makeup stylists. "we will finish this game later" you pointed at each one of them and they just laughed. you four took a seat as your stylist started to do their magic.

as you were getting your hair done, you started to scroll through your phone to see what your fans have been saying about the album. there was a lot of positive feedback from them which made you happy however you saw one tweet from a fan which made your stomach drop. it was by the user @ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ:(ʏ/ɴ)'ꜱ_ʜᴜꜱʙᴀɴᴅ who noticed how your body changed. which is true. after what jungkook did to you, your body changed but it was just a bit that none of your members noticed so how did this person did. you decided to go to their account and saw many tweets about you.

you started to feel sick as you were reading what they were saying about you. you even saw pictures of you that you didn't notice that were taken. "are you okay, (y/n)?" your hair stylist asked. you look up and faked a smile to her. "i'm fine, unnie" you replied before looking back down. you decided to look when the account was created and your eyes widened when you saw it has been a year ago which means they have been a fan since the start. you gulped as you explore more of this fan's account. you started to feel disgusted by their comments about you. "i'm really sorry, unnie but i have to use the bathroom" you said as you got up and rushed to the female bathroom. you went to the toilet and started vomiting.

"w-why me..."

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