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ARRIVING back to seoul, you were mobbed by fans. you seen a lot of clips of idols being mobbed in airports. you broke your heart to see them like that. you weren't expecting that you too would experience even though you just started your career as an idol. there were more fans for you than when your members left the airport to head back to New York. you heard your name being shouted and sweet comments yet they kept on trying to get close to you. you just smiled and waved at them even though you were uncomfortable with how close they were getting. you tried to get them to give you space yet some didn't listen. luckily, your bodyguards were there to help you get into the car safely.

once inside, you sat down and let out a sigh as your manager sat in the passenger seat. "(y/n), i know you and your members are all taking a break after what happened to autumn's older brother yet i have been getting calls and emails asking for you to appear in shows. i told them that i would have to ask you first. if you chose not to do it, it's okay" she said. you looked at your hands and debated if you should do it. "i will do them" you replied. "are you sure? you don't have to do all of them" your manager said yet you shook your head. "if i do a few, they will just think i didn't want to do their show. let them know i will" you answered. "if that is what you want" she replied. you looked through the window and stared at all the fans that were shouting your name. suddenly your eyes made eye contact with someone in the crowd wearing a black hoodie with a sign. your eyes widened and you tried to get out of the car yet it started to drive off. your hands started to shake as you recall what the sign said.



doing those variety shows were fun yet tiring. it did cause more people to look up your group.  you got many messages from your members once they found out. they were disappointed that you weren't taking a break and they felt guilty for not being there yet you told them it was your decision and not the company. as the leader, you felt it was your priority to promote your group. currently you were in the dorms, waiting for news about that man back in the fashion show. you told your manager that the sasaeng was there at the airport with the sign so she said she would inform you if she could find anything. your phone started to ring so you rush over to see your manager was calling.

"any news?" you asked, feeling anxious. "so i did some research and got nothing about the sasaeng yet the man, you said his name was jacob, right? i'm sorry to say this but he was found dead in his hotel room. from the news article, he was murdered. they found him in the tub with stab wounds" your manger said and you gasped. "(y/n), are you okay?" she ask while you dropped onto the floor. "i am...thank you unnie. i have to go now" you said and hung up. you stared down at your shaking hands. "i-i don't know what to do...people are dying and it is all my fault..." you said as tears started to roll down your cheeks. would it be safe if you just leave the group and go back to just being a non-famous person? could you even go back to being not famous? will the sasaeng go after jungwon next? or his members too? would they go after jungkook if they found out that you're dating him?

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