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THERE was a loud knock on the front door which surprised jungwon and his members. it couldn't be their manager since they have a key to the dorm. "what should we do? what if it's a sasaeng" sunoo asked. "let's pretend like no one is home" jay suggested. they all remain quiet but the person kept on knocking. "should i call our manager? or maybe the police?" ni-ki asked. "my question is how did they even get through security" sunghoon said. "i'll go see who it is" jungwon walked over to the door and used the peephole. his eyes widened when he saw you. you looked scared and anxious. he quickly opens the door and pulls you inside.

"jungwon...it's happening again...i don't know what to do anymore..." you broke down into tears. he pulls you into hug and rubs your back as his members start walking over to them. they were surprised to see you here. he signals his members to leave them alone and they do. "what do you mean it's happening again?" he asked and you pulled away. "i-i have another sasaeng. t-this one different. way different" you wiped your tears and pulled out your phone. "t-this is joseph. the guy i used to have a crush on. i liked him for over five years. they found him" you showed him a picture of your ex-crush. "and now he's dead" you added which made jungwon's eyes widened. "my sasaeng killed him. they even tweeted that he was no longer part of the competition" you showed him the tweet.

"have you told the company yet?" and you nodded. "they told me that i can't assume that my sasaeng actually killed him. they said they will find who they are but i'm scared now. what if they go after you? we just became friends again and i don't want them to hurt you" you said. jungwon smiles and holds your hand. "i won't leave you alone. i can protect myself so don't worry about me. i won't let that sasaeng lay a hand on me or you. i promise" he said and you hugged him. "please be safe. let me know if they try to hurt you" you said and he just nod. the two of you heard a door opened and you pulled away just to see ni-ki walk out. "sorry. i just had to use the bathroom" he said yet you shook your head. "it's okay. i was just about to leave" you smiled. "why don't you stay over for dinner? jay and jake are cooking this time" jungwon said. "i don't want to bother you guys" you said. "you aren't, noona. please stay for dinner" ni-ki pouts.

you look over at jungwon who was pouting too and you sighed. "alright. let me just text my members that i will be coming home late" you said making them smile. "yay! you guys can come out now! (y/n) noona is staying over for dinner!" ni-ki shouted as he walks over to the bathroom. you then saw the members walk out of their rooms. "i'm sorry for walking in" you bowed. "it's alright!" jay said. "but how did you know where we live?" sunghoon asked and jungwon spoke. "i gave her our address if she ever wanted to come over and hang out. i forgot that i told the security that if a girl name (l/n) (y/n) comes to let her in. sorry" jungwon bows too. "it's okay. at least we know it wasn't a sasaeng fan" heeseung said. "you're staying over for dinner right?" sunoo asked and you nodded. "if you guys don't mind" you replied and they smiled. "the more the merrier. isn't that the saying? why don't you make yourself comfortable. jake and i are cooking tonight" jay said. "thank you" you smiled.

as they were cooking, you and the rest of the members started to play video games on their switch. you gotten good at playing video games because of your cousins. they would invite you over to their play. you managed to bet them all which made you smile. "noona, do you mind if i ask you a question?" ni-ki asked. "of course" you turned to face him. "who's joseph? i didn't mean to overhear your conversation!" he said when he saw your smile drop. "ni-ki, don't-" you cut off jungwon. "it's okay, jungwon. he was a guy i used to like for five years. sadly, he passed away. we were good friends" you said, recalling those memories. "i'm sorry noona. i should have just kept my mouth shut" ni-ki said yet you shook your head. "it's okay. he's in a better place now" you said. you weren't going to tell them he was murdered by your sasaeng.

"i finally won!" heeseung shouts, making you laugh. jungwon smiles seeing you happy again. he really hopes the company finds out who this sasaeng is as soon as possible. what if you are right that they killed your ex-crush? who else would they kill? jungwon has a feeling that everything will good well in the end for you. but still this is another level of what sasaengs would do. they are killing lives to ensure you only have eyes for them. it was clear that the first sasaeng was jungkook so who is this new one? jungkook is in the military now so it can't be him.

it could be anyone. even his fellow members. shivers went down his back, just thinking about that. what if it was someone he knows well? will they hesitate to kill him? 'you can't be scared. you have to be strong so (y/n) can feel safe. you promised her that you will stay with her and you always keep your promises' he reminds himself. suddenly you got a notification and you looked at it. you immediately dropped your phone, gaining their attention. "what's wrong?" heeseung asked seeing tears rolled down your cheeks.

"i-i just got a text from minseo...autumn's brother died"

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