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- ᴏɴᴇ ʏᴇᴀʀ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ -

"EXCITED?!?" jin walked over to you with hoseok and yoongi. "of course, (y/n) is. her boyfriend is coming back after serving" yoongi said. "she looks more nervous than excited" hoseok said. "she hasn't seen him for a year. and the fact that people know jungkook is in a relationship, they're trying to find who she is" yoongi added. the video of jungkook and you resurface again. you can feel many cameras being pointed at the four of you. "i'm sure that isn't the reason. they still haven't caught your sasaeng, right?" jin asked. "it has been a year since they last appeared. isn't that what you said?" yoongi looks at you. they're both right. the company hasn't caught your sasaeng since they were hiding. they haven't been posting any tweets or appeared in any of the events you went. you still fear that they're out there still stalking you. "anyways, congrats on your comeback. i heard that Kiss & Tell had its fifth win" hoseok said. "o-oh thank you, hoseok oppa" you said.

as the four of you waited, you felt your heart beating fast. jungkook's family was somewhere around the area. you got very close to them after jungkook left. you didn't except them to accept you that fast. whenever you meet his other relatives, they would always introduce you as their daughter-in-law. which means that jungkook plan on making you his wife any time soon. many men started walking out. the four of you were holding flowers for the four members that are departing together. you watch as love ones rush over to hug their sons/husbands/friends/brothers. your eyes locked with a pair of brown eyes. you knew who it was. he opens his arms openly. tears started streaming down your cheeks as you run up to him and jump into his arms. "you missed me that much, huh love" jungkook said as he hugs you tightly. "don't worry, love. i'm here now. i will protect" he whispers into your ear.

jungkook pulls away from the hug and sees your tears. "i won't leave you now" he wipes them away. he notices flowers in your hand. "are these for me? thank you, love" he kisses your forehead. jungkook grabs your hand and intertwines as he walks over to his members. you let go of his hand so his members can hug them since he is the youngest. as jungkook was talking to his hyungs, you were standing by his side. "wow, (y/n). you still look beautiful" you turn to see jimin. "o-oh, thank you" you said. "i heard your group won lots of awards while we were gone. congrats" he smiles. "thank you" you said. "i really like Old Flames from your new albums i heard you helped write" jimin added. "i did" you replied. "i was wondering if you would like to do a collab-" jimin was then cut off by jungkook. "love, let's go meet up with my parents" he grabs your hand and drags you off before you could say goodbye to jimin.


after dinner with the members and families, jungkook wanted to spend time with you so the two of you went back to his place. once inside, the idol wraps his arms around your waist and starts kissing your neck. "gosh, i missed you so badly" he whispers. "i knew you been through a lot while i was gone but im here now. i will protect you from all dangers. jungwon did a great job but i'm back now. he doesn't need to worry about you anymore" he added. you pull away from him which surprised him. "what's wrong, love?" he asked as he sees you breaking down into tears. "w-while at dinner, i-i saw my sasaeng..."you cried. "why didn't you tell me?" he raised his voice. "b-because i was in shock. t-they stopped b-but they're back...t-they killed so many people. i-i don't know want anyone to be next. i-im sorry" you covered your face as you cried.

jungkook walks up to you and hugs you tightly. "i'm sorry that i raised my voice at you, love. i'm worried about you. i love you so much. they won't hurt anyone ever again. i will make sure of that. they will never get near you again now that i'm back" he pulls your hands off your face only to pull you into a kiss. your eyes widened from the sudden kiss. the kiss wasn't like other kiss that you two had. from the kiss, he was telling you that you're safe with him. that he will do everything in his power to protect you.
you closed your eyes and responded back to the kiss. he pushes you against the wall, still having his lips continued with yours. jungkook bites your bottom lip, making you open your mouth, allowing him to slide his tongue inside. he swirl his tongue against yours, taking your tongue into his mouth and suck on it. you moan into the kiss, getting a weird feeling in your stomach. his hands were on your waist, making sure you don't move. jungkook presses his body against your body.

(xxx) xxx - xxxx:
it would be smart of you to end things with jungkook before he gets hurts

(xxx) xxx - xxxx:
you can ask jungwon what happened to him

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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