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"HI cards, it's been awhile since we have talk like this. the members are still on break but they will be back shortly. while they're gone, i have been working on a few songs. i recorded some covers for you guys so if should be out anytime soon. but that's not the main reason why i'm live today. i have seen a lot of people saying that i'm in a relationship but i am here to confirm that i am not. many people assume that jungwon from ENHYPEN and i are dating but we are just friends. only good friends. so i beg of you guys to stop shipping us. it makes us feel uncomfortable. i hope you guys can support our friendship" you said with a smile. "

after an hour of being live, you turned it off and sighed. you hoped that jungkook hasn't heard the rumors yet. you had told your fans before that they should believe whatever you guys say. especially when it comes to dating. in the past, you guys were allowed to date freely. minseo had a boyfriend before and fans were understanding. when they broke up, your fans didn't hunt down the guy and ruined his life like some people would do. but now as idols it's now different. you got up from the chair and left the room to see jungwon leaning over the wall. "are you done?" he asked and you nodded. "i explained to them so hopefully the dating rumor stops" you said. "i tweeted on weverse about it too. i'm sorry some people are sending hate" he apologized and you shook your head. "it's okay" you smiled.

"any news on the sasaeng yet?" he asked and you sighed. "the police said they can't help since the camera didn't get a good image of the sasaeng's face. i'm staying with my manger until the company can get us a new dorm" you said. "really? after everything you have been through, they still won't help?" jungwon asked, sounding angry. "but you have the copy of that list we made, right?" he asked and you nodded. "good. keep an eye on those people. by the way i am not sure if anyone has told you but the company is throwing a party for jin hyung who is coming back from the military. you recall meeting jin during jungkook's entrance ceremony. he was very friendly and happy that his youngest 'brother' finally met someone who made him happy. all the other members were happy for jungkook. "do you want to attend?" jungwon asked. "can i?" you asked.

"you're part of the family! of course you can but you should inform your manger just in case" jungwon said and you nodded. you made sure to text your manger about the party and she agreed to it, saying it's good for you since you been doing a lot for your group. "she said it's fine" you smiled. "great! i bet the others will be happy to see you there" jungwon smiles back. "before we go, have you met jin hyung? i mean you are in a secret relationship with you know who" he whispers. "i met him once at the entrance ceremony but since then, we haven't spoken" you said. "alright. i'll pretend like you don't know him" jungwon said. the two of you headed to the top floor where you saw other idols. "some are jin hyung's friends. you can stay with us if you want" jungwon whispered. he leads you to his members who were with TXT.

"(y/n), you made it!" jay smiles brightly. "have you caught that sasaeng yet?" sunghoon asked which made TXT surprise. "sasaeng? don't tell me you have another one?" yeonjun asked and you nodded. "sadly yes but this one is worse than the previous one" jungwon said. "how bad?" soobin asked. "to the point where they have been stalking her family and tried to break into her dorm room. luckily i was there and we were save. now her group has to find a new place to stay" jungwon answered. "oh god. im so sorry you have to go through this" the youngest member, huening-kai said. "currently im staying with my manger until the company finds a place. thankfully my members are not here and are with their families where they are safe. i feel bad that this is all my fault" you said which made the male idols all shake their heads. "don't say!" jake said. "yeah! it's not your fault! it's the sasaeng's fault!" heeseung said. "don't blame yourself. you didn't want this to happen so it isn't your fault" taehyun said.

"why would she blame herself?" the thirteen of you all turned to see the man of the party. you all bowed down and greeted him. "welcome back, sunbaenim" you all said in sync. "just call me hyung. i might be old but i'm not that old. so why are you blaming yourself?" jin looks at you. "her sasaeng found out where she and her members live so now they have to move" ni-ki explained. his eyes suddenly turned to eyes of concern. "does jungkook know about this?" he asked which made the others confused. "why would jungkook hyung be concerned?" soobin asked. "because they're-" jungwon cuts him off. "because he used to be their vocal coach, right?" jungwon looks at you. "yeah. he said he can see us succeed so he has been helpful" you lied. jin then understood the situation and now made sure to be careful.

once you and jin were alone, he asked you. "are you keeping your relationship hidden?" and you nodded. "for the moment. jungkook wants the world to know but i think it's best to keep it a secret. after all, it's not been long since my group has debuted and people will make up lies" you explained. "understand. but does he know about this sasaeng?" jin asked and you nodded. "i told him about it but he doesn't know about them finding my location" you said. "i heard that your members are back in the states. where are you staying for the time being?" he asked. "with my manger. they know about the situation" you said. "as much i as i want to say this won't happen again, it might. we are idols. i just hope the company will be more careful and have more security" jin said. suddenly you got a text from izumi. you pulled out your phone and saw the message.

Saturday 2:04 AM

is the dorm locked?


why?  unnie and i made sure we changed the locks


"are you okay?" jin asked as he noticed you weren't looking well. you showed him your phone and his eyes widened.

"t-they got into the dorms and posted pictures of my belongings"

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