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YOU walked inside of HYBE after talking to your parents about the situation. you tried your best to not talk about your family yet the sasaeng found revealed information about them so you told them to be very cautious if people walk up to them. it scares you that they could hurt your family at a minute. you found out about the account. their username is @(ʏ/ɴ)'ꜱ_ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ and they have been the one who has been watching your every move. you cried when you saw the pictures they have been taking off you and the comments they have been leaving. you have no idea how they found out about your depression and you wanting to leave. they knew everything about you without you having to tell them. because of this, you no longer feel safe alone. you hate going out in public now. it's been even difficult for you to sleep because of your anxiety. you constantly feel nauseous, making you vomit every time you eat something. it doesn't even help that you will be training now. HYBE has already set a date for your debut. apparently you guys don't need to be train to much so they sent your debut date to be next year around the fall so you have no choice but to work for your members, fans and family. you were going back to your old self that set high expectations on yourself and punish yourself if you failed.

you walked down the hall to use the elevator, you saw jungwon. his eyes widened when he saw you. "are you alright? you don't look so well" he said and you shook your head while breaking down into tears. he looks around and grabs your hand, dragging you to an empty room so the two of you could talk. "j-jungwon, please tell me you haven't told anyone about what we talked in that dance studio" you said. it hurt his heart that you think he did. "i would never. you said you trusted me so i would never want to break that trust" he said which made you cry even more. "t-that sasaeng found out and told everyone about it...i no longer have a choice to leave. i already signed up with HYBE. i-i found their account and saw they have been keeping an eye on me for a long time...they know everything about me and my family. i don't feel safe here at all" you cried. he pulls you into a hug and rubs your back. "i-i can't eat, go out, or sleep without thinking they are watching me" you said. "how did they even find out about that if we talked in the studio if HYBE is heavily secured" jungwon asked. "i-i don't even know...i-i keep on thinking it's someone from HYBE..." you said.

it is common for staff to sell information to fans yet you and your members are now just trainees so no staff has been assigned to you guys yet. the only two people you guys talked to was the HYBE representative who found you and jungkook. now that you think about, jungkook has been visiting you constantly. asking you many questions and trying to be sweet with you. you immediately pulled away from the hug and rushed over to the garbage bin to vomit. jungwon rushes over and helps you by grabbing napkins. once you vomited, jungwon wipes your face off. "are you feeling any better?" he asked. "i-i think i know who it could be" you said. "who? maybe if we tell HYBE they can do something about it? like sue them for release private information" jungwon said. "i-i don't think they will do nothing about it if it's the one of people who caused them to be so huge" you said. "i don't get it" he replied. "i-i think it's jungkook" you said which made his eyes widened. "it can't be jungkook hyung. he, out of all people, should know how it feels to have sasaengs" jungwon said. "but he keeps on trying to get close to me. i keep on catching him staring at me and he gives me more attention than my members. it has to be him" you said.

jungwon doesn't want to believe it could be his hyung but if he argues then you won't trust him anymore and he doesn't want to ruin the friendship the two of you formed. "he saw us together and he looked very annoyed. he even told me not to come to you for advice. if he said if i ever need anyone, i should just go to him and only him" you explained. "hyung said that?" jungwon asked and you nodded. "and based on a comment from the sasaeng, they hate seeing us together but think jungkook and i would make a great couple. it has to be him" you said. "then should we test if it's him?" he asked. "but how?" you asked. suddenly, your phone started to ring. it was from minseo. "hello?" you said looking at jungwon. "where are you? we're about to start training" she said. "i will be there in two minutes" you replied. "jungkook sunbaenim is getting impatient" she added which made your heart drop. "w-why is h-he there? isn't he busy with his album?" you asked. jungwon notice you started shaking in fear. 'jungkook hyung must be waiting for her' jungwon thought. he felt disgusted the fact that his hyung was stalking you. "that's what i thought too but he said he made sure to clear his schedule because he wanted to be our vocal teacher. he wants to talk about having one to one private session with us" minseo said, making you want to vomit more. "i-i'll be there soon" you said and hung up. you drop down to the floor and stared at your shaking hands. "(y/n)..." jungwon said as he stares down at you. "im stuck...i cant do anything...no one will believe me..." you cry.

"what should i do, jungwon?"

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