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 CHAPTER | 022ɪᴛᴀʟɪᴄꜱ ᴛᴇxᴛ - ᴇɴɢʟɪꜱʜ

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ɪᴛᴀʟɪᴄ ᴛᴇx - ᴇɴɢʟɪꜱʜ

ALL of the members agreed to take a break since the death of autumn's brother. you, on the other hand, are still in seoul while they were all back in the states with their families. you wanted to go back but you were afraid that the new sasaeng would hurt your family since they know where you live. your members didn't want to leave you alone but you insisted of them going to see their families. you currently were at the dorms, eating alone. your anxiety of being watch by your sasaeng was still there yet you have no choice but to accept it and have been careful. as you were eating, you suddenly received a phone call. lifting up your phone, your eyes froze when you saw the id caller. your hands started shaking in fear yet you answered the call.

"h-hello?" you replied. "gosh, i miss hearing your voice, love. how have you been?" jungkook asked. "i-i'm okay. how about you?" you asked. "doing better now that i'm hearing your sweet voice. i saw the news about autumn's brother dying. they said it was suicide. is there something you want to tell me?" jungkook asked. you hesitated about telling about the sasaeng, you have no idea how he will react but if you don't tell him, he will find out on his own. "o-oppa..." you broke down into tears. "what's wrong, love?' his voice soften when he heard you cry. "i-i have a sasaeng" you explained. "tell me more. what are they doing to my love" he said now in a serious tone. "t-they know where i live, where I went to school, and more. t-they found out about my childhood crush and he's now gone. t-they commented that he was no longer competition. i'm so scared which is why i stayed in Seoul while my members are back in New York" you cried as you wiped your tears. "oppa will take care of it, love. you don't need to be scared anymore. i have it all cover so please stop crying and save those tears for when i come back" he said. "now i want to know more about you. tell me everything that you been up to" he said.


getting out of the black car, you were attacked by cameras and flashlights. you smile and wave as you walk down the carpet with your designer dress. your manager informed you that you got invited to attend a fashion show. even though you never cared about fashion or designer clothes, the company said it will be good for your group so you had no choice to attend for your group. you stopped half way and posed for the cameramen. you could hear your fans shout your name along with sweet words of encouragement after everything that was going on in your group. before you stepped into the venue, you heard a name be shouted. "yang jungwon, you look amazing!" you turn around to see jungwon walking down the carpet. the two of you made eye contact and he smiles at you. you gave him small smile before walking into the venue. once inside, you were surrounded by many rich people which started to make you feel uncomfortable.

you grew up in a middle class family. your family didn't have a lot, but your parents still tried their best to make you and your sister happy. you never were a materialistic person. you never wanted to make yourself look high and mighty. you looked around, hoping to find someone you knew so you won't feel alone. as you look, you failed to see a young man walk up to you. "hello there. my name is jacob and what's your name?" your eyes widened when you saw the man. your heart started racing. if you continue to talk to him, you will be breaking a rule and jungkook will not happy and if you don't talk to him, it will make you look bad. "hello, my name is (y/n)" you smile. "you look very beautiful in that dress. may i ask what you do for a living?" he asked. "i am part of a kpop group called A.C.E" you smiled. "oh so you're an idol. do you mind if i ask how old you are" he asked.

you started to feel uncomfortable with his questions. "i'm nineteen" you replied. "you're an adult. good to know" he smiles. the man started to ask you more personal questions and you gave him simple answers with one word. you hope that someone will realize you are uncomfortable and save you yet they were too busy drinking and chatting. your manager was still stuck in the bathroom. you froze when the man started to touch your thigh. jungkook immediately came to mind and you slapped his hand away. "please don't touch me. i might be an idol but i'm human too" you replied before walking away to find your manger yet he grabs your hand. you tried to yank your hand but he was stronger than you. "let go of my friend" you heard jungwon said as he pulls your hand off. "thank you. if you excuse us" jungwon place his hand on your back and lead you away from the man.

"thank you" you replied and he smiles. "stuff like that happens when you're new to events like that. sadly it happened to me but luckily jay hyung was there to save me. they think just because we are idol we must not react or else our fame will be ruined since people will film us in secret. it pisses me off" he said. "you can stay next to me if you want. people know we are at the same company so they won't think too much of it" jungwon smiled. since the two of you were together, many people walked up to you guys for photos. you didn't mind at all since you were used to taking pictures with your fans. during the event, you stuck with jungwon since he was the only person you knew and you had fun with him. yet one thing was still on your mind.

'will that sasaeng hurt that man?'

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