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FINAL the day has come. your first award show as an idol. you and our members were on the way to the venue. you found out that jin will be one of the hosts. "i'm so excited! this is our first show" autumn said. even though it hasn't been long since her brother died, she still tries to be happy so you have to be happy even if you have a sasaeng. "i will be happy if we could at least win one award. i know we were nominated for four awards" izumi said. "im not a huge fan of awards shows. i hated them back in high school and still do now. everyone is good in their own way" minseo said. "what about you, (y/n)? i bet you're very nervous for your collab with jungwon. i bet you will do amazing like always" izumi said with a smile. "your performance is before ours, right. ENHYPEN performs then it's the collab and then us, right?" autumn asked. "i believe so" you replied.

a few minutes later, you arrived at the venue.
getting out of the black car, the four of you were attacked by cameras and flashlights. you smiled and waved as your group walked down the carpet. you stopped half way and posed for the cameramen. you could hear your fans shout your name along with your members's. the four of you blew them kisses which made them go crazy. after a few pictures, you headed into the stadium. the staff led you towards a room so you can meet up with your stylists for so retouches before the show begins. as the four of you headed towards the room, you saw other groups like ateez, straykids, izty, and more. you still couldn't believe where you are. yet realization hit. the only reason why you are here in the first place is because of jungkook. he was the one who persuade HYBE to sign you guys up. was it your group's hard work or his position that got your here?

once in the room, autumn started to film and interview each of the members. you decided to go first just to get it out of the way. after that, you stepped out of the room to get some air yet you accidentally made eye contact with ateez's choi san. "hello, sunbaenim" you bowed. "hello" he bowed back. "i overheard from yeonjun that this is your first award show. no need to be scared. you and your members work very hard for tonight. i hope you guys win all of the awards you're nominated for" he smiles. "are you sure? we are nominated for the same award?" you asked with a smile and he laughs. "then i should say let the best group win" he said. "that's more like it" you replied which made him chuckle.

"the reason why i'm here is to ask if you would like to film a challenge with me. our new song just came out and we would like it if you could do this challenge with us" he said. "of course. but you don't need to teach me the dance. i already learned it" you said. "then i will be right back with my manger so we can film" san said before rushing back to his room. as you stood there waiting, jin appeared. "hey (y/n)" he smiles. "hi oppa" you replied. "i came here to say good luck tonight. i'm sure jungkook will
be proud of you. i bet he would have loved to see you perform" jin said. "yeah. he called me a few hours ago" you said. "by the way, hoseok will be coming out soon. we plan on throwing a party like they did for me. i was wondering if you could help me?" he asked. "o-oh sure oppa. i don't mind" you smiled. "great! well i should head out. it's gonna start anytime soon" he waves goodbye and runs away.


your group was sitting next to ENHYPEN & aespa. you were sitting in between jungwon and izumi. "you must be nervous" he whispers. "is it that noticeable?" you asked. "no, but all groups have been what you're going through" he replied. you watched as jin arrives on the stage holding an envelope. you could hear his fans screaming. "hello, everyone. i have been given the honor to announce the winner of artist of the year. here are the nominees" he said. the screen then showed each nominees. your group was one of them. your group have already won two awards: best new artist and best female group. your members are already satisfied with what you achieved. the screen then shows jin who was opening the envelope. "the winner of artist of the year is...A.C.E" he shouts with a smile. all camera were on your group.

your members look at you, hoping they weren't hearing it right. "congratulations to A.C.E" jin replied. your members ran up to you and pulled you into a hug. you could hear them breaking down into tears even minseo who isn't a fan of award shows. however you were the only one who wasn't because you knew the truth. this was all because of jungkook. he was the one who promoted your group. the four of you walked up to the stage. jin smiles at you as he hands you the trophy. you all bowed at him and he moved to the aside, allowing you to talk. you could hear your fans all shouting and cheering. "we're four of a kind. hello, we are A.C.E" the four of you bowed. your members stood beside you as they try to stop crying.

"as a group who debuted this year, i never believed that we would have won this award. honestly, there are other artists who deserve this than us but we are grateful to be chosen by you, our cards who made this possible. our group had a rough beginning and are still struggling but even if our struggles, with the love you have given us, we will continue to strive and improve. we promise to release better music as we grow. to our international fans out there, we thank you for your support and love. you guys made it possible for us to be here. we had a rough start and still are but we promise to continue to strive and improve. we started off small but look where we are now. so never give up. dream big and don't let others or yourself bring you down. we started off small but look where wrong are now. don't give up on your dreams of yourselves. thank you so much" you said.

you moved asides so izumi could talk. you looked around the stage and made eye contact with jungwon who was smiling brightly. you gave him a weak smile and looked away. you really didn't deserve this. jungkook is the only reason your group won....he's the only reason why your group started to get more popular. he influenced his fans to start stanning your group.

tears started pouring down your cheeks. everyone thought it was because of the award you won. you crying became viral as you looked beautiful crying.

but the main reason why you cried was because you can never leave jungkook as he was the one who made you rise, he could be the one would could make you fall onto the ground.

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