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"HEY jungwon, are you okay? you don't look well" heeseung said. "i am. no need to worry about me hyung" jungwon smiles. in reality, he was very worried about you. the young idol texted you after his practice was over, hoping nothing else happened but you didn't reply so he was hoping to see you today yet when he did, he saw jungkook was next to you. "let's take a break" the choreographer said. jungwon wipes his sweat away and decides to man up and talk to you. "i'll be right back" he said and leaves the dance studio. he rushes over to the elevator and presses the button. as he waits for the elevator, he thinks of a way for jungkook not to think anything weird. he doesn't want to upset him. soon the elevator rings and as the elevator opens, jungwon sees jungkook very close to your face and his hand on your cheek. "oh hello there jungwon-ah" jungkook smiles as he pulls himself away from you. jungwon looks over at you to see you looking down. he knew you were scared yet you managed to hide it well. "h-hi hyung" jungwon said as he steps into the elevator. "did you hear? A.C.E is now part of HYBE" jungkook smiles brightly.

"really? congratulations. welcome to the HYBE family" jungwon said to you. "thank you" you smiled yet you saw jungkook looking annoyed when you smiled at jungwon so you stopped and looked away. "where are your members?" jungwon asked. "they're back at our dorm" you replied. "(y/n) has a session with me. you see, i am their vocal coach and since we have been working since the morning, i thought it's time for us to have a break and grab some lunch" jungkook smiles. "that's very nice of you, hyung" jungwon replied. "anything for my juniors" he replied. once the elevator hits the cafeteria floor, jungkook grabs your hand which surprised jungwon and you. "see you around, jungwon-ah" the older idol smiles and drags you away. you turn back and looked at jungwon. he wanted to grab you and keep you as far away jungkook but he can't. entering the cafeteria, jungkook had you take a seat. "i'll be right back. don't move" he smiles brightly and walks off. you pull out your phone and saw a text from jungwon. before you could text him, you heard a voice. "hi, you must be (y/n) from A.C.E, right?" you turned your head and was shock to see it was mingyu, seungkwan and dino from SEVENTEEN. you got up from the chair and bowed down at them. "oh! no need to bow" you heard seungkwan say. "y-yes that's me. i am a huge fan of you guys" you said, making them smile.

"we're fans of A.C.E too. we watched all of the covers you did of our songs. we appreciate you guys for choosing our songs" mingyu said. yet that wave of happiness went away when you felt a hand on your shoulder. "hey jungkook" mingyu said with a smile. "hi seungkwan-ah and dino-ah" he smiles. "hi jungkook hyung" they replied. "i didn't know you were close to (y/n) from A.C.E" mingyu said. "oh! im their vocal coach" jungkook said. "really? that's so cool hyung" seungkwan said. suddenly the five of you heard a phone ringing. "it's my phone. i will be right back" jungkook said as he pulls out his phone and walks off. "are you and your members perhaps free tomorrow?" dino asked. "i believe so" you answered. "we were hoping if guys you could film a tiktok" seungkwan said. "oh, of course" you smiled. "really? thank you" he smiles. jungkook comes back but he seems very pissed off. "im quite sorry (y/n) but we're going to have to end out session for today. apparently my manger messed up the dates and i have to attend a show in a few hours. im sorry again" he said. "it's okay, sunbaenim. i get it" you said. "if you want, she can come with us. the vocal team are going to be at woozi's studio. they can give you some advice" mingyu said. jungkook didn't want to leave you alone. especially with other guys. even though he trusts them.

jungwon has already stolen your attention. he hated seeing you with him. you are his. the moment you caught his attention, he knew he would never want to let you go. he's trying his best for you to pay attention on him. jungkook knows your ideal type so he's changing himself for you to fall in love with him. "thank you but i think i might just head back to my dorm. you see, our belongings just arrived and i kinda want to unpack my things. i hope you don't mind" you said yet they shook their head. "oh, it's okay. we get it" dino said. jungkook smiles, knowing you won't be with them. "it was nice meeting you. have a good rest of your day. see you tomorrow" seungkwan said before they walk out. "tomorrow?" jungkook crossed his arms and looks at you. "they asked if we could film a tiktok with them" you answered. "oh! speaking of tiktok, do you want to film one with me? i would really appreciate it" he begs. "of course, sunbaenim" you said. "you don't need to call me sunbaenim you know. you can just call me oppa" he said. "but i thought you don't like being called that" you said. "i can make an exception for you" he smiles as he leans towards your face, making you feel uncomfortable. "we should eat before the food gets cold. there no need to pay me back. i don't mind wasting my money on you" he replied.

thankfully, izumi came to pick you up from the company. she found out that you haven't been sleeping well and found out about the sasaeng so she has decided to walk with you just so you can feel safe which you are very thankful for. you haven't told her it was jungkook because you still have no proof that it is him beside your gut feeling. jungkook was staring down from the window, watching you leave. he just found out the reason why you're acting weird is because you think he's your sasaeng fan. he knew this would happen so he has a plan.

a plan to set up jungwon.

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