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 CHAPTER | 014

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ENTERING the building, you saw jungwon with his members. he smiles and waves at you but you turned away and ignored him. your actions hurt and confused jungwon. you would always smile back at him. heck his messages won't even go through. did something happen? he wanted to go check on you yet you stepped into the elevator with your members. "did you and (y/n) fight?" sunghoon asked and jungwon shakes his head. "not that i remember" he said. "maybe she's on her period? i heard girls mood changes a lot when they're on it" niki said and jungwon shrugs. "maybe but that doesn't give her a reason to block me. something must have happened" jungwon said. "do you think it's a sasaeng?" heeseung asked. jungwon's eyes widened. 'could it be jungkook hyung? did he do something to her?' he asked himself.


after hours of practicing the choreographies for the album, it was finally over. you and your members were debating who stays and cleans up the studio. you suddenly left your phone vibrate and pulled it out to see a text from jungkook. he wanted you to meet him back in that room again. your stomach dropped. your first thought is that he wants to do it again. you are still swore from the first time he did it.
"you guys go home without me. i will stay and clean up" you said and your members look at each other first before looking at you. "are you sure, (y/n)? last night you barely got an sleep. is something going on that we don't know about?" autumn asked. you wanted to say yes but you remember what jungkook said. you don't want to be the reason why their dreams got ruined so you shook your head. "nope!" you faked a smile. "let us know if there is something wrong" izumi said and you nodded. once they left, you started to clean up the mess and waited for the staff to leave so you can be left alone in the studio.

once the studio was clean, you headed over to the elevator. before you could step into the elevator, you were stopped by taehyun. "you're (y/n) from A.C.E, right? im taehyun from TXT. we haven't met yet. im sorry for not being able to attend that surprise party that jungwon threw" he smiled. "oh, it's okay. my members and i understand" you said. "i heard about your situation. im so sorry that you had to go through that. you guys haven't debuted yet and you're dealing with a sasaeng" he said. "yes but the ceo has already apologized and promised to be more careful next time" you said, not wanting to talk about it. "i saw a few of your videos and i have to say, you perfectly ace our songs. we appreciate choosing our songs" he said and you faked a smile. "im happy you liked them" you said.

"do you mind if i ask you something personal" taehyun asked. "it depends on your question" you said. "what's your relationship with jungkook hyung?" he asked which made your eyes widen. 'did he tell everyone that you two are dating? is he really going that far to keep you?' you thought to yourself. "i saw you be carried by him" he added. "o-oh...well he was our vocal coach so my members and i respect him a lot" you said which hurts your heart. "on that day, he was helping me with a song and i had pass out due to tiredness. he was kind enough to take me back to the dorms" you lied again. "oh! jungkook hyung is very kind which is why i admire him a lot. well im sorry for being in your way. if your group ever need any help, my group and i are willing to help" he smiles and you nod. "thank you so much, sunbaenim" you bowed yet he shakes his head. "no need to call me that. we're around the same age. well see you around" taehyun waves and walks away.

you stepped into the elevator and pushed the button. your heart started racing fast. you just broke a rule. jungkook said he would punish you if you ever did. your hands were shaking once you reached the floor. you walked out and headed to the room. once you walked inside, you saw jungkook angry. "what took you so long" he asked as he crossed his arms. fear ran through your body. "i-i'm sorry. i was stopped by taehyun" you answered as you shaked. the idol stood up and walked over to you. you flinched when you felt his hand on your cheek, caressing it. "what did he want from you" your 'boyfriend' asked. "he just wanted to introduce himself to me. he asked about our relationship and i just told him that you were my vocal coach" you replied. "oh love, you could have told him that we're together. i don't want to hide our relationship. i want the whole world to know that (l/n) (y/n) is mine" he whispers into your ear before kissing your neck. you close your eyes, allowing him to do whatever he please.

"love, can you promise me one thing" he asked as he sucks on your skin. "promise me that you will always keep a distance when it comes to male fans. i don't want to see any clips of any other man touching you. okay?" he asked. "b-but they-" you stopped yourself, knowing that protesting won't do anything. "okay" and he smiles. "i heard you're debuting soon and i'll be going leave for the military. it's sad that we won't be able to see each other more often" he said with a disappointed tone. "so let's spend as much time as we can together" jungkook smiles. "let's go back to my place and watch movies. i'll make whatever you want, love" he said. "what should i say to my members" you asked. "tell them that you're hanging out with me. i'm sure they won't mind and if they do ask about our relationship, tell them the truth" jungkook said you nodded.

"one more thing love..."

"just because i will be going to the military, doesn't mean you should break my rules. i have eyes watching you"

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