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"THANK you!" you and your members bowed down at the staff. you just finished watching the music video for the title track called Play To Win. you still could not believe that it will soon be released for your fans to watch them. "i really hope they like the songs" izumi said. "i'm so excited to perform live for them" autumn as she spun around the studio. "then let's get to practicing. the album comes out in a few weeks so the choreography must be perfect for our fans" minseo said and they nodded. "it's been long since we streamed so can we go live?" you asked your manager. "yes but don't give any hints or spoilers about the album" she said and you nodded.

you and the members quickly started to clean up the studio and decided to go live there with your manager hiding behind the cameras to prevent any spoilers from happening. you all didn't care if you looked messy from dance practice since most of your fans have already seen you all like this. "four of a kind, we are A.C.E" the four of you smile and bowed at the camera. "we're quite sorry for not going live for a while. as you know, we had to go through some things yet everything has been solved now and we're happy to let you know that we all are doing well" you said. "we want to thank you guys for showing lots of love and support. if it wasn't for you, we won't be in this studio" izumi said. "we have all worked very hard to make you guys proud of us" minseo replied.


once you got out of the shower, you were about to get ready for bed until your phone vibrated. you noticed that minseo was about to grab it so you quickly snatched it before she could. "chill! i was just going to hand it to you. don't tell me you're trying to hide that special friend of yours from us? when are you going to tell us about them?" she pouts. "s-soon. i promised. it's that he isn't comfortable with people" you lied. "we can't force him to meet us but we will really like to see the person our dear leader is seeing. well, i'm gonna take a shower. get some sleep. we have vocal lessons later today" minseo said with a yawn as she walks into the bathroom. you looked at your phone to see a message from jungkook.

Saturday 2:16 AM

come out

im outside


you sighed, knowing you have no choice but to do what he says. you grabbed a mask and put your shoes before heading downstairs. once you were outside of the dorms, you look around to see him leaning against a wall with a mask. you had to admit, he looked handsome with the clothes he had yet he is your sasaeng. you walked over to him and his eyes widened when he saw what you were wearing. you just had on a t-shirt and shorts. he removes his jacket and covers your body. "do you have any idea how many guys are walking around the streets? they would have tried to hook you with you" he scold you. "s-sorry" you looked down at your feet. "let's go grab something to eat, i'm hungry" he grabs your hand and intertwines it with his. "but won't people spot us?" you asked and he leans towards you. "i told you before that i want the whole world to know that you are mine" jungkook said.

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