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HIS alarm went off which caused the idol to wake up. jungkook looks down to see his love still sleeping. your face buried into his chest, your arms around his body. a smile formed on his face as he recalls what happened last night. the two of you made love. but this time you were awake. moaning and screaming which time he was hitting your g-spot. it annoyed him that now he's gotten to see this side of you before leaving for the military. he can't wait for his service to be done so he could come back home and fuck you constantly. the idol plays with your hair, staring at your sleepy face. he could see his marks all over your neck. "wake up, love. it's time for you to get ready. you have practice" he whispers yet you continue to sleep as you lost all energy from last night. jungkook chuckles and grabs your phone.

Saturday 10 AM

hey minseo, can you tell the vocal coach that i won't be able to attend lesson today

pretty plz!!

you swore that you would come to practice

where are you?

i'm with my boyfriend but he isn't feeling well

he lives alone so he has no one to watch him

fine but in return, you have to show us at least a picture of him

i'll see what lie i can come up with

but you better be there later tonight

our mv comes out tonight and we all agreed to celebrate with our staff

i will


thank you so much! you're a life saver

jungkook puts your phone down and stares at your face. "i can't believe you're debuting when i'm leaving. i wanted to be there for your big day. i would have faked an injury but what i will learn in military will help me know how i can protect you from all threats" jungkook said as he caress your cheek. he's honestly happy that minseo agreed to lie. this meant he can take you to the ceremony where you will meet the rest of the members. he wanted them to know who his future wife is going to be. the idol was getting impatient and wanted to wake you up so you can give him attention. jungkook leans down, leaving wet kisses on your smooth skin. he heard his love moan softly when he starts sucking onto your skin. jungkook smiles and starts marking up his girlfriend while she was asleep. "you're so perfect" he mumbles as he leaves marks. "my beautiful (y/n)" the idol whispers.

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