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WAKING up, you were no longer in that room but in someone else's room. the pain in between your legs made you remember what happened in that room. tears started rolling down your cheeks. the door opens to reveal jungkook with a tray of food. "you woke up! i tried to make your favorite food. i hope you like it" he smiles as he places the tray of food on the night stand. jungkook takes a seat besides you and places his hand on your cheek, caressing it. "w-why am i here?" you asked. "i couldn't leave you in that room. you need care after what we did" he said with a smile. "h-how did you get me here?" you asked. "i carried you here. i had my car so no worries" the idol answers. "w-what about my members?" you asked. "i texted them that you will be training a bit longer and that they don't need to worry about you!" he holds your hand. "like i said before, im the reason why HYBE wanted to sign your group. imagine how your members will feel when they find out that HYBE terminated their contracts. i know you don't want that to happen" he said.

"what do you want me to do?" you asked and jungkook smiles brightly. "be my lover. that's all i want from you, my love. all i want is your love. if you do that, i swear not to harm your family or friends" he said. "f-fine" you agreed. "but there are a few rules you must follow" he said as he pulls out your phone. "rule 01, you can not talk to any guy. the only guy you will ever need is me. i don't ever want to see you with jungwon again. did i make myself clear, love?" he looks deeply into your eyes. you just nodded and he smiles as he deletes and blocks all of the guys you have save on your phone.

"rule 02, you must share your location with me and have it on at all times. you also have to text me who you are with at all times. rule 03, you are to listen to what i say. you can not argue back to me. i know what's best for you. rule 04, you have eyes only for me. if anyone looks at you, tell me and i will deal with them. rule 05, you must show your love and affection towards me. failed to follow any of these rules will results in punishments. but the most important rule is the last one, rule 06. you can not tell anyone about this or else i will not hesitate to inform HYBE that you seduce me and cause problems for you and your families" he said and you nodded.

"good" he ruffles your hair. "now open your mouth, love" he said as he picks up a piece of the food. "i can feed myself, jungkook" you said yet his eyes darkened. "i thought i told you to call me oppa" he said. "sorry, oppa" you said and he smiles. you open your mouth and he starts to feed you. "is it good?" jungkook asked and you nodded. "im so happy you like it" he smiles. "im sure you want to take a shower so once you finish eating, i will help you shower. i know im your first so you must be in pain. i'll give you painkillers if you finish eating" he said. you managed to eat the food without wanting to throw up and took the painkillers. "let's go wash up" jungkook lifts you up and carries you to the bathroom. the idol places you down on the sink and starts to undress you, now leaving you in your underwear and bra. you watch him undress himself too. "like what you see?" he smirks. jungkook places your hand on his chest. "this body belongs to you, my love. you can do whatever you want to me" he kisses your hand. "you're so beautiful, love. i can't believe you were bullied because of your body figure" he said, making you shiver.

how much does he know about you? "i love you so much" he said as he leans over, connecting his lips with yours. you reminded yourself the reasons why you agreed to being his lover and forced yourself to kiss him back. jungkook felt his heart fluttering and moves his body closer to yours. he removing your bra, revealing your breast. the idol places his hands on your thighs, caressing them. he squeezes your inner thigh, making you gasp. jungkook slides his tongue inside your mouth and swirls his tongue against yours. the idol took your tongue into his mouth and suck on it while his hands remove your underwear. your heart started to race fast in fear. fear that he wanted to do it again. which is true. the idol wanted more yet he knew you were in pain so he pulled away. he kisses your forehead. "let's get you cleaned up. then i'll take you back to your dorm" jungkook smiles. he helps you get into the shower and holds you close so you won't fall. his heart started to beat fast feeling your chest pressed against his. "can you stand up by yourself?" he asked and you nodded. jungkook carefully let's you go and sees you stand up well. he applies shampoo on your hair and starts washing your hair. as he washes your hair, you look down at your feet.

'how long do i have to live like this?'

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